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The leakages in secondary level education brought forward the necessity to restructure the educational system so as to address the social and individual needs and meet the requirements of Turkey; therefore, a "reformation" study became an obligation. The formal education in Turkey starts at the age of 6, when the individual is shaped within the system. Determination of the characteristics of an ideal future citizen of a country should be apprehended at all levels of education and individuals should attain these appreciated characteristics. The reformed science education programs in Turkey aim to guide the individuals to be scientifically and technologically literate. Through enabling an individual, who is in a technological media, to attain the required knowledge, skills and attitudes, the individual should have the "science and technology literacy and creative thinking" skills. Individuals should recognize the technological environment they live in as well as the dimensions and facilities of technology, and should be aware of the fact that they could make use of these opportunities. In the light of this aim, this study involves the teaching of "separating mixtures" to 9th grade students in relation with science, technology, society and environment and the examination of its possible effects on students' achievement as well as their career choices. The Chemistry Achievement Test and the Career Choice Questionnaire were administered as pre- and post-test to serve as data collection tools. The study concluded that chemistry education in relation with science, technology, society and environment would lead students to choosing different fields for their future careers by changing their perspectives towards science. A significant increase in students' chemistry achievement levels was also observed.  相似文献   
朋辈辅导具有易接受性、及时性和便利性、交叉性的特点,在大学生职业生涯规划中具有重要作用。其实施的基本路径有:心理委员和志愿者,学生社团,团体辅导,网络新媒体。  相似文献   
语言是民族的核心要素,语言认同是民族认同的重要基础。对丽江玉湖村纳西族语言使用情况调查发现,目前丽江玉湖村纳西族族群成员母语水平较好,母语使用频率高,族群认可度较高,族群成员存在共同的文化心理,这些因素在影响着他们对母语的认同。研究表明:民族语言使用的本质是民族身份认同,民族语言使用的前提是母语认同;语言态度是影响民族认同的重要因素,语言水平是影响民族认同的间接因素。  相似文献   
从中国农村土地产权制度变迁的梳理、理论层面和现实层面对中国现行农村土地产权制度弊端的分析、中国农村土地产权制度改革方案的探讨等三个方面,对2000-2014年间国内农村土地产权制度的研究进行了综述,并对已有研究进行了简评。  相似文献   
Homosexuality is widely perceived among many Muslims as a ‘western disease’, a natural outcome of the West's secularity and cultural degeneracy. In spite of the emergence of more liberal attitudes towards sexual differences in modern times, moral issues have not lost their relevance in polemical discourse against homosexuality among many Muslims. The heightened visibility of homosexuals, together with the decriminalisation of homosexuality, lie at the heart of Muslim objection; such movements towards the acceptance of homosexuality are viewed as a concerted and