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中国生态农业模式研究与实证分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
文章通过对中国农业生态环境所呈现的问题及其原因的分析,提出了中国农业生产新思路———未来的农业生产应该朝着有限资源———最大使用或有限使用———最小资源的目标模式改革。基于此,文章探讨了生态农业的基本定义、模式、主要构成要素以及生态农业的特点。在这一基础上,借鉴于有关研究作为生态农业理论研究的有力证明,表明在中国实施生态农业生产方式的可行性。  相似文献   
乡镇治理是城镇化过程中需要重点关注的内容,丘陵地区是平原与山地的结合部,其乡镇治理模式对中西部而言具有特殊的借鉴意义。本文以四川省大竹县庙坝镇为实例对我国中西部丘陵乡镇基层治理进行探讨,总结该地在城镇化进程中在经济发展、社会管理、行政管理体制改革、社会事业、党的建设等方面的有益经验,为当前城镇化建设的科学发展提供参考。  相似文献   
Neoliberal ideology has made an impact on environmental education (EE) policies and practices in Brazil. The EE in Family Agriculture Program, of national scope and administered by the Ministry of the Environment, seeks to promote sustainable development in rural areas, specifically through strategies focused on adult education and non-formal education aimed at small producers (family agriculture). This program reveals profound ideological contradictions between the critical and transformative rhetoric of public policy and the actual program structures and practices administered by the state in a dependent economy, which primarily serve to reinforce a capitalist mode of production marked by high environmental impact and deeply stratified class relations. In the neoliberal era, states intending to protect the environment through critical EE strategies suffer serious limitations due to their role as stewards of a globalized economy based on the supply of raw materials, high-impact land-use, and a cheap labor force.  相似文献   
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate perceptions of Bruneian lower secondary students, and, their teachers and parents of agriculture.

Desisgn/methodology/approach: The sample of the study was 151 lower secondary agriculture students, and, their 138 parents and eight teachers. The data, using one-shot case study (pre-experimental design) survey design, were collected by administering three survey instruments (20 items each) covering four scales: (1) importance of agriculture, (2) knowledge of agriculture, (3) agriculture training in schools, and (4) parent/teacher support to students. The items in the instruments were modified to make them suitable for students, teachers and parents, without changing their content and context.

Findings: The findings suggest that the respondents' perceptions (teachers mean scores being the highest) were positive and they agreed that agriculture and its training at schools are important for the nation; people should have knowledge of agriculture and related fields, and, parents should support their children to study agriculture. Forms 1, 2 and 3 students' perceptions about the four scales were significantly different, but not of age and gender based groups. Parents' educational qualifications influenced their perceptions not the gender.

Practical implications: The Brunei government should improve agriculture training facilities at secondary level and start tertiary agriculture institutions to attract quality students to the field and to minimise its dependence on expatriates.

Originality/value: The findings will guide the Brunei government to achieve its vision to produce highly knowledgeable and skilled locals and have a competitive and dynamic economy.  相似文献   

阳春市依托其农业文化资源发展创意休闲农业,既能更好地满足人们体验与自然和谐相处的休闲需要,又能满足发展农村经济增加农民收入的需要;既可以提升休闲农业产业竞争力,又能促进阳春休闲农业转型升级。阳春有得天独厚的旅游资源优势和丰富的农业文化资源,具有发展创意休闲农业的基础;但休闲农业项目数量少档次不高,缺乏科学统一规划,文化内涵挖掘不够等。乡村旅游和农业休闲市场的快速发展,政府部门对休闲农业和乡村旅游高度重视,都为创意休闲农业的转型发展提供契机,也应该正视创意休闲农业;与此同时,创意休闲农业也面临挑战,如滨海旅游市场的挑战、人才流失的挑战和资金转移的挑战。  相似文献   
我国高产高效现代农业发展的战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对人口增加、粮食单产徘徊以及集约化农业环境代价日益加剧的严峻局面, 将高产和高效结合, 持续提高作物单产, 同时高效利用有限的资源, 即实现大面积高产高效成为我国乃至世界现代农业发展的唯一选择。文章介绍了国际高产高效现代农业发展道路的探索实例, 分析了我国粮食作物高产高效的潜力及需要解决的关键问题, 阐述了我国发展高产高效现代农业的"两步走战略"的内涵、途径及其措施。  相似文献   
精确农业技术自成体系,产业化是精确农业技术的唯一出路。在我国,精确农业技术产业化是一个漫长、渐进的过程,需要全社会相关部门的通力合作。应有所侧重地实现一部分精确农业技术的产业化,如电子传感器、节水和节肥等精确农业技术。  相似文献   
俄国农业资本主义关系起源的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
19世纪上半期俄国社会劳动分工发展是国家经济发展的最重要特征,俄国农民中地主农民地位最低,依附程度最深。因此地主农民经济状况和地位对19世纪上半期农村社会经济发展总性质产生决定性影响,在俄国经济发展中直到主导作用。农民经济优于地主经济,农民经济产量高是主要标志。农民分化性质取决于农村占统治地位的社会经济关系的全部总和。农村渐进性进步发展的重要特点在于,这种进步是以广大农民经济状况和地位恶化,只有少数农民地位改善,农民经济难以摆脱封建关系的束缚。  相似文献   
通过到山塘培育瓯江倒刺鲍鱼种试验,结果表明:1亩鱼塘和3.5亩山塘,经过8个月的鱼苗培育鱼种试验,获利12290元,每公顷收入为40967元,投入产出比为1:1.89,经济和生态效益显著。在试验中提出了养殖过程中的有关注意问题,为山塘培育倒刺鳃规模养殖提供了实践和理论的参考。  相似文献   
本文重点分析了新一轮改革以来,我国农口公共科研体系的经费收入结构变化及其区域间差异,研究表明,新一轮改革增加了政府对农口科研单位的投入.改善了不同级别科研单位问的投资结构;但政府财政拨款中竞争性经费所占的比例偏高,这将会影响科研单位的长期发展规划;不同地区及部门间的经费投入比例不尽合理,这将不利于区域和各部门的协调发展.  相似文献   
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