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目的:研究跆拳道后横踢4种战术动作的击打速度效果及对运动训练的启示。方法:以跆拳道后横踢"进攻""迎击""反击""近身"4种战术动作为研究对象,运用Motion-Analysis红外光点高速运动捕捉测试系统,研究在"空击"状态下部分关节转动幅度,人体重心位移变化,膝关节和踝关节的速度、加速度;并运用电子护具采集后横踢4种战术动作的击打力量。结果:进攻、反击战术动作在骨盆、髋关节旋转上与迎击、近身战术动作有差异(P<0.05),而在躯干、膝和踝关节旋转上没有差异(P>0.05)。进攻、迎击、近身战术动作的提膝向心加速和踝关节离心加速好于"反击"(P<0.05)。进攻、迎击、近身战术动作的提膝速度、击打速度均高于"反击"(P<0.05),击打力量也高于"反击",尤其是"进攻"(P<0.05)。"进攻"和"反击"重心移动速度高于"迎击"和"近身"(P<0.01),向心加速度也高于"迎击"和"近身",尤其是"进攻"(P<0.05),但"反击"移动方向与击打方向相反。结论:跆拳道后横踢4种战术中,"进攻"与"反击","迎击"与"近身"动作结构类似;"进攻""迎击""近身"在整个过程中各环节动作肌肉收缩用力、动量传递、击打力量方面均优于"反击",特别是"进攻"显著优于"反击"。在运动训练中,要以比赛规则为导向,了解战术运用现状,科学提高击打速度,提升击打效果策略,更新运动训练思路。  相似文献   
Representative learning design provides a framework for the extent to which practice simulates key elements of a performance setting. Improving both the measurement and analysis of representative learning design would allow for the refinement of sports training environments that seek to replicate competition conditions and provide additional context to the evaluation of athlete performance. Using rule induction, this study aimed to develop working models for the determination of high frequency, representative events in Australian Rules football kicking. A sample of 9005 kicks from the 2015 Australian Football League season were categorised and analysed according to the following constraints: type of pressure, kick distance, possession source, time in possession, velocity and kick target. The Apriori algorithm was used to develop two models. The first consisted of 10 rules containing the most commonly occurring constraint sets occurring during the kick in AF, with support values ranging from 0.15 to 0.22. None of the rules contained more than three constraints and confidence values ranged from 0.63 to 0.84. The second model considered ineffective and effective kick outcomes and displayed 70% classification accuracy. This research provides a measurement approach to determine the degree of representativeness of sports practice and is directly applicable to various team sports.  相似文献   
Museums,schools and geographies of cultural value   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article explores a paradox and a possibility that have emerged from two pieces of policy-related research concerning educational use of museums within England. The paradox relates to the use of museums which, whilst widely perceived as rather elitist institutions, appear from a postcode analysis of school visits to museums to be visited by large numbers of schools located in areas of social deprivation. The present analysis further explores this paradox, drawing on revised postcode analysis and governmental indices of multiple deprivation and income deprivation affecting children. The analysis supports the contention that museums attracted visits from schools located in areas with some of the highest levels of deprivation, although it suggests that this result needs to be considered in relation to regional differences in areas of social deprivation, the location of museums and the differences between individual and area-based measures of deprivation. Attention is then drawn to the potential of considering museums through a geographical perspective, and specifically through Foucault's notions of primary, secondary and tertiary spatializations. It is argued that primary spatializations encompasses how museums are conceptualized and classified; secondary spatializations concern how various elements of museums are articulated together; and tertiary