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生命教育:大学生思想政治教育中不容忽视的课题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生命教育是高校思想道德教育体系的拓展和延伸,是大学生思想政治教育中不容忽视的课题。文章在阐述生命教育的基本含义与主要特征的基础上,分析了生命教育在大学生思想政治教育中的重要性,进一步提出了高校开展大学生生命教育的有效途径。  相似文献   
冯友兰一生与教育活动结下不解之缘。在冯友兰的哲学思想中,与其教育思想及活动关系最为密切的,当属其人生哲学思想。冯友兰的人生哲学思想,主要体现在他的人生观及人生境界理论当中。基于人生哲学思想,冯友兰还提出了志于"立德"、注重"教化"和个人"努力"等教育主张。这些主张直至今天仍具有十分重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
新疆跨越式发展将促进新疆经济又好又快发展,是实现"两个大局"战略思想的具体体现,是国家发展战略的重要支点,从而奠定新疆在国家发展战略中的地位。  相似文献   
从教学论的视角检视师范院校教育学课程建设,要求教育学课程作出调整和改革。教学目标人性化、教学内容学科化、教学过程生成化、教学方法综合化、教学手段多样化、教学评价多元化是未来教育学课程建设的教学论诉求。  相似文献   
当代社会思潮纷繁复杂,对大学生思想的渗透也呈现出新的特质。在渗透媒介上,传统渠道和新型传播手段并用;在渗透方式上,显现性与潜隐性交替出现;在渗透结果上,正向性影响与负向性影响同时并存。全面掌握社会思潮的种种特点,增强大学生对主流意识形态的认同感,探索新的社会思潮引导方式,引导大学生正确对待社会思潮,对于帮助大学生健康成长意义重大。  相似文献   
梁启超作为百科全书式的学术大师,是学界长期关注的重点和热点;同时作为中国近代杰出的启蒙思想家和教育家,其青年教育思想是梁启超研究的重要组成部分,学者给予了应有的重视并取得了系列成果。通过对《少年中国说》和《新民说》为中心进行考察,梳理和总结梁启超青年教育思想的学术背景、思想渊源、历史命题和当代借鉴等相关成果,宏观勾勒梁启超青年教育思想研究的全貌,并对既有成果进行辩证分析,以助推这一研究持续深入与不断拓展。  相似文献   
20世纪40年代末,中国史坛出现了总结百年来中国史学发展的热潮,齐思和积极参与并提出了许多有价值的论题,他对中国近代史学的探讨,集中在中国近代史学的发展趋势、存在的主要史学流派和问题等方面,具有重要的学术意义。  相似文献   
文章从语文教育的渗透性与溶解性出发,基于语文教学时空特定性的认识,从知识内容的建构、思维工具与方法两个维度,提出了语文教学内容的凝聚如何取得语言文学界、知识界或学术界支持的整体构想。  相似文献   
《History of education》2012,41(1):87-102

At the time I began work in university, I entered a world which was leisured, privileged and patriarchal, in the United Kingdom at least…. I came from a world in which only 3% of the population aspired to university. I belonged to a world in which, having got where I was through the eleven-plus and ‘A’ levels, there was almost a sense that society owed us a living. (Roy Lowe, 2002 1 1Roy Lowe, ‘Do We Still Need History of Education: Is it Central or Peripheral?’ History of Education 31, no. 6 (2002): 492–3. )

Women were not obviously on the outside when I attended my first conference – a day conference in 1976 at what was then the Birmingham Polytechnic, now University of Central England. Many women attended although in the first years few were keynote speakers. More importantly there was little about women in the history itself except in the meetings of the Women’s Education Study Group where Carol Dyhouse, June Purvis, Penny Summerfield and Gaby Weiner were all dominant. (Ruth Watts, 2005 2 2Ruth Watts, ‘Gendering the Story: Change in the History of Education’, History of Education 34, no. 3 (2005): 226. )

In 1967, aged 11, I moved on from my primary school in south London, and was selected to enter the local grammar school. I left most of my friends behind and began a daily routine of walking nervously through the council housing estates in my school uniform. By the time I left this school, seven years later, it had moved to one of the more prosperous suburbs of London to avoid being turned into a comprehensive. In the early twenty-first century, it is one of the leading academic secondary schools in the country, which it certainly was not in 1967. (Gary McCulloch, 2007 3 3Gary McCulloch, ‘Forty Years On: Presidential Address to the History of Education Society, London 4 November 2006’, History of Education 36, no. 1 (2007): 6. )  相似文献   
中国马克思主义哲学史学史研究是自1979年我国马哲史学会成立迄今我国马哲史学科发展历程的一门"新"学科,所谓"新"在于学界尚无集成研究该历程的著述问世。我国马哲史学会成立已33年,第一部马哲史稿编撰出版迄今已历31年,将这30余年间该种以传播主流意识形态为首要任务的史学发展历程中的点点滴滴以史学史的体相汇聚成篇,明晰我国马哲史学史研究的分期、内生逻辑、史德构建三方面内容,有利于建构一个脉络清晰的学科史研究模型。  相似文献   
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