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This study examined staff motivation, satisfaction, and job performance among the librarians and library staff in six selected university libraries in Nigeria. The target population for the study includes the professionals and nonprofessional library staff. A total enumeration sampling technique was used to select 180 respondents, which represent the sample for the study. Data was collected using a self-designed questionnaire titled “Staff Motivation, Satisfaction and Job Performance Questionnaire” (SMSJPQ). Six research questions were developed and answered by the study. The results indicate that librarian and library staff are highly motivated with regular pay while the least motivational factor is frequent interaction with their friends. Library staff are primarily satisfied with their jobs when they are in constant link with their friends. Professional library staff significantly experience better work motivation than their nonprofessional counterparts. Significant correlation exists between staff motivation and job performance and between job satisfaction and job performance. In addition, the two factors (motivation and satisfaction) exert significant contribution to the determinant of librarians and library staff job performance. Based on the findings, the study recommended improvement in the level of motivation of nonprofessionals so that the significant difference with the professional counterpart would not be so much pronounced.  相似文献   
[目的/意义]为增强弱信号的内涵研究,对其全生命周期过程下的各阶段要素以及要素间的联系进行探寻,以期获得一定程度上的理论贡献,同时也为相关组织在开展弱信号管理实践时提供理论指导。[方法/过程]在对弱信号概念研究现状进行梳理的基础上,结合意义构建理论给出了弱信号概念界定。随后,通过与信息生命周期、新兴议题生命周期进行类比,提出弱信号生命周期理念。进而采用系统动态学方法开展系统思考,使用因果回路图进行系统建模,运用存量流量图进行仿真模拟。[结果/结论]弱信号生命周期包含4个阶段:侦测、关联、传递、抉择,相应的系统动态学模型所具备的现实性得到验证,且通过情景模拟确认了4个关键辅助变量:外界噪声干扰程度、弱信号分析效率、组织内相互信任程度、决策者信任程度。在整体研究的基础上,给出弱信号管理过程中可能会遇到的障碍以及应对策略。  相似文献   

This research adapted the Life Skills Scale for Sport (LSSS) into Portuguese and provided evidence for its construct validity. Study 1 included four translators and five academics who developed a Portuguese version of the LSSS (P-LSSS). During this study, evidence for the content and substantive aspects of construct validity was provided using an expert panel and 25 sports participants. Study 2 included 413 participants that completed the P-LSSS. Within this study, evidence for the structural aspect of construct validity was provided via factor analyses. Study 3 included 134 participants who completed the P-LSSS and a measure of motivation. This study provided evidence for the external aspect of construct validity, with results showing more self-determined motivation had positive relationships with participant’s life skills development. Overall, our findings provided evidence for the construct validity of P-LSSS scores. Researchers and practitioners can use the P-LSSS to assess life skills development within sports participants.  相似文献   
使用弗莱、鲍桑葵、克莉丝蒂娃等理论家的理论及叙述学理论,分析哈代的著作《卡斯特桥市长》,在一定程度上消解了肖尔瓦特对这部作品女主人公的定论,并通过弗莱原型移位理论来分析在理性双重缺失的境遇下,叙述者所追求的理想生活态度。  相似文献   
从新疆大学现行体育教育的考评制度内容、方法和评分标准三方面进行现状分针,揭示其弊端,并针对此提出重新确立体育课考评制度的原则和依据,通过图示及其特点加以说明其重要性。  相似文献   
本文主要介绍了用阶梯切削法来建立YT15氮化钛涂层车刀的刀具使用寿命计算公式方法,并对涂层刀具和未涂层刀具的切削数据进行了处理和比较,进一步从理论上和实验上论证了涂层刀具的使用寿命远高于未涂层刀具的事实。  相似文献   
《原野》是曹禺秉持着形而上的诗性哲学对宗法制社会家族复仇题材的一次考量。仇虎与焦大星之间兄弟亲情和家族世仇的情感焦虑,构成了《原野》的叙事主题。然而《原野》的审美价值更多地着落在它的副部主题上,正是有了花金子的参与,复仇的神圣使命才染上了情爱的野性活力,使涌动的生命得以冲破逼仄的喉咙,在残阳如血的“原野”直直放歌。也许是激情耗尽的缘故,花金子之后,曹禺再也没有完整地塑造过这样的野性女子。《原野》终成绝唱。  相似文献   
蒋捷生平行实考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南宋著名词人蒋捷,词名胜极一时,惜今人对之研究寥寥。本文就蒋捷生平可考事迹进行一一考证。  相似文献   
哲学对人类生存本性的把握,既是哲学永恒的主题.也是哲学之所以产生并存在了几千年的根本原因,而且随着哲学的进一步发展,将会更加凸显其对人类生存本性的澄明与反思。哲学所体现的流变性、超越性、矛盾性等特征与人类生存所固有的不定性、创造性和悖论性等内容是相对应的。哲学与人类生存的这种内在统一性表明:一方面,哲学是人类生存之所必需.只有从哲学去把握人,才能理解人和人生存的真谛;另一方面,哲学只有在对人的生存本性的把握中.才能使其追根溯源的底蕴得到切近与深刻的理解。  相似文献   
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