spatializations relate to the placement of museums in wider societal contexts and processes. It is suggested that the postcode analysis of school visits points both to the significance of considering tertiary spatializations relating to the social circumstances of museum visitors but also raised questions concerning primary spatializations of museums. Attention is drawn to changes in the classification and grouping of museums, and how these often encompass geographically based criteria related to the social reach of museums. The article ends by considering the degree to which museums might seek to further change their primary spatialization to reflect tertiary spatializations relating to cultural value.  相似文献   
基于关联规则挖掘的食品安全信息预警模型   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
顾小林  张大为  张可  浦徐进  曹文彬 《软科学》2011,25(11):136-141
针对食品生产加工的安全问题,建立了基于关联规则挖掘的食品安全信息预警模型,此模型从数据挖掘视角以食品生产加工的检测数据为处理对象,分析数据异常情况,采用改进的关联规则挖掘APTPPA算法,生成关联路径树、寻找频繁项集、最大频繁项和最大关联规则,进而抽取报警关联规则,挖掘导致食品安全问题的因素并进行诊断和预警,最后通过实验验证了预警挖掘模型的正确性和算法的有效性。  相似文献   
摘要:为了了解国外优秀古典式摔跤运动员在2013年新规则实施后的技战术特点,为中国摔跤队备战2016年里约奥运会的训练提供科学依据,本文通过查阅文献、专家访谈和使用自主研发的摔跤视频技战术统计分析软件对2013年摔跤比赛新规则实施后的我国古典式摔跤大级别(98公斤级和130公斤级)主要对手的比赛视频进行了研究。结论:1)新规则下98kg和130kg两个级别主要得分技术均为滚桥摔技术和转移摔技术;在其他大分值技术中像过胸摔技术、过背摔技术和抱折摔技术两个级别之间也没有明显的差异。2)新规则下站立摔技术的得分远高于跪撑摔技术。虽然站立摔得分高于跪撑摔,但是在单项动作技术得分中,跪撑摔技术中的滚桥摔是得分最高的技术。建议:1)因为古典跤采用新规则后站立摔技术得分远高于跪撑摔技术得分,所以这两个级别的运动员在日常训练中要加强对站立摔技术的训练和使用,并选择大分值动作作为自己的绝招加以练习。2)虽然在新规则中取消了30s的强制跪撑,但是增加消极判罚后,反而增加了滚桥技术的得分和使用次数,所以要加强对滚桥防守的训练。  相似文献   
人们对于篮球的思维总是桎梏在一种固有的偏见中,但北京奥运会美国男篮重新夺冠的历程启示,要真正理解篮球,还是要从阵容的选择、技战术的运用及对规则、裁判的理解和尊重等方面转变思路。  相似文献   
文章根据武术新规则的实施以及当前竞技武术的发展趋势,强调青少年武术套路运动员力量与速度训练的重要性,并进一步提出了相应的训练方法和手段。  相似文献   
通过对目前ATP试行的网球双打新记分方法及2008年开始实施的双打新排名方法的研究,对网球双打规则改变的原因、规则改变将引发的问题等进行深入思考,并从专项训练学角度提出相应建议及对策.  相似文献   
This study investigates older persons engagement with digital interfaces as one important way to social inclusion. Digital exclusion and social exclusion are intrinsically intertwined, which put older persons at risk for exclusion. To construct meaningful educational practices for inclusion, more insight is needed to understand consequences of low digital competence. Eighteen men and women (retired) have been interviewed about their everyday encounters with digital interfaces. Results show how older persons ‘borrow’ knowledge from social networks or from contacts at previous workplace, to access technology and digital practices. Data also show a common acceptance of exclusion and changes in lifestyle. These fragile chains, put together to access digital practices jeopardise social inclusion understood as autonomy and participation in society. Informants did not mention community arrangements as resources for access and knowledge, which indicate that hard work is required to promote inclusion of this group. A possible way could be using the power of informally framed learning scenarios. Society cannot turn a blind eye to the fact that groups of citizens are hindered from developing capabilities to maintain a social life, to access the health sector, to enjoy integrity and independence and cultural recreation – to live a capable life.  相似文献   
临时停赛是反兴奋剂工作中较为常见的管理手段,依托反兴奋剂规则体系的建设,临时停赛规则整体上体现出了一致性和灵活性兼备的特点。但由于《世界反兴奋剂条例》临时停赛条款关键内容的缺失,以及各反兴奋剂组织的反兴奋剂规则补充规定的不完善,临时停赛规则的一致性和灵活性相结合的优势未能获得充分发挥,不利于运动员权利的保护,也影响了国际反兴奋剂工作公平协调地进行。完善临时停赛规则应当强调《世界反兴奋剂条例》与各体育组织、反兴奋剂机构的反兴奋剂规则之间的“分工”,并重点关注临时停赛的适用标准、停止条件、违规后果、时长标准和赔偿规则等问题。我国的临时停赛规则存在实践适用较少、认定标准简单的问题,应当借鉴国际经验进一步完善相关规定,助力我国反兴奋剂事业的发展。  相似文献   
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