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《史学要论》是李大钊从事唯物史观教学和研究的最终成果,亦是其作为一代学术大师的经典传世之作。《史学要论》内容丰富,结构严谨,体系完备,博大精深,旨在建立以唯物史观为指导思想的历史科学的学科体系。在中国史学史上,《史学要论》堪称近代中国第一部比较系统全面的史学理论著作,开创了中国的马克思主义历史学派,建立了崭新的研究范式,有力地促进了中国传统史学的近代化和史学理论研究的深入发展,因而在近百年来中国知识与制度体系的革命性变革中占有独特地位,贡献卓越。  相似文献   
This paper examines ideas surrounding the presentation of the Muslim “other” in Latin writings of the early period of the Crusades. Using a case-study approach of the views of one chronicler, Walter the Chancellor, in his work Bella Antiochena, on one individual Muslim, Najm al-Dīn Il-Ghāzī, the paper studies aspects of the image of Il-Ghāzī, the reasons for them, how and why they develop throughout the chronicle, and whether, from the other information given in the chronicle, it would be possible to interpret the information in other ways. The conclusions reached demonstrate that the reason for the vitriol in Walter's presentation was his wish to justify the Crusades and suggest that the writers of Outremer started to develop their own cross-cultural responses to Islam, independent of mainstream European thought, because of their situation.  相似文献   
This work studies the information that the historiography on King Alfonso XI of Castile offers on the Marīnid dynasty of Fes. In spite of the confrontation between the two states in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries for the control of the Strait of Gibraltar and the southern part of Andalusia, the Alfonsine texts (the Crónica del Rey don Alfonso el Onceno, the Gran Crónica de Alfonso XI and, to a lesser extent, the Poema of Alfonso Onceno) attempt to reconstruct the history of the rival sultanate through a verifiable and rigorous approach comparing with Arab sources from that period. In this regard, their ideological conception moves away from the usual stereotypes, which are generally negative in the way they portray the other, i.e. the Maghribi opponent. In contrast, Alfonsine historiography assumes the empathetic portrayal of the identity values of the rival as part of the task of the historian, and uses the history and deeds of the adversaries to highlight the victory of the Castilian monarch over them.  相似文献   

In a writing life that spanned the 1910 to 1970s, J.B. Priestley engaged with a variety of subjects, across various literary forms, ranging from politics, popular culture and Englishness through to theories of time. However it has rarely been noted that he also wrote passionately and knowledgeably about music, with the latter playing an important role in key novels, plays and nonfiction. Priestley also promoted chamber festivals, wrote the libretto for an opera ‘The Olympians’, and even occasionally performed himself. Priestley’s writings on music fitted into his concerns about the rise of an Americanized mass order, and his mistrust of commericalized musical forms was shared by other critics of the time. However, Priestley’s work is more significant than a binary high/low low cultural validation of classical music/dismissal of more popular musical forms. He was often critical of jazz and ragtime, but more positive about popular music that was produced in, reflected, and empowered the individual and community. Priestley’s writings on music marked a genuine attempt at understanding the role of music in culture, and contributed to his democratic critique of the mass society.  相似文献   
作为中国近现代史学转型时期著名的史学大家之一,陈寅恪的整套史学方法都是值得当今史学界借鉴的,特别是其关于敦煌学、藏学研究之方法,即开拓研究新领域、预于时流、关于史料的对比、甄别的"释证"、"补证""、参证"之方法以及"了解之同情"之法,都是值得徽学研究借鉴的。  相似文献   
“欧洲中心论”成为艾约瑟历史观的重要组成部分,他以此为视角和立论的出发点,发表他对中西史学的观点和见解,对西方古典史学和近代史学的独特性和价值引以为豪。艾约瑟是从思想史自身的脉络来体察唐宋之际思想史上的巨大变革的,其“唐宋思想变革论”的提出,主要得益于道教、佛教和儒教的融合,儒生借取道教、佛教的“哲学观想”,从而赋予儒家哲学形上学的色彩,这种思想与中古儒家思想相异其趣,体现了较强的思想史范式转换的特色。艾约瑟对西方古典史学怀有浓厚的兴趣,抱有温情的敬意,认为研究西方史学应从古典史学开始,古典史学是西方史学的源头,故他对古希腊、古罗马著名史家皆有论述和评析。艾约瑟的史学素养不仅仅表现在对古希腊罗马古典史学的介绍,同时也表现在他对西方史学最新成果的分析和阐释,为沟通中西史学的交流和融合发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   
体育史学是记录、收集、整理、研究、解释体育这一社会文化现象发生、发展、演变的过程与规律的学科。而体育文化则是一个涵盖思想精神、制度、组织到具体文化表现形态的内涵复杂,范围广泛,边缘模糊的新兴研究领域。体育史学是体育文化研究的基础与支撑学科,对当今的体育文化研究具有直接的影响。文章试图从我国体育史学与体育文化研究的历程、现状与关系入手,阐述加强体育史学科与体育文化研究建设发展的意义与途径。  相似文献   
文章旨在于探讨台湾光复后迄今体育史学术研究的过去、现在及未来愿景。一方面,除让两岸体育史同好分享外;另一方面,盼启发台湾体育界对体育史学术研究的重视,并引领更多体育史学的研究者和爱好者,共同投入这“冷门”的学术领域。台湾体育史学自二次大战台湾光复后,发展至今虽已约七十载,但由于资源不足,学门(科)属性使然,纵然有部分前辈的努力及传承,但体育史学在体育学术研究的领域里,仍然处于相对的弱势与边陲。今后除持续自立自强外,台湾体育史学如何发挥影响力,唤醒政府或学校有权力者重视,并聘请师资开授课程,由边陲渐往中心位移,以及吸收更多年轻学子投入此行列,共同肩负起体育史文化的传承工作,是未来共同努力的目标,愿与所有关心体育史学术发展的海峡两岸体育史同好共勉之。  相似文献   
Erinnerungskultur (culture of remembrance) is a widely discussed notion in German historiography. First, the meaning of Erinnerungskultur, including the specific role of academic historiography of sport, is described and explained with respect to sport and sport historiography. One main objective is to reveal the diversity of cultures of sport history and the specific obligations of academic historiography. Second, the actors of sport memories and/or Traditionspflege (heritage) are characterised, and, third, some controversial and perennial debates that permeate German sports history are explained and interpreted, especially that of Carl Diem, internationally known as ‘Mister Olympics’ of 1936. All in all, the paper provides an overview of the mainstreams, cultures and politics of history in Germany with respect to sport.  相似文献   
The National Arts Education Archive (NAEA) is housed and maintained by the Yorkshire Sculpture Park (YSP), and managed by YSP coordinators and educators with a well‐established volunteer programme. This year, 2017, as part of the celebrations of the YSP's 40th anniversary, the Archive will hold its own exhibition entitled Treasures Revealed: a collection of items selected by people who have been involved in the Archive, whether as donors, volunteers, researchers, artists, trustees or steering group members. In parallel with the exhibition, this article aims to give voice to a selection of individuals and groups associated with the Archive, discussing their interests and experiences of it, and their thoughts on its value and importance as a repository of arts education materials, ideals and practices. Our primary motivations were to consider these different voices in relation to the purpose, direction and relevance of the NAEA today. These exchanges raise fundamental questions and debates about what art education is and what it might become, and how these historical collections, and creative engagements with it, might help to shape our contemporary thinking.  相似文献   
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