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徽州古民居雕饰艺术表现为思想与文化相结合、实用与装饰相结合以及朴素简洁与清丽淡雅相结合的特征。通过其关学思想、图案装饰、造型装饰、工艺装饰等艺术表现形式,结合设计实例,分析得出徽州古民居雕饰艺术在现代服饰设计中应用方法,包括模仿法、解构重构法、嫁接法和极限法,是设计和开发具有“徽派”风格特点的现代服饰及服饰产品的有效方法和途径。  相似文献   
依据抄本的缮写避讳形式,推断《红楼梦》容庚藏120回抄本的形成时代在道光元年之后。据此,进一步比勘此抄本与当时坊间流传的其他刻本之间的文本异同现象,论证容庚藏本实乃远于脂本、程甲本和东观阁本版本系列,而更近于程乙本版本系列。通过异文举证,考定该抄本在缮写时很可能参校了道光壬辰王评本;并以光绪丙子王评本、光绪大观琐录本等佐证容庚藏抄本并非《红楼梦》早期版本。同时,证伪了"它的存在已经使《红楼梦》120回抄本早于第一个排印本的结论成为可能"之判断。  相似文献   
东汉许慎编著的《说文解字》是汉字学史上一部伟大的奠基性著作。书中收集的玉部字量大、排位靠前,反映了当时玉文化的繁荣。本文提出研究《说文·玉部》字,不仅要从传世文献入手,更要注重结合出土文献,主要是出土玉器和出土古文字进行综合研究,以达到传世文献与出土文献相互补充印证的作用,从而达到弥补和修正《说文·玉部》字未收、错收的字形、字义及其他不足的目的。  相似文献   
This study assessed the effect of the course cycle on theoretical knowledge of dental morphology and the dental carving ability of dental students. Thirty-two dental students from the third semester (initial cycle) and 30 students from the eighth and tenth semesters of the dental course (end cycle) had their theoretical knowledge on dental morphology assessed using a questionnaire with ten closed questions. Their dental carving ability was also assessed using wax carvings in macro models of plaster (for the third [S3] and eight [S8] semesters) and natural-sized artificial teeth (for the tenth [S10] semester). The teeth chosen for the dental carving activity were #16 and #47. The scores were statistically analyzed using the t-test, Kruskal–Wallis test, and Mann–Whitney test (α = 0.05). Students from the initial cycle presented better theoretical knowledge than the other groups did (P < 0.007). No significant differences in carving score were found between the initial and end cycles (P > 0.05), although S10 students obtained a higher score for teeth #16 and #47 (P < 0.05). Natural-sized artificial teeth received a higher evaluation score in dental carvings than the macro models (P < 0.001). Within the limits of this study, it was possible to conclude that students from the initial cycle (S3) presented higher theoretical knowledge, whereas no difference in carving ability was observed between the initial and end cycles. The tenth semester (S10) students performed dental carvings with better quality. Furthermore, carvings in natural-sized artificial teeth presented better quality compared with the macro models.  相似文献   
运用案例分析、文献资料等研究方法,分析了科技助力智能健身的发展机遇以及乐刻运动对科技助力智能健身的实践经验与相关启示。研究表明:O2O健身模式、IOT智能设备、SAAS管理系统、大数据等科技都助力了智能健身的发展。乐刻运动更是利用O2O平台、大数据、新零售模式、智能运动设备、连锁+融资模式成为我国业内科技助力智能健身的典范。基于乐刻运动的案例分析,借鉴其实践经验,提出如下启示:线上线下双轮驱动,突破智能健身发展瓶颈;硬软件迭代升级,夯实智能健身发展基础;调整服务产业结构,延伸智能健身服务价值链;精准定位消费人群,实现健身消费升级。  相似文献   
西方修辞学中的认同、施压在当代营销策略中具有实用价值。作为推销员如果能双管齐下巧妙应用,将会取得令人满意的效果。而作为消费者,如果能了解其基本运作机制,就能提高警惕性,批判性地应对这些策略,而不是任推销员摆布。因此,本文将试着以旅行社定点购物店推销员的销售策略为例来探讨认同和施压在当代推销策略中的应用。  相似文献   
在徽州,木雕以它优美的形式附着于建筑物,成为优美的装饰。它的存在既是为了美化,给人以艺术的熏陶,陶治人们的情操,又要考虑实用,有利于建筑物和家具的坚实耐用,故在选择材料、确定内容、进行构图时,都要立足于装饰角度来思考题材的表现手法。  相似文献   
女性作家写女人:在北方传统文明与南方现代文明的激烈碰撞中,在伊斯兰民族文化与华夏汉民族文化的比较透析中,感受女性的心路历程与生命中的忧伤因子,以及她们所承受的精神与物质的双重压力,不仅是对"人文关怀"研究的深层次推进,也是对人类自身命运航船的重新把握与思索.  相似文献   
Knowledge of dental anatomy is of great importance in the practice of dentistry, especially in oral rehabilitation, because without this knowledge, professional practice is not possible. Dental carving plays a major role in training dental students as it develops their manual dexterity. This randomized controlled trial aimed to evaluate the influence of didactic‐theoretical reinforcement on the theoretical and practical knowledge of dental anatomy of preclinical students by examining the quality of the anatomical restorations performed by these students before and after a didactic‐theoretical reinforcement. For the evaluation of theoretical knowledge, a questionnaire with closed questions about dental anatomy was used. To evaluate the effect of didactic reinforcement on dental carvings, two groups of 15 preclinical students were assessed. Experimental group (G1) received a three‐hour theoretical tutoring on dental anatomy, while the control group (G2) did not. The dental carving scores obtained by the two different groups were compared using Student's t‐test. Cohen's d was used to estimate the effect sizes between groups. The frequency of correct answers given for each theoretical knowledge question was compared in each group using Fisher's exact test. T‐test was also used to compare the means of the two groups' final scores of theoretical evaluations. To compare these final scores obtained in both carving and theoretical tests, a principal component analysis was performed with different items assessed in each test to obtain factor loading scores and a final weighted score, where factor loadings were considered for each item. Weighted scores were compared using t‐test. Also, scores obtained during the head and neck course were assessed and compared using t‐test. Spearman's correlation test was used to assess the correlation between scores obtained prior to the anatomy course and scores obtained in the dental carving exercise. The theoretical evaluation revealed no significant difference between the grades (mean ± SD) of G1 (85.1 ± 6.6%) and G2 (86.2 ± 9.1%) with the grades of a baseline test that was previously obtained when students submitted to the study (P = 0.725). Regarding the tooth carving assessment, the dental carving quality by students of G1 has significantly improved, except for tooth #23 (P = 0.096). Theoretical reinforcement of dental anatomy seems to improve the students' carving performance but does not enhance their knowledge about dental anatomy. Anat Sci Educ 11: 377–384. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   
砖雕艺术是中华民族传统民间艺术百花园中的一朵奇葩。江苏高淳县明清时期的砖雕艺术是该时期中国砖雕艺术的重要代表。高淳县文保所保存的八十余幅砖雕作品,雕凿技艺高超,生动地反映了当时的社会现实,反映了古代劳动人民的思想感情和价值取向。  相似文献   
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