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File semantic has proven effective in optimizing large scale distributed file system. As a consequence of the elaborate and rich I/O interfaces between upper layer applications and file systems, file system can provide useful and insightful information about semantic. Hence, file semantic mining has become an increasingly important practice in both engineering and research community. Unfortunately, it is a challenge to exploit file semantic knowledge because a variety of factors could affect this information exploration process. Even worse, the challenges are exacerbated due to the intricate interdependency between these factors, and make it difficult to fully exploit the potentially important correlation among various semantic knowledges. This article proposes a file access correlation miming and evaluation reference (FARMER) model, where file is treated as a multivariate vector space, and each item within the vector corresponds a separate factor of the given file. The selection of factor depends on the application, examples of factors are file path, creator and executing program. If one particular factor occurs in both files, its value is non-zero. It is clear that the extent of inter-file relationships can be measured based on the likeness of their factor values in the semantic vectors. Benefit from this model, FARMER represents files as structured vectors of identifiers, and basic vector operations can be leveraged to quantify file correlation between two file vectors. FARMER model leverages linear regression model to estimate the strength of the relationship between file correlation and a set of influencing factors so that the “bad knowledge” can be filtered out. To demonstrate the ability of new FARMER model, FARMER is incorporated into a real large-scale object-based storage system as a case study to dynamically infer file correlations. In addition FARMER-enabled optimize service for metadata prefetching algorithm and object data layout algorithm is implemented. Experimental results show that is FARMER-enabled prefetching algorithm is shown to reduce the metadata operations latency by approximately 30%–40% when compared to a state-of-the-art metadata prefetching algorithm and a commonly used replacement policy.  相似文献   
As a new promising paradigm, cloud computing can make good use of economics of scale and elastically deliver almost any IT related services on demand. Nevertheless, one of the key problems remaining in cloud computing is related to virtual machine images, which require a great amount of space/time to reposit/provision, especially with diverse requests from thousands of users simultaneously. In this paper, by using the splitting and eliminating redundant data techniques, a space and time efficient approach for virtual machines is proposed. The experiments demonstrate that, compared with existing solutions, our approach can conserve more disk space and speed up the provisioning of virtual machines.  相似文献   
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a heterogenous disease caused by multifactorial etiology. PD is characterized by the loss of dopaminergic (DA) neurons in the substantia nigra and the accumulation of Lewy bodies. In this study, two Drosophila PD models by exposing Drosophila to rotenone (sporadic PD models) are proposed, and the human α-synuclein A30P protein (family PD models) in Drosophila is expressed respectively. Both models recapitulated the main human PD symptoms including the loss of dopaminergic neurons...  相似文献   
乾嘉时期是清代骈文理论和创作的高峰期。在和古文对举的话语建构中,乾嘉骈文一方面形成了自己的理论系统;另一方面促使了自身文体的独立。不管是与古文求对等地位、争文章正宗,还是主张骈散交融、奇偶不拘等,都反映了此时骈文理论的繁荣。之所以求对等,是因为骈文不是齐梁道弊文衰的产物,经史典籍中俪辞已经肇兴,先秦两汉文章中也多对偶,韩愈对骈文的批判根本不能成立;自然事物多为奇偶相生,甚至非偶不成,文章体制自然可以骈散并立,并驾齐驱。而争正统则是在乾嘉骈文繁荣的背景下,有些文士不满足于仅仅和古文求对等,而是彻底颠覆古文文统,将骈文视为文章正统,古文根本不是"文",是子部杂家之"语"。这就大大冲击了唐宋以来的古文文统,颠覆了唐宋以来普遍认同的文章正宗的地位。而主张骈散交融,以文意和文气为旨归,则是嘉庆末以来,随着汉宋学术的交融和对骈文、古文特征的全面认识后,文士文学思想成熟的结果。对这些问题的阐释将会对深化清代骈文研究有所裨益。  相似文献   
中国书画市场至明代日益发展、成熟,突出地表现在商品经济发达、出现资本主义萌芽的苏州地区。明代苏州地区书画交易有以下几种主要形式:初期书画家迫于生计,选择相对隐蔽的私下的物质交易方式;明代中晚期,书画家靠"润笔"来养生或赡家,开始了直接的货币交换;后来,书画交易普遍由画商经手,市肆操作,价格层次清晰,交易方式逐步正规化和固定化,并向专业化方向发展。  相似文献   
通过家长问卷筛查自闭症谱系障碍儿童是为常见,然运用问卷来区分功能则,本研究欲探索其可能性.结合我国社会文化编制了用于甄别自闭症谱系障碍儿童和区分其功能的家长访谈问卷,并运用该问卷对全国11个城市的2901名1-6岁普通儿童和119名自闭症谱系障碍儿童家长进行了实际调查.调查结果表明,运用该问卷既可甄别又可有效地区分自闭症谱系障碍儿童不同功能.说明运用家长问卷甄别与区分自闭症谱系障碍儿童的功能具有可行性.  相似文献   
本文采用实地访谈、问卷调查、实地观察等方法对贵州省农村党员干部现代远程教育工程资源整合的现状、成功经验、面临的困难和问题等进行了深入的分析。在此基础上,提出了相关的对策和建议。  相似文献   
以信息和多媒体等技术应用为特点的现代远程教育对教育工作者提出了新的挑战.总结了电大公共英语课程“开放英语3”多媒体学习系统的教学设计策略,说明在进行远程学习资源设计时应充分挖掘技术优势,解决远程开放学习的问题,发挥远程学习的特点.  相似文献   
有关孔子及其弟子的言论和行事,除了记录在人们熟悉的《论语》一书中,《孔子家语》一书也是研究孔子及其弟子的重要资料。从《孔子家语》中,我们不难想象和察见孔子及其弟子所处的社会生活背景、诸弟子的言谈举止、音容笑貌以及人生际遇。而在诸多弟子中,子贡是较为突出的一个。子贡是一位生动活泼、富有个性,同时又能理解孔子思想,并且能和孔子进行交流的一个人,他能言善辨,勤思善问,能非常准确地理解老师的思想,而且善于思考、提问,非常尊重孔子,同时也处处维护孔门弟子。  相似文献   
采用实验法、问卷调查法、数理统计法和专家访谈法等方法.以湖南工业大学体育学院体育教育系2009级男生一、二班为研究对象,探讨高校田径课教学中实施小群体教学模式的意义。结果表明:小群体教学模式能促进学生问的互帮互助、互评互议,有利于提高学生学习的积极性和主动性,提高学生学习兴趣和参与意识;有利于发挥学生的潜力,促进学生的个性发展;有利于学生综合能力和社会性的培养;有利于发挥学生的主体性和教师的主导性作用,教学效果比传统教学模式显著。  相似文献   
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