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中国水墨画效果的计算机仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于长期的绘画实践 ,对中国水墨画的各组成要素的材料特性及相互间作用关系进行了分析 ,提出分解水墨画效果的研究方法 ,给出了仿真模型体系 .借鉴粒子系统的基本概念 ,引入流体仿真技术及层对象混合算法 ,实现了中国水墨画的典型艺术效果  相似文献   
水墨人物画正不断拓宽着它日趋强烈的个性化语言,汲取外来文化营养,发展完善自己的艺术语言,使之更具永恒的生命力,但中国画最基本的规律“笔墨”不能丢。从古代传统绘画中汲取营养,不断探索现代水墨人物画的艺术语言,丰富人物画的表现力。  相似文献   
试比较中国水墨画与西洋水彩画之异同   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水墨画与水彩画各自扎根于东西方民族文化的根基 ,受其传统哲学观念、审美意识的影响很深。它们各具特色 ,彼此又有相通之处。西洋水彩画属写实绘画范畴 ,强调再现自然与立体造型 ,运用其一切造型手段来塑造对象。中国水墨画受传统儒道思想及传统审美意识影响 ,作画追求“尚意”与“墨趣” ,属意象化表现性造型范畴。二者有较大的区别。  相似文献   
浅析中国山水画"水墨为上"色彩观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国早期绘画重视色彩的运用,山水画出现初期也遵循“随类赋彩”的法则。中唐时期,王维始用“水墨渲淡”。自此,以五墨代替色彩的“水墨画”和兼用平涂和晕染的“着色画”共同发展。宋以后,水墨画占据主导地位,中国山水画形成“水墨为上”的色彩观。这种观念的形成,主要是由于古代玄学思想的影响、墨的发明以及水墨画的绘画形式与古代文人“绚烂之极,归于平淡”心境之间的契合,  相似文献   

Non-invasive and non-contact analyses were performed on a group of 28 ink drawings ascribed to the sixteenth-century Italian painter Luca Cambiaso and his followers. Drawings analysed in this investigation were selected from the collections of Musei di Strada Nuova in Genoa and of Museo del Prado in Madrid. Particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE), carried out at the Centro de Micro-Análisis de Materiales of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and at the Università di Firenze, provided elemental data on the inks and papers. The drawings in Genoa were studied at the Università di Genova using infrared relectography (IRR) and optical microscopy. Elemental composition of the inks was determined by comparison with a set of certified thin standards. Elemental analysis indicates that all of the drawings were executed with iron gall ink, except for one case where a mixed carbon black and iron gall ink was used. The PIXE data showed variations in the elemental concentrations of the materials used in the various inks, indicating the use of different recipes in their production. In some cases, these differences may help corroborate stylistic judgements to confirm or deny Cambiaso's authorship and separate autograph drawings from those of his pupils or imitators. PIXE analysis was also used to distinguish the presence of retouches and later additions. In some drawings, the combined use of IRR and optical microscopy revealed the presence of a dry carbon-based underdrawing, following a working method that seems more consistent with a workshop procedure than with the drawing technique of the master himself.  相似文献   

Twentieth century paints often contain titanium dioxide and zinc oxide based white pigments that can range from photostable to highly photocatalytic. Photocatalytic pigments can cause the degradation of paint upon UV exposure, whereas photostable pigments may be benign or can protect paintings from degradation. Hence, knowing whether or not a pigment is photocatalytic is of high importance for risk assessment and the subsequent decision making process concerning storage and exposure conditions of objects. Here we present a proof of principle, focused on titanium white paints, for an easy-to-use and low-tech application of a commercial photocatalytic activity indicator ink (PAII) on embedded paint samples or cross sections. This test determines, qualitatively, if a photocatalytic pigment is present in a white paint sample. The PAII paint sample staining application shows an obvious color change, within five minutes of UV irradiation, for paint samples containing photocatalytic pigments. A microscope with a camera and a UV source are the only necessary equipment for the application of this method. A quantitative image processing protocol is also proposed as an extension of the staining method by applying open source software analysis to measure the color change using photographs. The test was evaluated on reference paints with well-characterized pigments and applied on samples from modern paintings by Piet Mondriaan, Robert Ryman, and Lucebert, indicating the presence of harmful photocatalytic pigments in these cases. The novel application of a commercial ink on paint samples offers a simple test, not just for assessment of photocatalytic activity of titanium white pigments, but which may in future be applied for the detection of photoactive forms of zinc white and other potentially harmful semiconductor pigments in art objects.  相似文献   
张大千(1899~1983年)生于动荡的现代中国,恰逢中国数千年来前所未见的美术革命。在这风起云涌的时代,大千却未曾参与现代美术革命。他不但传承了传统文人笔墨形式,而且获得"五百年来一大千"、"岂有第二人哉"之盛誉。1949年因时局变迁旅居海外,与毕加索进行了"东西艺术大师高峰会",之后以传统笔墨为本质的文化艺术精神为主,放笔墨而为泼彩,创造出符合现代抽象视觉审美经验的新的笔墨形式,而为西方学者誉为现代"中国绘画中非凡的巨人"。  相似文献   
张大千绘画艺术与敦煌石窟艺术有紧密的内在联系。张大千赴敦煌苦修三年,掌握了敦煌石窟艺术最重要的创作特质——“法相庄严”的独特视觉装饰效果。张大干对敦煌壁画的临摹及摹本展览对于成立国立敦煌艺术研究所,其于古迹国宝之维护与宣扬功不可没。张大干晚年开创的青绿泼彩画风,可谓将敦煌石窟艺术的表现特质结合时代的新气象而作了更进一步的诠释与发展。  相似文献   
专色油墨在包装印刷市场上受到越来越多企业的欢迎。专色油墨配色系统中基础色和目标色的颜色测量决定了配色结果的精度,在分析了配色方法和实验过程之后,总结出影响目标色测量准确度的因素,达到改善配色精度的目的。  相似文献   
该文介绍了高精度彩墨自动清洁配料控制系统的性能特色。系统硬件采用MPUDP现场总线、高精度称量仪表、条形码、触摸屏、大屏幕显示屏、变频等技术,易于集成,安全可靠。提出了以喂料速度为称量控制方法,提高称量精度与效率。监控软件采用了模块化结构设计、中文图形、菜单操作,在线实时显示等技术,符合信息时代的发展要求,具有很好的使用价值。  相似文献   
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