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We write as critical theorists, who consider that in terms of scoping out robust conceptual elaborations which are suitable for contemporary schooling, that physical education has ground to make up connecting theory with practice and practice with theory. We advocate that aspects of existentialism and phenomenology can provide a theoretically sound basis on which to argue that embodied learning should be the foundational cornerstone of physical education programmes. To avoid embodied learning becoming overly learner centric and insular, we advance Merleau-Pontian informed ideas on how learning could flourish when an individual and embodied focus merges with a school-wide physical culture agenda which is underpinned by social and moral theorizing. In developing our focus on merging embodied learning and physical culture, we draw upon MacIntyrean views on the goods which are internal to practice and extend thinking on how these goods could merge with the diverse aims and intentions informing the culture and ethos in schools. In pursuing these ambitions, we outline the constructive activist-based benefits of teachers working within subsidiarity-based school communities where pedagogical decisions are made at a level consistent with realizing whole schools aims. This is in spite of our acknowledgement that the lack of career-long professional learning adds to the difficulty of achieving these aims. In conclusion we argue that if physical education is to become a pivotal component of realizing a diverse range of whole school aims there is a need for greater professional engagement with pedagogical approaches that attempt to derive greater meaning from learners movement experiences and which help learners to understand better both their own identity and the ethos of the school context and environment they share with others.  相似文献   
Background: Within the context of sports coaching and coach education, formalised mentoring relationships are often depicted as a mentor–mentee dyad. Thus, mentoring within sports coaching is typically conceptualised as a one-dimensional relationship, where the mentor is seen as the powerful member of the dyad, with greater age and/or experience [Colley, H. (2003). Mentoring for Social Inclusion. London: Routledge].

Aim: The aim of this study was to explore the concept of a multiple mentor system in an attempt to advance our theoretical and empirical understanding of sports coach mentoring. In doing so, this paper builds upon the suggestion of Jones, Harris, and Miles [(2009). “Mentoring in Sports Coaching: A Review of the Literature.” Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 14 (3): 267–284] who highlight the importance of generating empirical research to explore current mentoring approaches in sport, which in turn can inform meaningful formal coach education enhancement. The significance of this work therefore lies in opening up both a practical and a theoretical space for dialogue within sports coach education in order to challenge the traditional dyadic conceptualisation of mentoring and move towards an understanding of ‘mentoring in practice’.

Method: Drawing upon Kram’s [(1985). Mentoring at Work: Developmental Relationships in Organisational Life. Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman] foundational mentoring theory to underpin a multiple mentoring support system, 15 elite coach mentors across a range of sports were interviewed in an attempt to explore their mentoring experiences. Subsequently, an inductive thematic analysis endeavoured to further investigate the realities and practicalities of employing a multiple mentoring system in the context of elite coach development.

Results: The participants advocated support for the utilisation of a multiple mentor system to address some of the inherent problems and complexities within elite sports coaching mentoring. Specifically, the results suggested that mentees sourced different mentors for specific knowledge acquisition, skills and attributes. For example, within a multiple mentor approach, mentors recommended that mentees use a variety of mentors, including cross-sports and non-sport mentors.

Conclusion: Tentative recommendations for the future employment of a multiple mentoring framework were considered, with particular reference to cross-sports or non-sport mentoring experiences.  相似文献   

