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朋辈辅导具有易接受性、及时性和便利性、交叉性的特点,在大学生职业生涯规划中具有重要作用。其实施的基本路径有:心理委员和志愿者,学生社团,团体辅导,网络新媒体。  相似文献   
心理咨询是一种人际帮助活动,是与人打交道的实践活动,在开展心理咨询的过程中不可避免地会涉及到一些职业道德问题。开展心理咨询活动应遵守价值中立原则、当事人利益优先原则、避免与当事人发生多重关系的原则、保密原则、来访者自愿原则等。  相似文献   
我国新颁布的《心理咨询师国家职业标准》较之试行版,对于申请者的资格有了更高的要求,表明了我国心理咨询师认证制度在不断的完善中。但与已经比较完善的美国心理咨询资格认证制度相比,还有很多不足之处,其对我国心理咨询认证制度的完善有很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
注重人文关怀和心理疏导,用正确方式处理人际关系,并着眼于促进人的全面发展体现了思想政治工作必须坚持的以人为本、与时俱进创新原则,注重人文关怀和心理疏导已成为做好当前乃至今后一个时期思想政治工作的主要内容。  相似文献   
Competing perspectives and debates about the meaning of health promotion and the best ways to evaluate the effectiveness of initiatives that focus on enhancing wellness pervade the literature. Given the emergence of health promotion, the impetus for outcomes-based practice in psychology, and the push for evidence-based care in the health system (Thorogood & Coombes, 2000), demonstrations of value and effectiveness are fundamental to the sustainability of mental health promotion activities. Psychology (and counseling as a sub-set field) needs to place itself as a profession vital to the sustainability of wellness initiatives. This paper proposes that psychologists’ awareness and understanding of six key concepts from health promotion evaluation are essential for advancing psychology as a profession and enhancing applied practice for wellness initiatives. The key concepts include: formative, process and outcome evaluations, the qualitative/quantitative debate, the ecological nature, the participatory approach, the focus on community and the underlying philosophies of empowerment and utilization. The use of key concepts from health promotion evaluation strategies support psychologists to a) deal with issues of major public health importance and b) collaborate with other disciplines for the benefit of the public (Sartorius, 1999). Finally, this paper makes recommendations to secure psychology’s place as a vital contributor to future research directions in health promotion, in part because of adherence to the scientist-practitioner model.Whilst Psychology is the generic term used here to represent the broad field, counseling as a sub-set in the discipline is particularly relevant for the ideas and issues discussed. Rather than adding the sub-set qualifier each time the broad field is referred to, the reader in this context is encouraged to hold this perspective of the place of counseling in regard to psychology as they work through the materials presented.  相似文献   
Studies of advanced expertise development in a number of areas are reviewed in order to provide general suggestions about the elements of clinical training that might enhance counseling and educational psychology expertise. The emphasis of the discussion is on the connections between classroom instruction and practicum or internship experiences. Recommendations include changes in the sequencing, context, knowledge content, practice conditions, and motivational support provided to students.  相似文献   
以考研辅导应对高等数学课时减少的分析与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在高校大扩招背景之下,学生素质的下降、师资力量的不足以及某些教育教学管理部门指导思想的偏差,导致了高等数学教学质量的滑坡.考研辅导应:根据校情合理定位;精心组建考研数学辅导教师队伍;根据学生的个体情况合理分班;合理安排开课时间和教学内容;科学规划教学过程和教学方法.  相似文献   
认识领悟疗法是以精神分析学说为理论背景的心理治疗方法,它认为人们出现的心理问题是幼年期的恐惧在成人心理上的再现。通过用求助者理解的、符合他们生活经验的解释,使求助者理解、认识并相信他的症状和异常行为的幼稚性,并达到真正的领悟从而使症状消失。认识领悟疗法对解决现代人心理的问题具有借鉴和启发意义。  相似文献   
在新形势下,将心理学理论应用于辅导员工作,提高辅导员工作的科学性,针对性和实效性,具有一定的实践意义。通过系统培训,辅导员能够将心理学理论应用于思想政治工作,采取真诚相待,无条件关怀,同感等方法,与学生建立具有建设性的人际关系,探索具有咨询精神的思想政治工作新模式;辅导员还能够进行一般的心理咨询,成为全校参与心理咨询模式的有机组成部分。  相似文献   
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