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近几年来,商业贿赂呈现出贿赂形式多种多样,大案要案不断增多,国家工作人员涉案人数逐年增加等特点。因此,完善刑事立法,制定行政法规已显得十分迫切。  相似文献   
Based on interviews, this article provides a case study of the experiences of academic staff at one Australian regional university in undertaking contract research projects sponsored by government departments and agencies. Academics from a surprisingly diverse range of disciplines are attracted to government‐sponsored research for a variety of reasons but particularly important is the financial support provided for research projects and postgraduate research students. Projects vary in scale, amounts of funding involved and purposes, with research activities covering a wide range of different activities including collection and analysis of data, provision of documentation on good practice, design of implementation strategies, evaluations, organisational reviews and policy recommendations. Overall, respondents are highly positive about their experiences, despite problems such as delays in payment of funds, inappropriately restricted timelines, frequent changes in senior agency personnel, unrealistic expectations, and restrictions in the use of data and publication of results. While many academics from different disciplines provide policy recommendations and carry out evaluative studies, few are well informed about the extent to which their work is actually utilised.  相似文献   
精神损害赔偿是国家赔偿制度中的重要组成部分,然而,目前我国的国家赔偿法中并未规定精神损害赔偿,这不利于充分保障公民的权益。本文以佘祥林案件为引,分析了我国精神损害国家赔偿的立法缺失,指出了精神损害赔偿建立的可行性和必要性,并对如何确定国家赔偿中的精神损害赔偿的范围、方式以及数额进行了探讨。  相似文献   
针对目前学术界对我国现行商业秘密保护立法模式的质疑以及关于建立统一《商业秘密保护法》的建议,本文在观察、对比了目前国际上存在的两种商业秘密保护立法模式的基础上,以实证分析的方法对我国现行的商业秘密立法模式进行多维度分析,揭示我国现行立法模式具有现实的合理性,指出以《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》为中心的商业秘密保护体系不宜改变为以统一的《商业秘密保护法》为中心的保护体系;同时也说明现行调整商业秘密的具体法律规范确实存在内容粗糙、不够全面、缺少协调性等缺陷,有必要对现行部门法中有关商业秘密保护的规定加以适当调整,并在整体上提出具体的完善措施。  相似文献   
随着我国经济建设的高速发展,基础设施和公用事业建设严重滞后或效率低下成为国民经济增长的障碍,我国政府自20世纪90年代起已开始大力推广应用BOT方式。但是目前我国尚未形成保障BOT实施的较为完善的法律体系,因此分析我国BOT的立法现状及推行BOT方式存在的法律障碍,制定具有可操作性的法律法规,建立和完善我国调整BOT方式的法律制度已成为当务之急。  相似文献   
对我国地方档案立法原则的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地方档案立法属于实施性立法或二次立法,在档案立法体系中处于较低层次.在坚持法制统一的前提下,它着重要解决地方经济和社会发展中的具体情况和实际需要.在<立法法>规定的立法基本原则和<档案法>规定的立法专业原则指导下,地方档案立法要实现自身的宗旨、功能和目的,就必须坚持两个原则:不抵触原则和地方特色原则.  相似文献   
公众参与立法是实现民主政治的重要方面,既有利于法的执行,又是对公权力的监督。当前我国公众参与立法正如火如荼展开,但是还有不少尚需改进之处。参与途径主要有立法听证、立法建议、立法辩论以及组建民意集团等形式。当前仍需建立健全我国公众参与立法的机制,以促进公众广泛、有序地参与到立法中来。  相似文献   
大学英语课堂教学现状调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
课题组从大学生的视角出发,通过对一所省属重点院校学生的访谈,同时结合定量的问卷调查,通过审视课堂的四要素——教师、学生、教材、多媒体,发现大学英语课堂教学中所存在的问题。通过分析认为,必须充分考虑大学英语改革与中学英语的对接,并要做出与中学英语具有本质上不同的教学定位,突出实用性和个性化,改变当前大学英语处于夹缝中的状况。  相似文献   
This paper reviews the role of the Designated Liaison Person (DLP) for Child Protection in the Irish primary school context. This is a role assigned by the Board of Management to a person in the school who oversees all matters pertaining to child protection including reporting abuse, liaising with staff and outside agencies in relation to child protection and meeting parents as required. Given the responsibilities associated with the role, it is normally the Principal teacher in the school who undertakes the role. A study undertaken with a number of DLPs in a variety of schools of different size and type highlights the multifaceted nature of the role, the supports available to DLPs and the challenges in undertaking this responsibility. The responsibility of ensuring the DLP is taking the correct course of action in making a referral of abuse in relation to a child is highlighted in the findings. Recent updates in child protection legislation which will impact on child protection procedures and policy in the school environment are also considered in this paper.  相似文献   
政策是发展职业教育的根本动力与保证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高峰 《职大学报》2010,(1):129-131
学报学报,学术报道,理应主要刊发各科学术研究的成果;但因学报的服务对象主要是高等院校的广大教师,因此探讨教育教学工作经验、体会的文章,也不能不适当刊发若干。但是,近年此类经验体会之类的来稿实在太多,而本刊版面又有限制,故编辑部作出以下决定:一、此类稿件的采用率严格控制在二十分之一以下;二、此类稿件不再附加"摘要"、"关键词"、"作者简介"等等内容。恳切希望广大作者和读者理解并配合我们的工作。  相似文献   
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