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对如何鉴别科学理论和科学发现中哪些是具有革命性的或不具有革命性的争论一直没有停止过。科恩提出了自己的观点:鉴别科学革命发生与否的四个判据。科恩的四个判据带有明显的主观因素,判据之间界限模糊,并非鉴别科学革命的充分必要条件,在广泛适用性和普遍性上存在着可推敲之处。新旧科学理论的更替正如自然界中的新陈代谢。是知识生态圈的进化现象,用科学进化更能表现科学理论发展的实质。  相似文献   

A successful transition from preschool to school demands continuity in education between the institutions: continuity in pedagogy, values and institutional structures. One way to achieve continuity is to learn how to do boundary work in the borderline of two activity systems. This article examines what kinds of discourses frame the problem-solving process in the context of inter-professional collaboration. The data consists of video-recorded, inter-professional discussions in the 2012–2013 (a total of 22.5?h). The project, called Flexible Preschool and School, aims to develop a new model for a smooth transition to school. In the project, professionals from preschool and school create joint activities and co-teaching, which is assumed to bridge the gap between pedagogies and assure the continuity of learning. The professionals’ cultural thoughts in different kinds of problem-solving situations become visible in the discourses produced in the talk. These discourses describe their capacity for solving shared problems. Creating new innovations demands an understanding that complex problems require diverse knowledge. Considering the shared knowledge as valuable enough to put into practice is the way to create new forms of problem-solving. This is implemented by taking on the responsibility to be an active actor.  相似文献   
文史关系是中国传统史学的重要命题,中国现代诸多史家对此作了多角度和层面的继承与发展。翦伯赞是在这方面做出重要贡献的马克思主义史学家。他系统和深入地分析了中国古代文学作品的史料价值及其原因,并大量引用文学作品来论证和阐释历史,开拓了"引文入史"的治史新径。他发扬"文史合一"的历史书写传统,强调历史书写的文学性,写出许多文采飞扬和饱含激情的经典史作与历史散文。同中国现代其它史家相比,翦伯赞所作的理论和实践探索特色鲜明,贡献卓著。  相似文献   
《国朝典汇》是明代万历间徐学聚编纂的一部本朝典制类史书。分类编载了自明太祖开国至隆庆间二百余年朝廷内外典章史实。它是研究明史必不可少的史著。书中蕴涵了徐学聚丰富的史学思想。文章从天命史观、正统史观、重民思想、秉笔直书等方面来阐述徐学聚的史学思想。  相似文献   
本文系《福建师范大学图书馆藏中琉关系史料述略-明清文献之一》的续作,并承上文中体例,分为:一、册封使的著作;二、历史、地理类典籍;三、诗文集、类书、笔记、杂著等三个部分。将馆藏有关中琉关系的17种明清文献,分别述其要略,以便向学术界提供史料参考。  相似文献   
对20世纪的中国文学,尤其是对中国大陆当代文学进行分期的历史命名,究竟是采用"年代",还是"时期",实际上取决于文学运动与社会发展的多重关系.从区域文学的角度来看,中国大陆当代文学运动在其阶段性发展中,有必要进行"社会主义革命时期文学"、"文化大革命时期文学"、"新时期文学"、"后新时期文学"这样的历史命名.  相似文献   
The sustainability of research-based innovations in schools is constrained not only by systemic institutional barriers and inherent contradictions between schooling and research, but also by the related issue of time. This case study suggests that relative timescales, e.g., the collective activity of schooling over decades versus the individual actions of researchers over semesters or years, hinder the coordination and synchronization of schooling and research processes. Using cultural–historical activity theory and heterochrony, this analysis of data from a 4-year collaborative school-university research and development project suggests that, in spite of active support from school personnel, temporal conflicts undermined research activity and the sustainability of the innovation. At the same time, when researchers aligned their actions with the actions and timescales of school personnel, core elements of the innovation were appropriated into school practice.
Honorine NoconEmail:
从传世文献看 ,孔子论《诗》是站在文化的立场 ,运用引譬连类的方法加以推演 ,揭示其礼乐文化意义 ,以指导学《诗》者提高道德修养和知识水平。子夏虽然接受了孔子的礼乐文化思想 ,但由于社会环境的变化以及自身认识的差距 ,其论 .《诗》则偏重于站在政治的立场 ,从诗反映社会政治和为社会政治服务的角度来揭示诗义 ,其基本方法是以“美刺”说诗 ,以期发挥《诗》的政教作用。比较传世文献与上博楚竹书《诗论》对具体作品的评论 ,楚竹书《诗论》的立场和方法与孔子较为一致 ,竹书整理者定名为《孔子诗论》是合适的  相似文献   
战略思维就是关于全局性思维。邓小平战略思维反映了在和平与发展的时代条件下 ,我国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设新时期的时代精神。邓小平战略思维是对我国社会主义胜利和挫折历史经验的科学总结 ,是改革开放和现代化建设的新鲜经验的总结 ,是对其它社会主义国家兴衰成败历史经验的总结 ,是对世界经济发展新经验和科学技术革命新成就的概括和吸取。研究邓小平的战略思维无论是对邓小平理论的丰富和拓展 ,还是对面向未来的中国发展战略的把握 ,都具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   
审视探索社会形态有待于相应的科学方法论为指导,马克思主义不啻为我们提供了唯物史观,尚应把其中的一些原理置于研究社会形态的方法论之角度来认识。这里疏解其主要方法论是:尽管社会形态错综复杂、充满矛盾,但毕竟是有自身规律的统一过程,故将社会形态的发展变化视为自然历史过程是研究它自身的首先的方法论原则;具体的、历史的分析方法是研究社会某现象或某形态的基本方法论原则;整体性、有序性、动态性等系统论原则是研究社会形态的整体性方法论原则。  相似文献   
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