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论述透镜在频谱变换方面的原理与机制,对透镜变换波面作些介绍,以便对透镜的作用有进一步的认识,能充分地发挥它在现代科技各个领域中的应用。  相似文献   
从教育谱、职业谱、研究谱的视角,可以对我国高等职业院校进行类型归属、培养层次、功能区间的准确定位,高等职业院校是按照国际教育分类标准提供5B级课程的,以培养技术、技能型应用人才为目标的,以应用和教学为主要功能的高校。根据功能及专业设置的不同,可分类为师范专科、高职综合、高职文科、高职理科等四大类型。  相似文献   
将HiIbert空间上的投影算子[1-2]推广到Banach空间,并讨论了它的性质、运算及在线性代数中的应用。  相似文献   
自闭症诊断与干预研究综述   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
本文概述了当前国内外有关自闭症和“自闭类”障碍的定义与诊断、病因和干预方案的研究,并简要分析了未来研究的重点和方向。  相似文献   
基于MPEG-2视频结构的特点,提出了一种视频数字水印算法的研究实现.经过实验测试,证明该算法的不可见性和鲁棒性均达到较好的水平,而且提取时不需要原始视频作参考,实现了盲提取.算法复杂度不高,满足实时性的要求.  相似文献   
西南联大是抗战时期中国高等教育的一个奇迹。西南联大的出现,是因为抗日战争这个特殊的历史事件促成了中国当时最优秀的三所大学和最杰出的学术精英的汇聚,并且还有了长达九年的成功合作,而其办学成功的一个重要原因就是在于它拥有一批具有"民主传统、自由理念和宽容精神"的教授群体。西南联大的教授群体是由一群思想各异、行为自主、我行我素、独来独往的学者们所构成,在这个特殊群体中从校长到教授都有相似的教育背景,他们既受过中国传统文化的熏陶,也有国外留学和考察的经历,他们的知识结构比较完整,可谓学贯中西。而且这些学者深受西方自由主义思潮的影响,他们大多属于自由主义者,自由主义成为联大教授的意识形态。西南联大的教授群体也是最具有独立性的一个群体,他们可以比较自由地表达自己的思想,很少受党派的约束。西南联大教授群体认同和坚守的价值谱系成为他们相互合作、共事、团结的基础,这些价值谱系是:潜心学术而避免内部纷争;宽容精神和民主信念;党派之间和平共处。西南联大教授群体身上所表现出来的价值谱系实际上就是一种大学精神具体化,是一种大学文化的自觉,是教授群体在大学融合和发展过程中所形成的集体觉悟,他们以此来规范和约束自己的行动,既有所为也有所不为。抗战时期西南联大的教授群体可谓是当时国内学术精英的杰出代表,在他们身上体现了和而不同的价值谱系,而这恰是现代大学精神的具体表现和灵魂。  相似文献   
The focus of the study was to explore parental experiences of raising a child with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). A mixed‐method approach consisting of questionnaires and semi‐structured interviews was used in order to elicit parental perspectives of raising a child with ASD. Two semi‐structured interviews were conducted with parents of children with ASD. Questionnaires were sent to parents of children with ASD in two special schools. The findings indicate that although each of the parents had a child with ASD, their experiences were all different. Many interesting accounts were documented and a wealth of information regarding the characteristic traits that children with ASD portray was recorded. The findings suggested that the majority of the parents experienced a low level of support from agencies and professionals. The general verdict was that of poor communication and a lack of understanding of parents' needs following formal diagnosis. Finally, a series of coping strategies were discovered ranging from family support to paid help.  相似文献   
张大千一生漫游名山大川,用眼和心摄取自然造化之美,日雕月琢,聚沙成塔,为他精彩绝伦的彩墨山水画奠定了基础,是"外师造化,中得心源"的真正体现。本文通过文献研究与作品赏析等途径,重点分析张大千泼墨泼彩山水画意象生成与呈现,这些意象反映了人与自然山水的通联关系,即从人本出发,把自然与人的情感的某种联系加以强化和表现,寄以蕴寓自己的人格、品操、情感等因素,目的是托物言志,缘物以寄情。泼墨泼彩意象的生成与呈现体现了张大千对自然超高度的审美感知与籍古开今的开拓精神。  相似文献   
The purpose of this research was to investigate best practice in relation to the planning, process and strategies that support the transition of students with ASD from primary to post‐primary school. A questionnaire survey was sent to graduates of a postgraduate Certificate/Diploma in SEN (ASD) in Ireland who were working in primary and post‐primary schools. Findings included strong oral communication between schools, transition programmes in many post‐primary schools, a variety of generic and ASD specific strategies in both primary and post‐primary schools and a large number of personnel involved in the transition process. Analysis of findings and current literature enabled the researchers to propose a framework that the Department of Education and Skills, support agencies and schools may use to examine practice in order to enhance the transition programmes based on students' needs, the profile of the school and its community.  相似文献   
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