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建构写作智慧体系是写作教学的出发点和归宿。建构写作智慧体系,需要整合五个方面的内容:传递写作知识、提升认识智慧、传导认知策略、培养写作技能、传授写作策略。  相似文献   
基金视角下的学科知识流动网络构建与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 在学科交叉融合的背景和趋势下,科研人员的跨学科研究行为促进了知识在不同学科之间的共享与流动。以基金领域为视角,研究学科知识流动,以期为基金管理工作提出建议。[方法/过程] 提出基于基金代码共现的学科知识流动强度测量方法,并利用社会网络分析方法,对193517个国家自然科学基金项目数据构建学科知识流动网络,探究网络的演变过程以及不同学科层次内知识流动路径。[结果/结论] 通过以上分析,得到如下结论:学科知识流动网络是无标度网络,随着时间的推移,网络的规模和结构都发生显著的变化,网络中重要节点呈非稳态;不同学部之间,存在若干条较为重要的知识流动路径;在某一个学部内,具有较广影响力的一类学科往往更容易构成知识流动链条。  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 结合网络健康信息搜索情境,从健康知识素养和健康信息检索素养两个视角出发,对用户健康信息搜索行为的过程变量和结果变量进行影响分析,探究健康素养对用户健康信息检索行为的影响机理。[方法/过程] 采用情境模拟实验和问卷调查相结合的方法,选取在校大学生为实验对象,利用SPSS多变量方差分析和独立样本T检验归纳出用户健康信息检索过程呈现的规律特点,并探究用户健康素养及搜索经验与网络健康信息搜索行为过程变量和结果变量的影响关系。[结果/结论] 结果表明,用户的健康知识素养和健康信息检索素养对搜索过程变量分别有较大影响,对搜索结果变量有交互影响。  相似文献   
本文从英语的教学目的导入,强调了发挥学生主体作用的思想基础;并以学生主体地位确立为依据,就如何发挥学生的主体作用,以及传授知识和发展能力的关系进行阐述。  相似文献   
毛泽东成功地解决了只有通过感性认识才能完成从实践向理性认识飞跃的这一重大理论问题.那末,从理性认识向实践活动的飞跃又是通过什么来实现的呢?这是毛泽东给我们留下的一项空白.笔者运用马克思主义中介理论,在理性认识和实践活动之间的结合部上,终于找到了第二次飞跃所必经的中间联系、过渡环节--自由认识.自由认识是理性认识和实践活动相互作用、相互渗透而融合成的一个崭新的、相对独立的认识论范畴.  相似文献   
In sports, fast and accurate execution of movements is required. It has been shown that implicitly learned movements might be less vulnerable than explicitly learned movements to stressful and fast changing circumstances that exist at the elite sports level. The present study provides insight in explicit and implicit motor learning in youth soccer players with different expertise levels. Twenty-seven youth elite soccer players and 25 non-elite soccer players (aged 10–12) performed a serial reaction time task (SRTT). In the SRTT, one of the sequences must be learned explicitly, the other was implicitly learned. No main effect of group was found for implicit and explicit learning on mean reaction time (MRT) and accuracy. However, for MRT, an interaction was found between learning condition, learning phase and group. Analyses showed no group effects for the explicit learning condition, but youth elite soccer players showed better learning in the implicit learning condition. In particular, during implicit motor learning youth elite soccer showed faster MRTs in the early learning phase and earlier reached asymptote performance in terms of MRT. Present findings may be important for sports because children with superior implicit learning abilities in early learning phases may be able to learn more (durable) motor skills in a shorter time period as compared to other children.  相似文献   
In this article, the authors borrow from anti-oppressive education theory for its potential to disrupt how students visually conceive sporting bodies and to problematize the teaching and learning of these bodies within undergraduate physical education (PE) programs. Fourteen photo stories produced by students enrolled in PE programs at two universities were analysed using a semiotic approach to excavate the emergent themes of sporting bodies from the narratives. Relying on Kumashiro's anti-oppressive educational theoretical framework, the authors found that most of stories reified discursive practices that (re)produce gender oppression in sport. Despite these findings, the authors also discovered anti-oppressive pedagogies are useful for teaching against the body oppressions conveyed in the photo stories. How anti-oppressive education informs other areas of PE should be examined in the future.  相似文献   
在新的形势下,图书馆馆员要适应时代的需要,提高工作质量,做一个合格的馆员,就应该具备良好的思想道德品质,加强知识管理意识、信息服务意识、创新意识和终身学习意识及信息能力的培养,不断更新自身的知识结构,以适应知识经济时代信息急剧增长、知识迅猛更新的需求,更好地为读者、科研服务。  相似文献   
高职学生性知识、性道德与性问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:解决高职学生(以下简称大学生)两性交往过程中的两大不良倾向:性愚昧无知与性放纵轻率;开展性心理咨询服务,促使和保证大学生身心健康。方法:课题组于2001年11月至2002年10月对襄樊职业技术学院2000级与2001级大学生进行了性知识、性道德与性问题匿名性问卷调查,然后进行X2检验与U检验分析。结果:(1)大学生希望获得的性知识排序为:青春期表现与卫生、两性交往知识与性病防治知识等;大学生希望获得性知识传授方式为:专家专题报告、课堂讲授、影像教学片等,男女等需求具有差异显性(P<0.01)。(2)对“贞操观”问题,仅有31.9%的大学生认为“至关重要”,对婚前性行为问题,大学生主要看法是“理解并不赞成”,对自己成为第三的可能情形,大学生认为主要是“与对方相见恨晚的感情”,女生的性道德观念比男生较严肃而认真(P<0.01)。(3)大学生存在的性问题主要是:性问题为性自慰、性搔扰、婚前性行为等,性自慰男性高于女性,受到性搔扰女性高于男性而且主要受到陌生人搔扰;婚前性行为比例较低,以上问题男女之间均具有差异显性(P<0.01或P<0.05)。结论:对大学生应由专家进行性知识、两性交往的感情观、贞操观与婚姻法制观念教育,教育大学生正确对待性冲动,控制性自慰,防止性搔扰,杜绝婚前性行为。  相似文献   
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