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创业企业是中国经济持续发展的重要力量,也是和谐社会构建的重要组成部分,因此,创业企业除了关注自身发展,还应承担更多的社会责任。以现代服务业的创业企业为研究对象,通过大规模的问卷调查获取了创业企业社会责任实践的一手数据。通过对问卷数据进行统计分析,发现创业企业承担社会责任有利于其创业网络的构建和优化,并最终促进其创业绩效的提高。  相似文献   
通过对中小家族企业员工激励的现状和存在的问题及对问题产生的影响因素的具体分析,借助心理契约理论,提出基于心理契约的员工激励模型,并详细陈述激励措施。  相似文献   
湖南衡阳地区三峡移民迁入初期语气词考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖南衡阳地区三峡移民迁入初期言语交际中的独用语气词共19个,其中有17个属于单音节,2个属于双音节。这些语气词都能够分布于句末,其中有11个可以用于句末表陈述,1个可以用于句末表感叹,10个可以用于句末表疑问,有6个可以用于句末表祈使。语气词语音上,具超音系特点;语法上,语气词为是非疑问句的必要成分;语用上,使用频率相当高。这为进一步研究该地区三峡移民的语言接触、演变与融合问题奠定较好的基础。  相似文献   
This article addresses two questions. First, how does a state, in casu the Danish welfare state, based on universalism and social rights as regards its citizens, deal with immigrants and their descendants through education? Second, how does such a state manage to make its differential treatment of human beings work legitimately, that is, what arguments, what interventions and moralisations, are used through the workings of school education? The article carries out an analysis of policies since the 1980s and depicts the construction of ‘the stranger’ parallel to an analysis of the state crafting processes that go on in terms of professional educational interventions in Højmarken School, a school placed in an urban poor area.  相似文献   
This article compares the usage of print monographs acquired through firm orders and approval plans to determine whether title-by-title book selection makes a difference. The circulation data of print monographs acquired in a four-year period were extracted and separated according to their acquisition methods. Usage data were analyzed according to the Library of Congress Classification system and library's three subject area groups (Humanities, Social Sciences, and Sciences). The results indicate that books acquired via firm orders had a higher circulation rate in almost all subject areas. The authors discuss how the findings can be used to inform future collection practices.  相似文献   
高等教育政策的国际迁移是高等教育政策和模式在国与国之间传播、改造、并在新的环境中使用的过程,表现为直接的模仿、批判地吸收、启发与创新等不同的形式和结果。政策的国际迁移是现代高等教育决策的一项重要特征,其有效实现有赖于对输出国与输入国高等教育发展的背景差异和共同要素的全面考察,以及对国际政策迁移的本土化适应的把握。  相似文献   
The Family Class Category of Canada’s Immigration Policy exists with the key objective of family unification. Among Canada’s second largest immigrant group, the South Asians, the cultural practice of arranged marriage is applied across international borders, leading to spousal sponsorship. Existing research on South Asian sponsored wives suggests that they tend to misunderstand their rights as sponsored persons, as well as the rights and limitations of their sponsors. Misunderstandings may lead women to passively respond to sponsor-imposed barriers to integration. This paper builds a case for educating South Asian women about their sponsorship rights to assist them in recognizing and responding to rights violations. The paper presents an educational framework that would respond to their unique needs and vulnerabilities.  相似文献   
自古形胜的长白山区,山川毓秀,地杰人灵。这里不仅孕育了商部族的祖先,还是满清王业的肇兴之地,是抗日战争的前线,更是不屈的长白山人的兴业之基。长白山文学承栽着长白山人博大无私的仁爱情怀、雄豪放旷的粗旷气质、坚毅挺拔的大山品格和保卫家乡、捍卫领土的民族气节。这种昂扬奋发的人文精神激励着我们长白山人奋发进取、勇往直前,谱写全面建设和谐社会新篇章。  相似文献   
哀牢犁耙会原来以农业生产工具为交易活动的主体。客观生存环境条件和神话传说都说明,哀牢民族不是一个农业民族,而是渔猎民族。哀牢犁耙会并不具备哀牢文化的历史本质,而是汉族移民文化在与哀牢文化之间进行博弈的历史产物。哀牢犁耙会的文化本质是农业民族的岁时节日,反映的是农业生产生活方式的节律,体现的是农业文明的精神风貌。随着文化的变迁,哀牢犁耙会正在面临文化空巢的危机。  相似文献   
企业元、最基本企业及企业的原子模型   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在分析商品的最小可分性的基础上,提出了企业元与最基本企业的概念,并认为企业的本质特征是商品生产单位的有机整体性和动态博弈市场契约的复合层次性。论述了企业的权力结构、获利能力、规模边界以及企业与市场的替代关系,并给出了古典企业和现代企业的原子模型。  相似文献   
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