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重金属铅的生态效应及其地球化学循环   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着工业化的快速发展,大量工业废弃物的无达标排放到环境中,造成了环境污染.其中重金属污染更是引起了人们的高度重视,很多学者对重金属的生态效应及地球化学循环进行了比较深入、系统的研究.本文仅以重金属铅为例,就近年来国内外学者对其的生态学效应、地化循环研究进行了综述,为以后进一步探讨铅污染问题提供有益的借鉴.  相似文献   
本文针对目前的热点话题——全球气候变暖,提出了三个疑问:气候真的在异常变暖吗?气候变暖真的有害吗?即便气候真的在异常变暖,主要是人为排放温室气体所致吗?经论证分析,本文认为气候变化是一个还没有定论的科学前沿问题,和政治、经济有关,但应该和公众无关。  相似文献   
Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration [CO2], incoming solar radiation and sea ice coverage are among the most important factors that control the global climate. By applying the simple cell-to-cell mapping technique to a simplified atmosphere-ocean-sea ice feedback climate model, effects of these factors on the stability of the climatic system are studied. The current climatic system is found to be stable but highly nonlinear. The resiliency of stability increases with [CO2] to a summit when [CO2] reaches 290 μL/L which is comparable to the pre-industrial level, suggesting carbon dioxide is essential to the stability of the global climate. With [CO2] rising further, the global climate stability decreases, the mean ocean temperature goes up and the sea ice coverage shrinks in the polar region. When the incoming solar radiation is intensified, the ice coverage gradually diminishes, but the mean ocean temperature remains relatively constant. Overall, our analysis suggests that at the current levels of three external factors the stability of global climate is highly resilient. However, there exists a possibility of extreme states of climate, such as a snow-ball earth and an ice-free earth.  相似文献   
摘要:目的:北京携手张家口申办2022年冬奥会成功,冰雪运动热潮正在掀起。但冰雪项目总体发展受到地域性限制。为了实现“北冰南展西扩”的战略目标,加强速滑项目人才的梯队建设,国家体育总局冬季运动管理中心速滑部借鉴国外优秀运动员的训练和比赛经验,提出了“轮转冰”项目。本文结合理论依据与实践成绩探讨“轮转冰”项目的可行性。方法:通过文献检索CNKI、pubmed等数据库,登录国际滑联官方网站以及国内速滑官方网站,收集整理在册速滑运动员过往经历和成绩。并通过专家访谈收集国内外知名的速滑教练及运动员的经验与建议。结果:1)研究速度轮滑与速度滑冰项目共性的文献一共7篇。速度轮滑与速度滑冰在起跑姿势、滑跑姿势、直道滑跑技术和弯道滑跑技术以及能量代谢方面都具有相通之处;2)既往国际上“冰陆双栖”的运动员,男子运动员有21名,其中有16名获得过世锦赛或奥运会奖牌;女子运动员有14名,其中有10名获得过世锦赛或奥运会奖牌;3)国内“轮转冰”运动员以郭丹为带头人物,她是目前中国仅有的1名轮滑世界冠军,2015年4月正式转项速度滑冰。在2016年1月的全国第13届冬运会速滑赛场上位列女子5000米比赛前8名,因此获得入选速度滑冰国家队的资格。结论:1)速度轮滑和速度滑冰项目具有极大的共性,轮滑运动员身体素质和技战术的储备具有转项速滑的能力,保证了该项目的可行性;2)国际上轮滑冰运动员的训练经历和出成绩的时间规律,为中国“轮转冰”项目的实施提供了借鉴依据。  相似文献   
世界银行在全球经济治理中发挥着重要作用,但随着新兴经济体的崛起和近年来金融危机、债务危机频发,世界银行治理结构所存在的制度性缺陷显露无遗,相应改革势在必行。但是,由于世界银行具有公共组织与股份公司的双重属性,使得改革方向出现分歧,改革进程推进缓慢。从根本上说,世界银行改革中发达国家与发展中国家并不存在不可调和的利益冲突,在减贫等问题上双方存在着合作的基础。中国应积极推进世界银行治理结构改革:首先,必须明确“负责任、有作为的大国”定位,表现出推动改革的积极态度;其次,要紧密围绕“发展”主题,注重长远利益;再次,要加强对世界银行人事安排的参与;最后,要积极构建世界银行框架下发展中国家沟通与合作的正式协调机制。  相似文献   
体育全球化的文化反思   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
体育全球化的实质是欧美化。奥林匹克是当今体育思想、组织制度、内容形式的集大成者,欧美中心主义表现得淋漓尽致.其特征是“输出”意识强烈、排他性、强化认同。欧美中心主义的体育全球化与人类的理想是相冲突的。在新的世纪,体育全球化是不可阻挡的潮流,但体育全球化必须以文化的差异为基点,充分认识世界体育发展主体的多元性。中西方体育文化的融合是体育发展的选择。  相似文献   
The recent migration of 65,000 children across the southwestern border, coupled with allegations of abuse by the U.S. Border Patrol, enables the investigation of an overlooked immigrant category: the unaccompanied youth migrant. Analyzing audience responses to news reports of the abuse, we find that established disparaging immigrant tropes apply, describing the children as an economic burden, disease carriers, and offspring of irresponsible families. We uncover two new themes: Youth migrants are channels whereby criminals may infiltrate the U.S., and manipulate legal authorities to remain in the U.S. Finally, we demonstrate how global compassion is strategically deployed to qualify harsh retaliatory measures.  相似文献   
This article examines conflicts over the transnationalization of South Korean celebrities in the wake of the Korean Wave (Hallyu) in the twenty-first century. I consider a number of celebrity controversies to argue that the demands placed upon Hallyu celebrities by domestic observers, foreign audiences, and global capital are fundamentally irreconcilable. South Korean nationalist appropriation of Hallyu, as well as the local celebrity culture, demand that Hallyu stars firstly be exemplary Korean patriots, whereas international audiences expect sympathy for their own causes. Local nationalist agendas have proven particularly troublesome because of postcolonial sensibilities and ongoing territorial disagreements between South Korea and its neighbors. Finally, as circulating commodities and commercial assets, Hallyu stars are also pledged to global capital. Their value is highest when they appeal to as broad an audience as possible and alienate no one with their politics. An apolitical neutrality on regionally controversial issues, however, is an untenable position when antagonistic geopolitical interests are concerned and nationalist passions flare. I situate this argument within critical scholarship on cultural globalization flows within Asia, while engaging celebrity studies to frame Hallyu stars as transnational commodities.  相似文献   
马援在出兵交趾过程中,促进了岭南地区内河通道以及北部湾海上通道的建设,一方面促使岭南地区与中原地区的交往从传统的以战争为主要动力的阶段向以和平贸易、移民为主要动力的阶段转化,另一方面,使北部湾地区逐渐从一个相互封闭的地理区域转化为一个受地区分工主宰的经济区域。上述转变对北部湾地区的经济发展产生了积极影响。  相似文献   
“越是民族的就越是世界的”这一命题的关键词不是无条件的。如果从一般教育、教育研究和教育研究现代化三个视角对该命题成立的条件进行检讨,则只有代表、反映或暗合了人类教育和教育研究及其发展的方向,越是民族的教育、教育研究和教育研究现代化中的“精华”,才越可能是“世界的”,反之则不可能成为“世界的”。  相似文献   
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