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在汉乐府民歌名篇《孔雀东南飞》所描述的爱情故事中,主人公焦仲卿和刘兰芝面临着人生的三大抉择:请遣或是被驱、等或是不等、死或是不死.选择的不同就会有不同的结局,焦仲卿和刘兰芝在选择中彰显了他们生命意识觉醒轨迹.  相似文献   
学界对杨万里诗歌的研究,多关注他的政治诗和写景咏物诗,少有人提及他的童趣诗。其实,童趣诗恰恰是最能体现杨万里创作的最高成就的诗歌。有鉴于此,文章试图通过对杨万里童趣诗的解读,以彰显杨万里的儿童观,并在此基础上探讨杨万里的儿童心性、人生哲学和理论兴趣对其此类诗作的影响。  相似文献   
《文心雕龙.事类》篇专论引事引言。事实上,“事”字的含义非常丰富,就行文的具体运用而言,至少可以分为六类。因此具体篇目中的“事”字必须具体对待,不可率意而断。《事类》篇引发了“互文性”的联想,刘勰的“用人若己”说对当代具有重要启示。  相似文献   
随着经济的不断发展和社会财富的日益增加,越来越多的雇主开始对雇员的一举一动进行监视,虽然这种行为能给公司带来利益,但同时也侵犯了雇员的隐私权。本文结合中国当前的实际,以求在理论规划上建构出一套比较全面、完整的立法保护模式。  相似文献   
针对目前P2P系统资源所存在的带宽占用严重、搜索效率低下等问题,引入了P2P社区划分的方法,设计并实现了一种集中式P2P系统的社区创建、社区优化和社区维护算法,并通过Maze系统实验验证了社区算法的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   
针对高职院校日语专业的学生听说能力提高较慢的现状,提出了日语教学应以听力教学为重心,运用思维跟随方法,实施精听精解的教学模式,以期使学生尽快适应日语的思维和表达特点,有效地提高听力及会话能力。  相似文献   
中国画的表现,有它的民族传统特点,在透视表现上,中国画有自己的特殊处理方法,它既遵循透视上的基本法则与规律,又不拘泥于一般法则与规律.就是说画家可以根据自己的创作意图,打破焦点透视的视域范围去摄取景物,使画面所表现的内容更全面、更生动,这就是中国画散点透视法.从艺术表现的角度去看,散点透视在摆脱科学的理性束缚后,反而有更独特的艺术空间表现力,并留出更多的意境空间供画家、读者去游览.这正是东方绘画的特性之一.  相似文献   
后现代语境下"狼"形象的文化解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在异彩纷呈的后现代语境下,作为食肉动物的“狼”频频出现于艺术领域。该形象改变了传统文化中单一的文化内涵,呈现出多元化发展的态势:从残忍、贪婪、狡诈的代名词到人类内在精神依托的艺术文化符号;从为人忽视的可憎形象到消费社会倍受欢迎的文化亮点;从主体理性桎梏的对象到艺术解构的对象。  相似文献   
This article is based on research undertaken as part of a study of sustainable school design in Thailand. Since school design solutions are inevitably affected by educational theory and practice, in the search for appropriate building solutions, it has been necessary to review Thai educational theories and practices that relate to the sustainability approach. Recently, there have been several attempts at the international level to respond to sustainability concepts and practices in both educational and architectural fields. These have included changes to the physical building through the introduction of techniques like passive solar cooling, and curriculum changes such as the use of native plants in the school grounds for science teaching. In Thailand, sustainable practices in both fields appear to be in their infancy. This article aims to explore one current Thai educational practice that presents the possibility of responding to sustainability concepts via culturally sensitive education. The practice is based on the three Buddhist principles of learning: sila sikkha (moral conduct); samadhi sikka (mind training); and panna sikkha (wisdom development). In this holistic approach, the principles are practised simultaneously and can be applied to many dimensions, including personal, family, school and communal levels, to cultivate responsive sustainable living practices for the learners. Because the majority of Thai people are Buddhists, this approach may be an alternative way of developing sustainable education in Thailand. It also presents a way to apply local knowledge to promote sustainable ways of living in particular contexts. This may be the first step in the development of sustainable school design in Thailand and could become an integrated part of the country's sustainable systems.  相似文献   
众所周知,20世纪80年代中期兴起的先锋小说是以反传统的角色走上文坛的。但是,我们细心观察的话,会发现即使是先锋也不能斩断传统的根。余华的小说就是一个典型的例子,他的作品中内蕴着"性恶论"、"顺其自然"的生存观等丰厚的中国传统文化精神。  相似文献   
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