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蘩漪和周萍的矛盾是整部《雷雨》的重要线索,他们的悲剧历程贯穿全剧始终,并起着相当重要的作用。蘩漪、周萍的悲剧“命运决定论”是一种误解。依据罗伯特·W·科里根的悲剧理论,蘩漪和周萍由于内在矛盾性而心理分裂是导致悲剧的根本原因,也具有充分的合理性。因此,蘩漪、周萍的悲剧不是命运悲剧,而是性格悲剧。  相似文献   
傅山与魏象枢至迟于1642相识。1658年重逢。1678年,傅山拒不应召“博学鸿词”,魏象枢为之巧妙开脱。1684年,魏象枢受傅山遗托,为其料理后事。  相似文献   
作为一个十分重要的学现象,余秋雨的异军突起越来越引起众多人的关注。本试图通过对余秋雨化散叙述模式的详细分析,来探讨他成功和失败、引起多人赞叹也引来不少人诟病的原因。余秋雨通过对中国古老的传统叙述方式-圆形叙述的借用、对大词和圣词的借用,成功地打动了读和征服了一个需要浪漫主义的阅读时代,从而在一个市场化的年代里,建立了他“散大师”的地位。  相似文献   
时论以为,50至70年代的文学读者,是党出于政治控制动机凸显的。党还通过意识形态修辞技术,使之转换为规范、控制文学的工具。此种论点误解甚多。其实,此时期读者凸显的动因与政治控制无关;不是意识形态修辞,而主要是特殊的接受制度的建构,赋给了读者超强接受权力;而知识分子与大众对接受权力的觊觎与争夺,又成为读者朝向政党/私人势力控制工具沦落的重要导因。  相似文献   
对火力发电厂内冷水的电力行业标准要求和各种处理方法进行了简述,着重介绍加碱处理方法和内冷水处理系统中在线水质仪表的应用问题,为内冷水处理系统的设计和应用提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
文艳春 《海外英语》2012,(2):207-208
Wading through the modern history of America,people could savor the true meaning of life from the up-and-down life experience of eminent persons,the human spirit and stature reflected from them could give people a deeper understanding of the valuable life.Living such social background of America,Helen Keller and John Nash had created their own miracles from tragedy to triumph.This paper attempts to make a general comparison and contrast between Three Days to See and A Beautiful Mind,the autobiography of Helen Keller and John Nash respectively,with the aim to shed some light to people about how to make their life more colorful and meaningful and satisfy the call of the soul,it also spurs on those people in trouble to strive for their own happiness.  相似文献   
Newly arrived from Cuba, Angelica, Dora, Marina, and Damaris attempted to negotiate new surroundings and immigrant identities, building a sense of home for themselves and their families. Data from qualitative interviews, classroom observations, and focus group conversations revealed hopes that by acquiring English language skills, they would improve their quality of life in their new country. Struggles included personal factors situated in their pasts in Cuba and their new surrounds in the Miami Cuban exile enclave, contexts that were further complicated by uncertain expectations of new lives in Miami and the overwhelming task of learning a new language at a local adult education center. The women negotiated pressure from spouses, assisted children in Cuba, pondered uncertainties of crossing cultural and linguistic borders, and anticipated eventual acceptance within the greater English‐speaking society. The women’s individual luchas (struggles) and English language learning efforts were tempered by their dreams for their children and themselves.  相似文献   
民国成立伊始,林纾则一反常态,曾以极大的政治热情担任有政治背景的《平报》编纂,但由于民初照搬照抄了西方的议会民主制,政治运作从一开始就陷入了混乱之中,林纾在《平报》发表的议政之作中,一方面对议会"党争"中的种种丑闻进行揭露和谴责,另一方面则对南北之间不断升级的政治角力进行劝阻和促和。林纾不能理解南方革命党人发动的诉诸武力的"二次革命",对此,他悲观失望,决心与这个"全以捣乱为自由"的民国分道扬镳了。综上,林纾这类"遗老"不是真正的遗老。  相似文献   
郭炳心 《科教文汇》2012,(14):178-180
如何保证教学质量是各高职院校当前面临的首要任务,本文综合考查了学术界在高职院校内部教学质量保障方面的各种观点和成果,并对今后的研究走向做了展望。  相似文献   
江南水乡在人们心中是富裕和繁荣的象征。水乡之美更是中国画家们争先表现之题材,尤其是水墨画与水彩画。以水为媒介,用水墨或水彩描绘江南水乡的美景,水墨淋漓,潇洒飘逸,使得笔下之作品更具生命与情感。在表现江南水乡之美二者有着异曲同工之妙,与水乡有着难以割舍之源。  相似文献   
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