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物理实验在物理教学中占有很大的比例,理解实验原理,探究实验方法,合理分析误差是做好实验的前提,也是学好相应物理内容的关键.电学实验占物理实验的比重较大,其中,电源电动势和内电阻的测定既是电学实验的基础,又是不少学生难以掌握的内容.  相似文献   
在经济、文化全球化和以工业化与城镇化为主要特征的国家发展背景下,面对施甸县布朗族传统文化呈现弱化这一现象,以施甸县两个典型的布朗族村落为研究对象,在运用田野调查、问卷调查及访谈法等方法获取大量研究数据和资料的基础上,采用从定性到定量的综合集成方法揭示施甸布朗族传统文化的变迁特征,并进一步分析其传统文化变迁的地理驱动力,并就如何实现施甸布朗族聚居地区社会经济较快发展与其民族传统文化传承和保护之间的耦合提出相关的对策建议,以期为当地政府制定民族文化发展战略及其传承保护措施提供科学依据和决策参考。  相似文献   
云和师傅是云和县人民政府建立的具有本地特色的农村劳动力转移就业培训模式。其由云和县农村劳动力素质培训中心统一实施,主要分为后备云和师傅专业技能培训和云和师傅后续素质培训两种,培训领域涉及当地农业生产的多个行业,主要采用本地集中培训的模式。但其在发展过程中也表现出培训结构失调、模式单一、政府过度主导等问题,为此,其在未来发展中应重视对女性及偏远乡镇人口的培训、采用更加灵活的培训模式、增强对政府的监督。  相似文献   
Ferroelectric domain walls differ from domains not only in their crystalline and discrete symmetry, but also in their electronic, magnetic, and mechanical properties. Although domain walls provide a degree of freedom to regulate the physical properties at the nanoscale, the relatively lower controllability prevents their practical applications in nano-devices. In this work, with the advantages of 3D domain configuration detection based on piezoresponse force microscopy, we find that the mobility of three types of domain walls (tail-to-tail, head-to-tail, head-to-head) in (001) BiFeO3 films varies with the applied electrical field. Under low voltages, head-to-tail domain walls are more mobile than other domain walls, while, under high voltages, tail-to-tail domain walls become rather active and possess relatively long average lengths. This is due to the high nucleation energy and relatively low growth energy for charged domain walls. Finally, we demonstrate the manipulation of domain walls through successive electric writings, resulting in well-aligned conduction paths as designed, paving the way for their application in advanced spintronic, memory and communication nano-devices.  相似文献   
以海阳大秧歌中的民俗武术活动“斗秧歌”仪式为个案,运用田野调查等方法,从民俗学视角对“斗秧歌”的过程及民俗语境进行分析。认为:海阳大秧歌吸收了军事武术中的兵法谋略与民间武术技术动作,族群生存斗争与比武较技是“斗秧歌”吸收武术元素的重要动因,其逻辑形式表现为礼法约束下由“文斗”到“武斗”的递进,“文斗”体现兵法谋略智慧,武术是“武斗”的主要支撑力量。“斗秧歌”受到礼法约束,以强化乡间社会秩序的稳定,反映了中国传统社会治理中的礼法并施思想。剖析其民俗语境发现,“斗秧歌”是族群生存抗争的仪式手段、护卫生存环境的民间演习、展示个人魅力的艺术舞台,也是地域武术传播的民俗载体。武术与“斗秧歌”之间的融合互动关系,显示武术与民俗活动深厚的历史渊源及武术具有的多元价值属性。  相似文献   
新农村建设是国家为了实现农业、农村经济建设全面发展而制订的一个宏观目标。最终目的是要解决三农问题,实现农村的发展和农民的共同富裕。要想使农民富裕,根本出路是农村剩余劳动力向城镇和非农产业转移。但是农民文化水平较低成为农村剩余劳动力有效转移的最大障碍。因此,对农村转移劳动力进行有效的培训成为必须;如何充分利用有限的培训资源,开展有效的转移劳动力培训成为必须考虑的问题。  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of maximal specific physical effort on postural balance and rifle stability in biathletes in a standing shooting position. The study included 10 junior elite biathletes. The measurements were taken with the Vicon system and AMTI force platform. Postural balance and rifle stability characteristics were determined at rest as well as 1 and 5 min post maximal specific physical effort which was performed on a ski ergometer and continued until exhaustion. Maximal physical effort exerted a significant effect on all examined postural sway and rifle sway characteristics. The duration of the post-exercise changes was longer than 5 minutes. Higher post-effort rifle sway was observed in the vertical direction than in the across the shooting line direction. Post-effort postural balance impairment in the shooting line was much greater than in the across the shooting line direction. Moreover, a strong correlation was found between postural balance and rifle stability. Maximal physical effort influenced postural balance and rifle stability during aiming. Rifle sway during aiming in a standing shooting position seems to be coordinated with the postural sway of the biathlete’s body. Thus, an increase in postural sway contributes to greater sway and lesser stability of the rifle.  相似文献   
从磁偶极子的特点出发,用毕奥—萨伐尔定律、安培力公式和力矩的定义,推导出用磁矩表示的圆形载流线圈沿一直径折成直角的远场及其在均匀磁场中所受的磁力和磁力矩,指出此非平面载流线圈可看作磁偶极子.  相似文献   
以唯物史观和唯物主义辩证法两大锐利思想武器作为马克思主义生产力理论方法论基础的确立,是马克思主义生产力理论成为科学的理论以及与西方经济学理论相区别的最本质的特征;马克思主义生产力理论方法论基础、所揭示的基本原理(生产力发展规律)与其科学的分析框架之间的内在逻辑一致性,是马克思主义生产力理论科学性的本质体现;邓小平关于“科学技术是第一生产力”的思想,是马克思主义生产力理论在当代中国的创造性发展。  相似文献   
在全面建设小康社会和构建社会主义和谐社会的进程中,要坚持和完善公有制为主体的基本经济制度,必须使公有资本不断地保值增值,需要充分发挥公有资本人格化的道德力量。如何实现公有资本人格化,这是国有企业摆脱目前困境的根本途径之一,也是我国当前构建社会主义和谐社会的伦理道德基础。  相似文献   
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