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民营企业信息素质现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金晶  张玉智 《现代情报》2009,29(11):179-181
本文通过对中国民营企业信息素质现状的分析,对企业素质中的最重要因素———管理者与员工,进行综合评价与分析,提出建立、健全民营企业信息素质的必要性。  相似文献   
肖甜 《科教文汇》2020,(10):28-31
“四书”揭示了诚的内涵、指向、价值、实现路径。它包括本体论上天道和人道以及知情意行的真诚和一致含义。处于和不同德性、对象交互的关系链中,其具有化己、化人、化物等价值,可以通过存心自省、格物致知等路径实现。它是君子人格的重要构成,也对当代学校公民教育评价有所启示:以公民之诚论证好公民的素养,也明晰不可为,即诚之匮乏、狭隘、功利、无知和规训;强调教育者应拥有诚之伦理示范、真诚评价学生并善于剔除假象;以制度他律和道德自律作为沟通公民之诚教育评价和过程的桥梁,需完善学校公民教育、德育制度体系并培养学生道德自主性、使之行“慎独”之义等。  相似文献   
Luciano Floridi argues that every existing entity is deserving of at least minimal moral respect in virtue of having intrinsic value qua information object. In this essay, I attempt a comprehensive assessment of this important view as well as the arguments Floridi offers in support of it. I conclude both that the arguments are insufficient and that the thesis itself is substantively implausible from the standpoint of ordinary intuitions.  相似文献   
加强大学生的环境伦理教育是实现可持续发展战略的必然要求,可以为生态文明建设奠定坚实的基础,有利于扭转大学生的环境道德缺失现象,提高大学生的环境道德素质。高校作为人才培养的基地,必须重视大学生的环境伦理教育,探索有效的环境伦理教育方式,加强制度建设,培养和提高大学生的环境伦理意识。  相似文献   
心理咨询是一种人际帮助活动,是与人打交道的实践活动,在开展心理咨询的过程中不可避免地会涉及到一些职业道德问题。开展心理咨询活动应遵守价值中立原则、当事人利益优先原则、避免与当事人发生多重关系的原则、保密原则、来访者自愿原则等。  相似文献   
李瓶儿是《金瓶梅》中众多栩栩如生、血肉丰满的女性形象之一。小说描写了她在生活中的喜怒哀乐与爱恨情仇。以嫁与西门庆为界,其性格发生了根本的变化:由一个悍妇变为一个贤妻良母。之所以发生这种根本的转变,一是由于她找到了情感的慰藉,其次在于获得了生理的满足,另外还源于官哥儿的出世。尽管如此,"存天理、灭人欲"的社会伦理环境、封建制度和封建礼教终使她还是未能避免凄惨的结局。  相似文献   
网络不仅仅是传播信息的工具,也成为网民言论抒发和心理交流的场所.在这个“公共场合”里,广告如影随形般刺激着网民的神经,尤其是弹窗广告.推广产品服务本来无可厚非,若强制网民接受其信息,就不是那么合理了.从伦理的角度思考网络弹窗广告,并对弹窗广告的发展做出建议,期待其改善后能以更好的形式发展.  相似文献   
文章就动机与效果对立统一关系,运用马克思主义理论展开论述;批驳了动机论和效果论的片面性。并阐明在实际工作中,由于客观事物在发展中要受到各方面条件的限制而导致动机与效果不一致时,应如何对待和评价。  相似文献   
中国传统“天人合一”观蕴含了丰富的生态伦理思想,具有重要的现代价值。它从整体论的原则出发,提供了理解人与自然关系的哲学构架和思维模式,放弃了近代机械自然观主客二分的思维方式,从整体和部分的关系来认识人与自然的关系。它所蕴含的基本生态理念与现代生态伦理学的基本生态理念惊人地相似,为构建中国自己的生态伦理学提供了极具现实意义的理论渊源和思想资料,进一步阐明了“天人合一”观的现实价值与作用。  相似文献   
Recently, there has been a heavy debate in the US about the government’s use of data mining in its fight against terrorism. Privacy concerns in fact led the Congress to terminate the funding of TIA, a program for advanced information technology to be used in the combat of terrorism. The arguments put forward in this debate, more specifically those found in the main report and minority report by the TAPAC established by the Secretary of Defense to examine the TIA issue, will be analysed to trace the deeper roots of this controversy. This analysis will in turn be used as a test case to examine the adequacy of the usual theoretical frameworks for these kinds of issues, in particular the notion of privacy. Whereas the dominant theoretical framing of the notion of privacy turns around access to information, most of the core arguments in the debate do not fit in this kind of framework. The basic disagreements in the controversy are not about mere access, they involve both access and use. Furthermore, whereas the issue of access by itself refers to a more or less static situation, the real disagreements much more concern the organisational dynamics of the use of information, the mechanisms in the organisation that control these dynamics, and the awareness present within the organisation of the ‘social risks’ these dynamics represent. The bottom line question is whether the assessment of these gives sufficient reason for trust.  相似文献   
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