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陈肖 《山西档案》2006,(2):17-21
一、徽州文化及其内容近人吴日法《徽商便览·缘起》说:“吾徽居万山环绕中,山谷崎岖,峰峦掩映,山多而地少。”徽州地处安徽南部黄山、齐云山之间的东南丘陵地区。唐大历四年(769年)形成的州辖六县格局,到宋徽宗宣和三年改歙州为徽州,当时徽州府辖歙县、休宁、黟县、婺源、祁门、绩溪六县,由此至明清,基本未变,因而,徽州是一个具有稳定性和完整性的文化地理范围。徽州文化崛起于南宋,鼎盛于明清,从广义上说,是指历史上的徽州人在社会历史实践过程中创造的物质和精神财富的总和。无论在器物文化层面,制度文化层面,还是精神文化层面,都有深厚…  相似文献   

Working on preventive conservation in Italy is difficult but not impossible. After small successes and setbacks convincing museums to adopt elements of preventive conservation in the 1990s, the first author (Rossi Doria) was contracted for 15 years to preserve the historic carriages and associated objects of the Presidency of the Republic of Italy. This required patience to overcome or circumvent obstacles such as an inflexible bureaucracy and the absence of any formal recognition of preventive conservation within the educational and contractual systems for heritage conservation. The key factors in his success were the support of the curators, the financial and planning autonomy of the Presidency, and the obvious need for conservation and preservation of these elegant and complex objects. The program began in 2001 with the recovery of the forgotten collection from inappropriate storage in several locations. The entire collection was surveyed and recorded, not only the carriages but also thousands of harnesses, saddles, clothing, fabrics, weapons and memorabilia. Multiple preventive and interventive actions were undertaken, such as pest eradication for all sensitive materials, environmental surveys, and everyday maintenance, as well as complex treatments for the ornate carriages. Analysis by country of published articles on preventive conservation and of IIC membership both confirm that the topic is not as well established in Italy as in many other countries. Some reasons and solutions are proposed.  相似文献   
Library access to justice programs and services help people who need legal information and who cannot afford an attorney. Librarian mediation is a critical component in the provision of access to justice services. However, the value of library mediation, or assistance with using library resources, is often unrecognized, particularly where members of the public are trying to access electronic legal information sources, online legal forms, and other law technologies. This article will explore the role of librarians in providing access to justice services from the perspective of the work of Richard Susskind, which emphasizes technological approaches to providing legal services. While there is a place for technology in access to justice services, there is also a valuable role that librarians play in contributing to access to justice.  相似文献   
马克思认为,意识形态本质上是编造幻想、掩蔽现实关系的精神力量。他把自己创立的学说称作科学,与意识形态相对立。列宁依据时代特征的新变化,不再一般地谈论意识形态的“虚假性”,把马克思主义的社会主义学说称为科学的意识形态,将意识形态概念中性化,深刻认识到无产阶级意识形态和资产阶级意识形态的对立,吸收古今中外思想文化中的合理成分,对无产阶级进行意识形态灌输,努力用无产阶级的意识形态来指导无产阶级的革命斗争,从而开辟了马克思主义意识形态发展的新境界。  相似文献   
"意识形态"是20世纪思想史上内容最复杂、意义最含混的范畴之一。意识形态(Ideologie)也是基本内涵存在激烈争议的一个概念,对意识形态范畴的不同理解和使用,折射了意识形态的社会转化。马克思对意识形态范畴的革命性转折使用,成就了他对唯物史观的伟大发现。意识形态范畴的动态复合性,决定了其内涵处于流变过程中,体现了人类思想认识不断向深处转化。  相似文献   
马克思主义中国化产生了两大理论成果,即毛泽东思想和邓小平理论。马克思主义中国化的 基本经验是:马克思主义中国化是一个历史的动态的过程;是一个解放思想,实事求是, 反对教条主义的过程;是一个坚持和发展马克思主义的过程。  相似文献   
安德森的历史社会学吸收了马克思主义和非马克思主义的一切有价值的理论和方法论 ,阐述了西欧发展道路的唯一性和人类历史发展的多样性。同时 ,这一理论体系也存在不少自相矛盾的地方  相似文献   
昔日辉煌的赵树理方向与今日赵树理研究界的相对冷清同样是令人关注的文学现象。本文试图从时代背景、评论介入、创作心理及读者群的转换几个方面去分析赵树理的创作“命运”,并在此基础上体验赵树理创作的本真状态。  相似文献   
源于西方社会的农村合作经济组织自20世纪上半叶导入中国乡村社会以来,由于各种因素的影响,其组织形式和运行制度发生了惊人的变化并带有明显的历史性缺陷。对以往建立的合作经济组织的改革,集中到一点,就是变“官办”为“民办”。随着农村经济市场化的推进和村民自治制度的实施,积极稳妥地发展农村合作经济组织的任务已提到各级政府和广大农民面前,各级政府的支持,但不强行干预,是其健康发展的基本条件。  相似文献   
美国"退伍军人权利法案"的颁布及其历史意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国国会于1944年颁布了"退伍军人权利法案",旨在帮助退伍军人在二战后更好地适应平民生活.法案的基本内容有美国国会授权联邦政府,对在二战中服兵役超过90天的美国公民提供医疗、卫生、住房等方面的优惠政策;对因战争中断深造机会的美国公民提供资助,让他们有机会接受适当的教育或训练.该法案的颁布实施,使数百万美国退伍军人受惠,对美国迅速从战时经济向民用经济转变提供了智力支持和人才保证.我们应当借鉴美国颁布和实施"退伍军人权利法案"的成功经验,尽早颁布具有中国特色的"退伍军人权利法案",建立用法律手段安置我国退伍军人的规章制度,确保我国退伍军人的安置工作在法制化的轨道上顺利进行.  相似文献   
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