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图书馆知识性和社会性的统一要求知识论和社会学在图书馆学中的结合,并形成两种基于不同中心的结合模式。谢拉的“社会知识论”以社会学为中心,知识论在其中尽管具有重要的实践意义,却局限于传统立场。他的理论因此在实质上接近于“知识社会学”。引入个体知识论或社会学的规范性不能使之转变为社会知识论,应采取以知识论为中心,在其规范性中包含社会学因素的结合模式。  相似文献   
The three British Sports Councils are instrumental in developing the policy landscape for sport and physical education (PE). They aspire to equality between the sexes in ‘sport and physical recreation’ (SPR), in keeping with their Royal Charters [Sport England. (1996/2009). Royal Charter of English Sports Council (Sport England). Retrieved from https://www.sportengland.org/media/10309/consolidated-royal-charter.pdf; Sport Scotland. (1996). The Royal Charter for the Scottish Sports Council. Retrieved from http://www.sportscotland.org.uk/sportscotland/Documents/Resources/sportscotlandRoyalCharter.pdf; Sport Wales. (1997). The Royal Charter of the Sports Council for Wales. Retrieved from http://sport.wales/media/128780/royal%20charter.doc] and the Equality Act [HM Government. (2010). Equality Act 2010. London: TSO. Retrieved from http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2010/15/pdfs/ukpga_20100015_en.pdf]. As public bodies they are committed to eliminating direct and indirect discrimination in provision, and advancing equality. One of their main functions is the distribution of public money, and all collect participation data detailing the different SPR choices of the sexes. These are primary planning tools in the three home countries. This paper investigates whether equality in relation to sex is considered a ‘first-order’ question of distributive justice for the Councils. Therefore, the funding awarded to the top SPR preferences by sex for each Country is presented. Defining SPR determines eligibility for funding and the boundaries of the SPR infrastructure which influences and interfaces with sport, school sport and PE. Consequently, critical feminist political and economic theory is used to evaluate the Councils’ framing of SPR and equality in relation to sex. Male preferences are disproportionately grant-aided leaving those of females significantly under-funded. Although the remit of the Councils is ‘sport and physical recreation’ this is usually reframed by them as ‘sport’. Equality is generally considered a second-order question of justice, and outsourced to national governing bodies of sport. Further dance, one of the most popular female SPR activities for girls, has not, until 2016, been designated as SPR in England and has been ineligible for funding. These policies suggest indirect discrimination against women and girls who disproportionately prefer physical recreation and dance to competitive sport. Therefore, the Sports Councils and/or overarching government departments may not be fulfilling their legal requirements under the Equality Act.  相似文献   
运动训练学作为一门新兴的应用型学科有其存在的必然性,在人们的意识形态上己经根深蒂固,我们的任务不是去否定它,而是在现有的基础上去发展它。历数我国运动训练学理论的发展进程,可以清晰地看到我国的运动训练学理论经历了训练理论曲折发展、运动训练学理论体系初步形成与完善、运动训练学理论体系全面发展的阶段,并在不同的发展阶段产生了具有代表性的训练学理论:"三从一大"训练原则、"项群训练理论"、"一元训练理论"。我国运动训练学理论变迁的过程蕴含着丰富的哲学内涵,训练实践积累的经验及特定的社会因素是我国运动训练学理论发展的外部因素,训练实践危机是我国运动训练学理论变迁的内部动力。随着运动训练实践的不断革新及运动训练学理论的全面发展,我国运动训练学呈现出"广泛的学科交叉"、"深化的理论回归及应用"、"注重训练和比赛中的科学与人文之道"等发展趋势。  相似文献   
休谟著作中,价值概念的用词是多样化的,而且是哲学性运用。他的普通价值观,不是主观主义的;在道德价值观上,他的旁观者情感主义仅仅是认识论性质的,而非本质论性质的。  相似文献   
对甘肃省民族地区W县田野调查发现,该地区教师备课既面临物质资源匮乏、制度约束的尴尬处境,也蕴藏着拓展文化资源、传承民族文化的契机。造成这种现状的深层原因是学校科层制管理体制下单一的科学知识形成的霸权力量严重束缚了教师的备课观念。W县教师可以通过以下途径来更新自身的备课观念:调和信仰知识和科学知识的关系,增强对文化多样性的理解及自我反思。在新的备课观念下,该民族地区的教师可以更好地尊重并保护民族文化的多样性,不断建构少数民族多元文化教育理念,积极完善教师在民族文化传承中的个性。  相似文献   

Drawing from Black, feminist epistemologies as well as theories of critical consciousness, and adolescent digital literacies, this paper analyzes the narratives of 7 Black, female high school students who experience oppressive practices, including racial microaggressions, silencing, harsh discipline, and marginalization within a predominately White school environment. At this juncture in which race, politics, and activism intersect with school, media, and identity, this study discusses how Black, female students resist oppression and use digital and social media as well as other available tools to speak out against injustice and heighten the racial awareness of their school community. This qualitative case study uses individual and focus group interviews to examine the ways in which Black female students develop critical resistance strategies, working individually and collectively within existing structures to fight for their humanity and liberation.  相似文献   
王实甫《西厢记》中的千古美人崔莺莺只不过是想象世界里的一个虚幻的美人神话 ,是艺术家充分理想化的产物。红颜薄命、“自古美人遭狼吻”这才是美人历史的本来面目。本文笔者站在女性主义文化思维的视点上 ,试图用别样的眼光———即撇开《西厢记》的文学史或美学方面的研究 ,而仅仅借《西厢记》中的美人 (崔莺莺 )的故事为由头 ,来思考一些关于“美人”的文化话题。  相似文献   
女性写作在我国虽然有着悠久的历史,女性文学在我国的发展却是近百年的事。文章首先对女性文学在中国的发展历程加以简要梳理,然后联系当今文坛女性写作的现状对卫慧的小说创作加以剖析,揭示其创作话语的伪女性实质。  相似文献   
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