unified homosexual front attempting to squeeze out the hegemonic heterosexual norm. The common response among many Muslims to remedy this perceived ideological corruption is to resort to Islamic doctrine, which prohibits homosexuality and gives merit to heterosexism. This paper reports on some findings from a study by the author which examines how a group of Australian Muslim teachers deliberate on how to include studies on homosexuality as part of a wider dialogue on developing comprehensive sexuality education for Muslim youth. In their deliberations, teachers craft pedagogies which appropriate moral frameworks and expressions of embracing sexual difference. These pedagogical propositions give insight into how teachers generate epistemological, ethical and ontological approaches to critical thought about the subject.  相似文献   
进一步完善安徽省农村土地流转制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加速农村土地流转,是实现安徽省新农村建设目标的必然要求。但是我省农村土地流转机制尚不完善,土地流转还面临较多的问题。当前,应通过健全农村土地流转机制,建立土地流转登记制度,构建土地流转风险防范机制与规范土地流转管理和服务来完善我省农村土地流转制度。  相似文献   
中国区域发展过程的空间多功能利用演变   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
区域空间的多功能利用是应对土地资源短缺、实现区域合理分工的重要途径。土地多功能协调利用是区域空间多功能利用的基础。本文回顾了在近60年来的发展过程中,我国对区域土地空间功能的利用从无意识到有意识、从单一功能到多功能综合利用的演变过程:①论述了1949年以来,我国在不同的区域发展战略下区域空间功能格局的演变过程;②总结了我国土地空间利用从以农牧业生产为主的单一土地利用向工业和城镇建设用地不断增大的多功能利用演变,从突出生产功能向注重“生产、生态、生活”功能一体化的发展方向转变的特征;③对我国各阶段的空间功能格局的区域发展效应进行了评价,指出长期对单一经济功能的追求导致了区域发展过程中对土地其他功能的忽视,造成了生态环境破坏、资源浪费、区域间的恶性竞争和专业化分工的缺失;④指出积极促进区域空间的多功能协调利用是中国在土地资源不足的情况下,应对经济全球化背景中日趋激烈的国际竞争,实现区域可持续发展的必然选择。  相似文献   
长三角地区城市土地集约利用与经济社会发展协调评价   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在城市土地-经济社会复合系统分析的基础上,本文构建了城市土地集约利用水平与经济社会发展水平协调评价指标体系,通过因子分析法对2006年长三角地区城市土地集约利用与城市经济社会发展的协调程度进行评价。结果表明,长三角城市土地集约利用与经济社会发展协调程度具有明显的空间差异:上海、苏州、无锡和杭州城市土地集约利用与经济社会发展水平均较高,是综合水平双高型协调;南京、宁波城市经济社会发展水平较高,但城市土地集约利用水平较低,是城市土地集约利用水平滞后型不协调;镇江、泰州、嘉兴、湖州、绍兴、台州城市经济社会发展水平与土地集约利用水平表现出双低的特征,是综合水平双低型不协调;常州、南通、扬州、舟山城市土地集约利用水平较高,但城市经济社会发展水平较低,是城市经济社会发展水平滞后型不协调。  相似文献   
经济快速增长区土地利用信息图谱构建   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于1980年~2005年江苏省环太湖地区4期土地利用遥感数据,在地学信息图谱理论和GIS技术支持下,构建了4个时序单元的土地利用格局信息图谱、土地利用分类信息图谱和土地利用转移信息图谱。图谱构建结果表明,25年来江苏省环太湖地区土地利用变化既具有明显的时空分异特征,又具有相似的转移图谱。复合应用CLUE-S和Markov模型对江苏省环太湖地区2015年的土地利用进行模拟,弥补原有土地利用信息图谱研究缺乏未来模拟的不足。从模拟结果得知,由于规划指标的控制且随着土地集约利用的深化,江苏省环太湖地区在2015年建设用地增加和耕地减少的幅度将降低。苏锡常都市连绵区仍是江苏省环太湖地区土地利用变化的“热点”区域。  相似文献   
陈美球  彭云飞  周丙娟 《资源科学》2008,30(10):1491-1496
耕地流转是协调我国耕地家庭承包责任制与市场经济条件下现代农业建设的重要途径。本文在江西省16县(区)21村952户农户耕地流转意愿的专题调研的基础上,分别就当前条件、假设产权明晰、假设完善农村社会保障三种不同环境条件下,对社会经济发展水平差异与农户的耕地流转意愿进行对比分析,并结合社会发展水平与农户对耕地的依恋程度的分析,通过实证的方法研究了社会经济发展水平差异与农户耕地流转意愿的现实相关性。结果表明:我国农民对耕地的“依恋”心态在总体上比较强,但随意社会经济的发展,农民的“恋土”心态会不断弱化,能推动耕地的流转,并在流转方式的彻底性上也不断加强,通过发展农村经济,有利于促进耕地的流转;产权明晰并不能促进耕地流转的彻底性,反而会增强农户对耕地的长期拥有意愿,表明耕地在农户心目中发挥的作用主要不是经济功能,而是社会保障功能,因此应通过推动耕地的社会保障功能向资本功能的转变,来推动我国耕地流转。  相似文献   
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