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教育职称是目前我国教育人力资源配置过程中的主要识别标志,但由于职称评定过程中的诸多不合理因素,影响了评价的客观性和科学性,因而有必要进行大刀阔斧的改革,包括取消指标限制,实行评聘分离,建立动态的职称管理制度等。  相似文献   
高校实行会计委派制是教育体制改革的需要。依据高校的实际,有针对性地论述了高校会计委派制的内容、基本模式,并指出了实行会计委派制需要解决的几个问题。  相似文献   
广东省属高校教师聘任制改革多是形式大于内容,这与目前广东省高校教师评聘分离的现状密切相关。国内部分省属、市属高校已经进行了“以聘代评”的相关改革,广东省属高校的教师聘任制改革应该从“准入制度”、职务评聘制度、分配制度、考核制度等方面进行把握。  相似文献   
It has been over ten years since the Teacher’s Law took effect on January 1, 1994, and its promulgation and implementation have somewhat helped in protecting teachers’ legal rights and interests. Undeniably, however, the Teacher’s Law is defective in many aspects, such as the absence of teachers’ legal identity, its failure to safeguard a teacher’s essential interests and rights, serious laggardness of the teacher’s appointment system and obstacles to dealing with teachers’ complaints and litigations. All such defectiveness make the legislative purpose “to safeguard the teacher’s legal rights and interests” in Article 1 of the Teacher’s Law less effective in practice. Therefore, in order to judicially assist teachers in safeguarding their own legal rights and interests, it is necessary to modify the Teacher’s Law and especially give priorities to: (1) defining the identity of the state staff member for teachers; (2) treating teachers owed to in arrears as peasant-workers, and paying and remunerating them punctually (3) formulating detailed measures on the implementation of the teacher’s appointment system as soon as possible, solving problems of unemployment of teachers arising from the inequality between the teacher’s rights, the school’s power and the absence of the teacher’s identity; (4) establishing a lawsuit system connected with teachers’ complaints and personnel arbitration. __________ Translated from Theory and Practice of Education, 2005:2  相似文献   
战后美式终身教职面临的主要批评有:人力成本高昂、岗位调整难度较大;对教学没有引起足够的重视;实行非升即走下的"Publish or Perish"短期考核压力过大,容易诱发学术造假现象;容易导致Lazy Professor现象。为应对以上问题,美国国内各界提出教师薪酬由学校和院系分比例承担、限制终身职位的比例、实行长期合同制、聘用非终身制教师等策略。我国教师聘任改革应遵循我国的国情和改革的约束条件采取渐进策略:非升即降、非升即转、非升即走三结合;长时段考核豁免;教师薪酬与院系财政紧密联动。  相似文献   

Appointing a headteacher in England is important but under-researched, hence the study reported here. We interviewed and surveyed chairs of governing boards that had recently undertaken the appointment process. Governing bodies follow broadly similar recruitment and selection processes, which have a number of problematic aspects: the unique nature of the context; the complexity of the processes; ensuring adequate recruitment; the processes are demanding, resource intensive, a considerable responsibility and difficult to organise especially when there are internal candidates; the skills required are specialised; engaging external expertise can be beneficial, but not without challenges; and the chair’s involvement is typically substantial.  相似文献   
我国对法官这一职业的认识和发展经历了三个阶段:即法官大众化阶段,法官职业化阶段,职业化基础之上的大众化阶段。思维决定行为,决定处事的态度。本文深刻论述了法官思维的语言、思维的方向、思维的程序要求,以及对情理的关注和结论判断与政治和行政思维的不同。  相似文献   
法官和律师同为法律人,有着共同的知识、共同的语言、共同的思维、共同的信仰和共同的追求,都应该是法律职业共同体的一员,仅仅是在社会上的分工不同、占据的社会资源不同和表现的方式不同而产生了具体差异。法官和律师都要恪守从业的基本要求和道德底线,建立彼此尊重、和而不同的司法理念,以自身点滴的言行影响并引导民众学会对法律的敬畏,在每一件平凡琐碎的纠纷处理中学会彼此互敬。也只有如此,才能从根本上维护公民的合法权益,才能使已制定的法律得到贯彻执行,并且促进立法进步,才能使“依法治国”最终得以实现,从而真正实现法治中国、法治社会、和谐发展。  相似文献   
当前,大量应通过诉讼途径救济的纠纷涌入信访渠道,对法治实践构成很大冲击。群众信“访”不信“法”的重要原因,在于司法的公信力不足。因此,党的十八大报告指出要“加强司法公信建设”。而要提高司法的公信力,就必须重新塑造法官的职业形象,积极推进司法的公开进程。具体建议有:科学考核,建立法官的淘汰机制;重视品行,完善法官的选任程序;深化改革,推进司法的公开进程。  相似文献   

As early as 1977, academic libraries began posting position announcements for access services librarians. During the twenty-seven year period from 1977 to 2004, a total of 217 advertisements that included the phrase “access services” appeared in College & Research Libraries News. Using content analysis, these advertisements are examined to identify both general and unique characteristics in access services positions, while also looking for changes over time as well as possible future trends.  相似文献   
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