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The beginning of the twentieth century was a period of pedagogical enthusiasm and renewal in the field of education. Based on a list of articles concerning art education published in Belgian periodicals between 1903 and 1923, the author undertakes an analysis of the title words in order to study how the subject was able to evolve. For this purpose, the pertinent title words are grouped into content categories. It can be seen that these content categories demonstrate specificity compared to other periods. The specificity of the subject at a given moment implies that the transformation of the subject consists of the emergence, the decline or the exchange of categories, which can also be demonstrated. The connections of these variations to historical facts are substantiated. It can therefore be stated that these variations represent the historical evolution of the subject. However, such emergence, decline and exchange of categories is only possible on condition that each category is able to vary independently of the others. This is shown by an autonomy index as well as by an 2‐test. Thus, art education did not drop from the sky as a ready‐to‐teach school subject. Art education is always what the people make of it, which makes reflection on what it could be or has to be so important at any given moment too.  相似文献   
新中国成立以来,学生负担与减轻学生负担问题一直是我国基础教育领域中所关注的问题.从新中国成立之初,到改革开放的发展时期,一直到跨入新世纪的今天,回溯我国半个世纪以来所进行的“减负”历程.今天基础教育改革过程中的学生负担问题是个复杂的社会问题;对我国半个世纪“减负”问题的历史回溯与思考,为我们今天正确认识学生的负担问题,提出和实施有效的“减负”应对策略,有着积极的借鉴意义与思考价值.  相似文献   
文化大革命中风靡一时的“样板戏”是寄托文革“乌托邦”文艺理想的一种特殊的文艺样式,是文革中被国家文化机构一手扶植起来的一批“样板”文艺作品。这批作品虽然出现在文革时期,但它与17年期间的现代戏剧改革运动有直接的联系,是“戏改”中产生的一批现代戏被修改加工而来的产物。“样板戏”与未被改编的现代戏相比仅仅是理念化、政治化的程度不同,其为政治服务的“工具”属性的本质相同。  相似文献   
从1874年《申报》有关日军入侵台湾的“论说”文章中,可以看出,在对日本的警惕、对日本出兵台湾的动机和借口以及对台湾事件的态度等方面,《申报》坚持独立舆论,与官方有不同声音。但在涉及到国家主权和领土完整等重大问题时,《申报》与政府保持基本一致,表现出强烈的民族国家意识、爱国精神和正义感。《申报》之独立舆论及其特征,对于研究近代中日两国相互认知、中国人的日本观及其变迁,具有独特的史料价值。  相似文献   
苏轼的史论文数量众多,质量上乘,主要包括论历代人物和论历史事件。前者论述了先秦至唐朝的众多历史人物,重点是先秦秦汉人物;后者则以其《正统论》最为有名。苏轼的史论文在形式上笔势纵横,议论横生,极具感染力;在思想内容上喜言得失成败,罕及纲常伦理。不仅在宋代占有重要地位,对宋以后的历代史论文都有着深远的影响。  相似文献   
自金庸、古龙、梁羽生、温瑞安这新派武侠四大家之后,超越与突破、创新与求变成了新时期武侠小说创作的核心主题。令人欣喜的是,在经历了困惑和阵痛之后,一大批"70后"乃至"80后"的新武侠作家及其作品成功地破茧而出。他们的创作既给武侠小说带来了种种新变,也从历史、文化、审美、精神等层面彰显了自身的多元价值。  相似文献   
通过进一步研究发现,王尽美共接受11年学校教育,先读了4年私塾,又插班读完初等小学,接着又读了2年高等小学,接受了3年师范教育,并没有取得山东第一师范学校的中师毕业文凭,所以,王尽美是高小毕业;1923年前后,王尽美离开山东与尹宽、陈独秀没有任何关系;王尽美病故前对同事是有交待的,对此还需进一步挖掘。  相似文献   
作为元末北方儒学的代表人物,苏天爵的经世思想是非常突出的,主要表现在自觉记述元朝立国以来政治、经济、文化教育等多方面成就,浓厚的忧患意识,提倡多施仁政、爱民厚生的思想等方面。  相似文献   
根据问卷调查的结果,建议把唐山市乡镇初中地理教师培训分为两个层面,对非专业教师主要培训其地理专业知识和专业技能,对专业教师则根据其专业化发展阶段的不同而采取不同的培训内容和培训方法。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to examine the attitudes of non-thesis master's degree program: geography teacher candidates towards teaching profession regarding several socio-cultural features. The study was conducted in different universities with 218 geography teacher candidates enrolled in the geography education non-thesis master's degree program. The study was made by survey model. Data were collected by the "Attitude Scales Towards Teaching Profession" developed by ~etin (2006) and "Personal Information Form" developed by the authors. Data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA (the one-way analysis of variance) (F) and LSD (least significant difference) techniques. The results are given as follows: (1) The average of candidates' attitude grades are in favor of female candidates; (2) There is no difference between whether candidates work at a job; (3) According to variables of the types of high school graduated, educational level of the parents, occupations, income level and living place, there is no difference in candidates' attitudes scores; and (4) Candidates' enrolled in the geography education non-thesis master's degree program reason of preference influence on attitudes to teaching profession.  相似文献   
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