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“诗散电影”是兼具了“诗电影”和“散电影”的某些美学特征的一种崭新的电影样式。它具有开放性的叙事姿态和主题表达,自由松散的结构方式以及由隐喻、象征、暗示等艺术手段营构的诗性的美学特征。中国电影《周渔的火车》、《巫山云雨》、《西施眼》和外国电影《恋恋三季》、《青木瓜香》是“诗散电影”的典范。  相似文献   
本文通过回顾国内外语言学家就语篇体裁问题所进行的方方面面的探索和研究,并以这些在语言学界已被普遍接受并成为语篇体裁研究、运用的理据为依据,尝试通过对美国与中国说唱乐歌词语篇的对比分析来观察语篇体裁产生语篇变体的过程与条件。  相似文献   
新闻报道是新闻传播过程中形成的一种具有明显特征的语言应用体系。它具有显著的语体特点。文章主要从词汇、句法及语篇角度来分析新闻报道的语体特点。其主要特点表现为大众性、公正性、客观性、趣味性和节俭性。  相似文献   
人与自然的关系包括人与自然的本质关系、价值关系、历史关系等多重含义,这些关系是在人的实践活动中产生和形成的。作为人与自然关系的发生中介,实践活动的二重性决定于人存在的二重性与自然存在的二重性,人与自然之间的道德意蕴只有在这种思路中才能得到合理的阐释,就此而言,西方生态伦理学是失之偏颇的。  相似文献   
In this study of Kipling's Puck books, I attempt to clarify the enduring characteristics of the time-slip story as he and E. Nesbit invented it and also to determine his own distinctive contribution to the genre. Although his formal procedures were not influential, his genius lies in showing us the mere uncounted folk of history, not the big players of E. Nesbit's stories. As a conservative democrat, he shows what treasures are hid on one's own hearth and doorstep, so to speak, so that you do not have to venture far to find magic. For Kipling, that magic resides in the common culture of England, the surviving traditional ways, which catastrophic changes over two thousand years had not greatly altered. The magic is traced to the nature of the land itself, a place deeply enchanted and manifest in the merry supernaturalism that G. K. Chesterton saw in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.  相似文献   
基于 Gardner 和 Lambert关于学习动机的理论,对学习动机和外语学习成绩的关系进行探索性研究.从教学大纲的制定、外语课程的设计、教学活动的开展等方面出发,对中国外语学习尤其英语学习的特点和外语教育的现状进行分析,并得出建议性的结论.  相似文献   
This study compared the rates of different types of joint book reading behaviors of parents of preschool children with and without language impairments using two different text genres. Participants included 72 preschool children between the ages of 51 and 70 months. Fifty-five children were typically developing and 17 were diagnosed with language impairments. Parent–child dyads were videotaped during periods of joint book reading using two different types of text (one alphabet-rhyming and one narrative). Results indicated parents rarely used reading behaviors known to enhance their preschoolers’ phonological awareness. However, when used, there was a significant difference between the two types of texts. The alphabet book elicited a higher rate of phonological awareness and print concept behaviors, while the narrative book resulted in parents using more content behaviors. In addition, the parents of typically developing children used more phonological awareness behaviors than the parents of children with language impairments.  相似文献   
论金词北派风格之成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金词的审美价值主要体现在为词史提供了审美范型上的北派风格。禀有北方文化因子、沾溉于北方文学清新劲健、自然率性的美学传统、外化于创作主体尚气任侠的文化心理和精神气质以及制约于商业发展水平、音乐文化流行状况等时代社会因素的特殊性———正是在这些因素的综合作用下 ,金词的北派风格得以形成。  相似文献   
大学生英语学习动机研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对山西大学文理科385名同学的问卷调查显示,Gardner等人在二语习得条件下所提出的二分法只能部分地反映被试学生的英语学习动机.在使用教育统计软件对回收问卷进行了因素分析及动机原因平均数差异的显著性检验之后,得出如下结果有四类原因影响被试学生的动机行为,即工具型、融入型、条件型和内在型,其中工具型和条件型的影响最大,而融入型的影响也远远超出了国外学者的研究结果.  相似文献   
词曲与新诗创作有着密切的关系。一是胡适、陈独秀等人通过词曲价值的重新评估,为文学革命树立了样本;二是胡适、沈尹默、刘大白、刘半农等人的新诗创作,在体裁、语言乃至题材、意境等方面不同程度地借鉴了词曲,推动了自己的艺术创造,从新诗发展的历程来看,词典的影响因时因人而异,而且与民歌、外国诗歌的影响交替或共同发挥作用。  相似文献   
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