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The Ward Chipman Library on the Saint John campus of the University of New Brunswick is home to a freestanding collection of over 32,000 science fiction and fantasy works, including reference material, primary works, magazines, and mass market/pulp items from most of the 20th century. Some scholars, including Dr. Farah Mendlesohn of Middlesex University, have described it as one of the best in the world. Active development of this collection ceased in 2000 however, and in recent years it has been primarily used as a popular reading collection, with little academic use. A decision to reduce the collection to one designed solely for academic research was met with great protest, and subsequently the collection was weeded and the remainder moved to storage to free up space for other library initiatives. The article describes the collection, the reasons for the proposed and actual reductions, the protests, and the valuable lessons learned from the experience, including the importance of collection development and management policies, the importance of involving the user community to ensure that everyone's needs are met, and the tensions that sometimes arise when intellectual and practical concerns collide.  相似文献   
《受活》在许多视角上得到业内普遍关注,.但在元幻想构建下显示出的具有虚妄疯癫的轮回特征的人文幻想却鲜有人谈论。然而,它作为阎连科神实主义的实践作品之一,正是以此人本主义情怀和观照热情为缘起,深度展示了一个有责任感的知识分子的疼痛感知与敏锐的洞察力。以人文幻想和轮回性视角重新观照《受活》,一方面可以给予作品新的研究范式,另一方面也能够更深入透辟人性的理想真实与灵魂真实。  相似文献   
In a preliminary effort to stem a steep decline in graduate enrollments, a regional comprehensive university began a search for its perceived market advantages. Using the tenets of Bormann's (1985) Symbolic Convergence Theory, the investigation identified fantasy types involved in student decisions to enroll and, after surveying new students (N = 739) over a four year period, isolated two emergent rhetorical visions ~ “Better Program, Quality University,” and “Small Campus, Big Opportunity”‐that were shared, to differing degrees, by students in professionally diverse academic programs. Results are discussed in terms of what they suggest about promoting professional master's degree programs generally, and communication programs specifically, and what they reveal about the saliency of rhetorical visions.  相似文献   
本文分析了唐湜的十四行诗和长篇历史叙事诗的缺陷,认为唐湜的审美追求和艺术方法只有在他的南方风土故事诗中才得到淋漓尽致的发挥.然后指出唐湜的南方风土故事诗有着"赤子"情结、"幻美"追求和童话思维的特点,并认为唐湜的所谓"潜在写作"并不能避免受到当时主流写作的影响.  相似文献   
《毛猿》——“梦”被戳破的悲剧   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方现代工业化在征服自然的同时,也将人置于非自然状态。这种精神的异化,使20世纪西方文学以寻找人的精神归属为基本主题。表现主义的代表作家奥尼尔的名剧《毛猿》,通过主人公六个“梦”的破灭”,构成多样化的戏剧冲突,集中揭示了人的本质的可怕的分裂,表现了逐级上升的三重意义的主题  相似文献   
90年代小说创作异彩纷呈。在体上的实验或说创新成为小说创作形态与艺术发展的又一重要特征,都市新历史、新体验、女性写作等新的体接连出现,使中国小说在艺术形式上呈现出争芒斗艳的态势,体样式上的多元化构成了十年小说一道亮丽的学风景线。  相似文献   
张爱玲将自己学的目光投向了“软弱”和“不彻底”的凡人,关注他们被忽略和被压抑的人性的常态,更加贴近了历史化的主体及其精神世界。她对小说故事性的高度重视,摆脱了当时主流意识形态和启蒙话语强加在小说身上的重荷,体现了对小说这种体的充分尊重。她探讨了现代表现技巧和形式与传统通俗小说融通的可能性,并以其卓越的才华为“雅俗共赏”做了可贵且成功的尝试。  相似文献   
佛教自汉代传入中土后,对中国古典小说产生了重要的影响。通过小说这一通俗文学形式,佛教在民众中得到了广泛的传播和普及。作为代表中国古代白话短篇小说高峰的"三言"就包含许多关于佛教的内容,在佛教文化的影响下,其故事情节具有了类型化的特点,即因果报应型、转世轮回型、色欲考验型以及忍辱受屈型,这些故事类型事实上是一种佛教文化心理的产物。  相似文献   
严文井是继叶圣陶、张天翼之后最具有中国特色的童话作家之一。他的童话作品具有浓郁的诗意。诗意是严文井童话创作的有意追求。这种诗意来自优美纯净的语言、生动的艺术形象、真挚的情感以及灵动的幻想。这四个方面共同构建了他富有诗的意境,诗的美感,洋溢着动人诗情的童话世界。  相似文献   
从曹文轩的《根鸟》等几部长篇少年小说,可以看成是我国当代成长小说的典型文本。小说以少年的精神的动态成长为核心,以成长的视角为主视角,并精心设置了成长的引路人的角色,对少年的成长作了形象的阐释。曹文轩通过小说也对成长作出了独特的美的关怀。他的长篇小说可以被看作为中国当代出现的"成长小说"。  相似文献   
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