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文章介绍了一种实现宽带双向接入的HFC网络技术。1996年美国通过的《电信法案》划时代地改变了电信运营管制体系,促使了市场和网络技术的快[M]流,而市场、技术和电信管理三者并行的难题主要落在了服务运营商和网络营造商身上。基于此,作者研究了HFC网络技术在实际生活中运用所体现的稳定、高效和兼容的特点。  相似文献   
本文解析地确定了在三芯等边三角形非线性光纤耦合器中的耦合暗孤子态。结果表明,在这样的耦合器中存在许多类型由复杂形状的三个强相互作用脉冲组成的复合暗孤子态  相似文献   
随着互联网和计算机技术的高速发展,网络用户的数据量急剧上升。虽然硬盘的容量越来越大,存取速度不断加快,但对于某些用户来说,传统的直接硬盘存储方式已难以满足需要,更无法确保数据的一致性、安全性、可靠性以及数据的可管理性。因此,磁盘阵列技术和产品应用而生。  相似文献   
There is a worldwide shortage of organs for transplantation. It has been shown that the attitude of healthcare professionals can improve the rates of organ donation, and that educational programs aimed at improving both attitudes and knowledge base of professionals can have positive outcomes. Although there has been research carried out on this topic, there has been none in Ireland. Anatomy dissection can be a stressor to medical students-we investigate the attitudes of Irish students to organ donation and how they change with exposure to anatomy dissection. A questionnaire was administered to first year students in the School of Medicine in University College Dublin, Ireland, three times over a nine-week period at the commencement of classes in an academic year. The attitudes of the students were positive throughout regarding organ donation by a stranger, a family member, or themselves. There was, however, a significant decrease in support for the donation of a family member's organs in a minority of students. Irish students' attitudes to postmortem organ donation are positive and are not changed by exposure to the dissecting room. There is support for the donation of organs, and willingness among students to donate their own organs and support donation by family members.  相似文献   
文章以文献资料法,数理统计法和综合分析为主要研究方法,围绕运动训练能否导致骨骼肌纤维类型转这一有争议话题,阐述目前对此问题的两种不同观点及其实验证据,以及运动训练对骨骼肌纤维产生的影响,以使读者对当前纤维类型与遗传和运动训练关系研究状况有所了解,并具同时阐述了自己的一些观点。  相似文献   
棉花是我国最重要的经济作物之一,同时,中国又是世界上最大的纺织品生产国和消费国。棉花生产涉及2亿棉农的生计和近2千万纺织工人的就业,因此,棉花在我国国民经济中具有举足轻重的地位。但是,随着棉纺织业的发展,目前我国棉花生产面临总量严重不足和纤维品质偏低等问题。提高棉花的产量、改进其品质,对增加棉农收入、促进我国纺织业持续健康的发展,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
廖美忠 《科教文汇》2011,(24):140-142
随着消化内镜技术的发展,胃肠道的解剖结构显得日益直观,因此笔者认为胃肠道的解剖课堂设计应该进行相应的改变,以达到教学与实践更加贴近的目的。为此,本文结合消化内镜技术,对胃肠道的解剖结构授课进行探讨,为解剖教学改革提供一些参考。  相似文献   
详细介绍了新型双路光纤高速着色复绕机的基本机构和主要技术指标,并探讨了光纤着色固化工艺技术。  相似文献   
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in white matter anatomy of the human brain. With advances in brain imaging techniques, the significance of white matter integrity for brain function has been demonstrated in various neurological and psychiatric disorders. As the demand for interpretation of clinical and imaging data on white matter increases, the needs for white matter anatomy education are changing. Because cross‐sectional images and formalin‐fixed brain specimens are often insufficient in visualizing the complexity of three‐dimensional (3D) white matter anatomy, obtaining a comprehensible conception of fiber tract morphology can be difficult. Fiber dissection is a technique that allows isolation of whole fiber pathways, revealing 3D structural and functional relationships of white matter in the human brain. In this study, we describe the use of fiber dissection in combination with plastination to obtain durable and easy to use 3D white matter specimens that do not require special care or conditions. The specimens can be used as a tool in teaching white matter anatomy and structural connectivity. We included four human brains and show a series of white matter specimens of both cerebrum and cerebellum focusing on the cerebellar nuclei and associated white matter tracts, as these are especially difficult to visualize in two‐dimensional specimens and demonstrate preservation of detailed human anatomy. Finally, we describe how the integration of white matter specimens with radiological information of new brain imaging techniques such as diffusion tensor imaging tractography can be used in teaching modern neuroanatomy with emphasis on structural connectivity. Anat Sci Educ. 7: 47–55. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   
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