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美国高校教师薪酬制度的主要特点是:以市场为主导,注重工作绩效,薪资总水平较高但个体差距悬殊,法制保障有力。这些薪酬制度在保证了高校吸引高层次人才的同时,也产生了许多问题。美国高校教育薪酬制度为我国提供了有益的借鉴和启示:基于绩效评价的市场调节应有限度,高校教师薪资应保持高水平的外部竞争力,个体薪酬差距不宜太大并须健全相关的法制体系。  相似文献   
密歇根大学学习和教学研究中心是美国高校教师发展机构中的典型代表,中心在机构设置、目标、主要活动方面都形成了鲜明的特色,并在项目和服务上都有所创新,取得了良好的成效。  相似文献   
学术综合交叉能力是大学教师创新力的重要心理基础。本文从大学教师学术综合交叉能力的必要性、大学教师学术综合交叉能力的内涵以及大学教师学术综合交叉能力提高的策略三方面论述了大学教师创新力的重要基础。大学教师学术综合交叉能力的研究应该引起大学教师学术创新力研究领域的关注。  相似文献   
在区域性经济发展、外向型经济的推动下,各地方综合性大学纷纷制定了国际化的发展战略。输送适应地方经济发展的创新型人才的目标对地方综合性大学的师资提出了更高的要求。为了达到这一目标,地方综合性大学的师资国际化发展变得刻不容缓。但地方综合性大学的师资国际化还存在诸多不足,需要地方政府、地方综合性大学以及教师齐心协力,共谋发展大计。  相似文献   
Although the tradition of bicameral governance is well established in Canada's universities, in no province do community colleges operate under a similar principle. In fact, there is no statutory role for college faculty in governance, either through a senate or a senate-like body. This article argues the case for greater democracy in the governance of colleges and, in doing so, analyzes the role of college governance. The conclusion reached is that, while more democratic and participatory governance may be argued on conceptual grounds, it would also improve morale, trust, and communication within the college sector.  相似文献   
随着分工的不断深化,企业间的竞争战略已经从企业的个体行为转向群体合作,平台组织成为主流的产业组织形式。核心企业构建平台主要由两种模式:先积累用户规模再吸引关联企业的模式和先关联利益相关企业再向消费者传递价值的模式。由于机会主义的存在,平台治理必不可少,以内部治理为主,外部治理为辅的多主体共同参与的平台治理模式已经成为平台治理的主流模式。  相似文献   
Income levels and percentage change in 1971–1975 income were regressed on personal and institutional variables for husband and wife doctorates holding full-time academic positions. Results of the composite equation indicate a $1,254 premium associated with being male after controlling for the other variables. Composite results also indicate a negative relationship between income for one spouse and the perceived opportunities for employment of the other spouse. Separate equations for the spouses indicate that this result related only to the wives' perceived opportunities of their husbands' income. By eliminating individuals with education doctorates and substituting the husbands' weights for the wives', the $1,254 differential was partially eliminated. The remaining differential between husbands' and wives' income was due to the greater involvement of the males in consulting and administration, greater involvement of the women in education, and fewer number of years of full-time experience of the wives. Comparison of income changes in both the composite and separate equations indicate that the wives received an 8–9% greater income increase than their husbands.  相似文献   
This paper presents measures of faculty salary compression for 1993 and 1999 based on national, rather than institutional-level, data. Using a recently developed technique and two national faculty surveys, actual junior to senior salary ratios are derived as well as predicted salary ratios that represent what the salary ratios would be if junior and senior faculty were similarly compensated for their productive traits. The analysis, which considers three alternative definitions of junior faculty and stratifies results by institutional type, produces an overall finding of no salary compression. A limited number of disciplines, including business and economics, however, do exhibit signs of salary compression.  相似文献   
美国学术界对高等学校成本和学费问题的研究成果,在制度上仅表现为NACUBO提供的成本分析模板和两份国会报告,但是,如果站在制度推进和成本分析对治理结构的影响角度来分析这些成果,则会发现这些研究成果的重要理论和社会意义.美国十年来的高等学校成本和学费分析至少获得了三个重要结果:一是改变了民众对高等学校收费水平不断飚升的情绪性反应;二是推进了高等学校成本分析水平和成本控制能力的提高;三是,美国高等学校的成本分析是否可以成为撬动高等学校成本控制改革的杠杆,虽然是一个未知的结果,但是,已经有一些现象正在发生.  相似文献   
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