采用文献资料、田野调查、访谈法等对我国唯一海洋民族京族的民族民间体育的起源、分类、特征以及发展方向进行分析,认为京族民族民间体育可分为嬉戏娱乐、节庆习俗、比赛竞技三类,并具有亲海性、宗教性、娱乐性的特征.课题根据“四层文化理论”对京族民族民间体育进行分析与研究,科学而准确地把握其的产生、分类和发展方向,促进京族民族民间体育的发展,努力发掘京族民族民间体育文化资源,推广民族体育文化.  相似文献   
经济全球化与我国体育科技产业海外发展研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
国际政治与经济发展的种种变革促成了今天经济的全球化发展态势,在高度发达的互联网技术以及文化多元化的国际文化价值观的双重影响下,经济全球化已从一种“趋势”发展成为了今天的显示,这种新态势迫使各国都在开发市场的同时,努力输出自己的产业,提升自身在全球化中的影响力.我国体育科技发展水平在举国体制的支撑下迅速发展,如同我国竞技体育水平一样,在很多方面处于国际领先地位.以人才和软科学输出为先导,带动实体产品的输出,同时,加强国内和国际市场的统一开发与把握,是我国体育科技产业海外发展的可行之路.  相似文献   
The goal of this investigation was to examine intercultural knowledge development during a short-term study abroad program focused on language and cultural learning. Interviews with students were conducted at the beginning and end of the program, allowing for a qualitative approach to analysis, supported by quantitative measures. While previous investigations have relied on qualitative data, this is the first analysis of intercultural knowledge development based on a qualitative, pre- and post-program design. Intercultural knowledge development was identified considering the change and growth in student knowledge. Results indicated that students experienced a change in the salience of intercultural knowledge themes over the period abroad, focusing on City life and Schedule differences more at the beginning of the program than at the end. Such shift may be indicative of cultural adaptation during the program. Results also demonstrated intercultural knowledge growth over the period abroad, with the greatest growth being related to knowledge themes of Big C (e.g., culture and history), daily life, food and drink, and values and politics. These results led to a distinction between types of knowledge that traditionally have been included in definitions of intercultural knowledge, an analysis of context as it intersects with knowledge development, and a theoretical consideration of the relationship between intercultural knowledge and intercultural communicative competence. Furthermore, practical considerations for cultivating intercultural knowledge during short-term study abroad programs were discussed.  相似文献   

This study explored 150 EFL teachers’ perceptions of critical cultural awareness (CCA) considering their teaching context, academic degree, and professional development programs. The participants all completed the CCA questionnaire, fifteen of whom also sat a semi-structured qualitative interview. Our findings showed, a) EFL teachers’ perceptions of CCA located at a medium level, b) the PhD participants showed significantly higher engagement in CCA than their BA and MA counterparts, c) private language institute teachers reported higher levels of CCA than their state-run school counterparts and d) local professional development programs did not emphasize culture teaching in general and CCA in particular.  相似文献   
重庆市统筹城乡发展改革在九龙坡区陶家镇和海龙村的试点较为成功,其共同点在于注重以工促农、社会保障和土地集约,而在改革主导角色、农民身份转变和土地流转方式上各具特色。"陶家模式"和"海龙模式"的实践证明:中小企业是统筹城乡发展的纽带,农民增收是统筹城乡改革顺利推进的关键,土地政策是统筹城乡发展的核心问题,统筹城乡发展需要系统思考与政策创新。目前,两种模式的深化发展,面临土地政策供给不足、社会保障推力不够、城乡规划视野不宽、政策落实不到位、资源要素流通不畅、管理体制不顺等困难。应进一步探索土地集约利用的新机制,加快城乡一体的社会保障体系建设,充分保障农转城人员的利益,推进城乡科学规划,破除农村投资樊篱,并提升各级政府的统筹发展能力。  相似文献   
从技术进步和生态环境保护两方面切入,运用合成控制法对我国西部大开发战略实施的转型升级效果进行评价,分析结果表明:在技术进步方面,自西部大开发战略以来,西部地区总体的全要素生产率(TFP )要高于合成西部地区,2000—2013年西部地区TFP 的年均增长率也高于合成西部地区,西部大开发战略的实施总体上促进了西部地区TFP的提高;在生态环境方面,西部地区的废气排放强度在2005年开始低于合成西部地区,废水排放强度在2010年开始低于合成西部地区,而固体废物排放强度持续高于合成西部地区,西部大开发战略的实施对西部地区生态环境的影响有正面的,也有负面,总体上看是积极的。进一步考虑生态环境的外部性及“中部崛起”和“振兴东北老工业基地”战略的实施等因素,西部大开发战略的实施对西部地区经济发展的转型升级是具有促进作用的。  相似文献   
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