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马尔库塞从弗洛伊德关于人的本质的理解出发,得出爱欲压抑是现代文明的根本特征。接着,他从劳动异化的角度阐明劳动者的工具化和劳动性质的异化是爱欲压抑的具体体现。最后,他从必要性和现实性的角度探讨爱欲解放的社会构想。  相似文献   
在唐代具有行侠主题的诗歌、小说中,最令人非议的是侠客杀人的大量血腥场面的出现,虽然其中亦可显示出侠客尚未被道德化洗礼的粗犷、原始意味,但由此所暴露出来的侠客的嗜血欲望,充分透出其“孤儿”原型的本质,亦即失望的理想主义者,渴望着能拉离他们于不安与害怕的泥淖之外的救援者出现,他们相信为救援者牺牲生命或服侍他们以换取关爱,不但合乎逻辑,更令人宽慰。而侠客的“救援者”即是“知遇者”,因此无数的酬恩仇之举便由此而来。由“孤儿”原型对安全感的渴求,到“魔法师”原型的本真和整全合一,侠客的发展成熟历程中唐代身居起点的位置,也让后世有发展完成侠客历程的空间。  相似文献   
在中国封建社会道德与色欲是一对矛盾,很难实现统一和平衡。蒲松龄的《聊斋志异》以文学幻想的形式,通过对大量具有"神性"而又合乎男性心目中理想女性标准的狐女形象的虚构,摆脱了固化礼教的束缚,满足了文人内在心理的众多潜在要求,在男性色欲和社会伦理规范的现实冲突中起到了很好的调节作用。  相似文献   
在唯美的视觉盛宴里,电影让受众在美的艺术形式中消费欲望,满足自我的想象和审美的期待。《画皮》利用电影媒介的诱惑,召唤受众成为窥视欲望的主体,在男权话语的机制下,电影中的女性形象可分为"天使"和"魔鬼"两大类,它满足了男性受众的情感欲望,同时让女性受众在潜意识中实现自我认同。  相似文献   
沈从文是一个关注民族生命力的作家,他在小说中描述了两种情欲形态,形成了自己独特的情欲叙述方式。情欲是人性的一种,沈从文的情欲叙事不仅反映了当时社会存在的两种情欲形态,更重要的是体现出作者的人文精神,强烈的生命意识以及建构人性的希腊小庙的文学理想。  相似文献   
北宋诗僧惠洪是个迷一样的人.作为持戒僧工,惠洪曾四次入狱;作为诗僧,惠洪好为"绮美不忘情之语".是僧是俗,或赋或作,惠洪让人当时及后世揣摸不透.  相似文献   
张爱玲小说<金锁记>中的主人公曹七巧为了金钱而嫁入豪门,被金钱锁住了情欲,并用这枷锁劈杀了自己的至亲骨肉,上演了一幕幕悲剧.七巧有一个心魔对黄金和情性的双重渴望.七巧一生都游离在黄金欲与情性欲的边缘,处于黄金欲与情性欲的矛盾斗争中.在黄金欲与情性欲的矛盾斗争中巧被逼"疯"了."疯"了的七巧把悲剧延续到了儿女的身上,酿成了更凄惨的悲剧.七巧的心魔、七巧自身的性格矛盾是造成这一悲剧的内在原因.  相似文献   
Proposition to articulate perverse subjectivity and the pervert act was established, wherein, the dynamics of criminal acts, as means of lust, and convicts' positioning within social bonds configure the outlines. For this purpose, imprisoned were registered in unit of Rio de Janeiro Penal System was interviewed. The concept of perversion was a starting point and means for interpretation of the perverse phenomena present in subjects condemned for homicide. Social relationships, geared by violence and crime, offer criminality guaranteed space within its network. The assertive that social plot offers sponsorship, if not incentive, for occurrence and maintenance of crimes may be made, but this statement is uncertain when considering the criminal's perception of his role and part therein. This questioning leds to the investigation of imprisoned with the objective of studying the criminal act, the executor's implication and types of social engagement related to crime. Discursive production was collected from various interviews and analyzed. The results were: (1) The majority of criminals believe crime necessary and associated to citizen and criminal necessities. (2) The way media discloses criminal acts makes available methods and strategies which can be readily assimilated. (3) Criminals interpret their crimes as sociological-economic needs, a means of social ascension and empowerment, thus revealing remarkable change in customs. (4) Failure, or even absence of a paternal image was evidenced in family pattern study, inasmuch as majority come from women's homes with several children, each of different fathers. (5) Uncontrollable increase of criminality may be the consequence of subjective emptiness, observable by maximum concentration of the subject in the ego, allied to the loosening of links fundamental to social relationship. (6) The criminal have low scholastic levels. Homicidal hold the lowest academic level, some being illiterate. (7) Finally, the imprisoned reveal the existence of pleasure in stealing, killing, seizure, blackmailing and assaulting. He practices two categories of actions: (1) Torturer, which includes assailants and kidnappers, has primordial interest in the slow mortification process of the victims, continuous suffering, the abolition of desire and, not immediately, death; (2) Executioner, commonly known as contracted killers, those whose lust derives from the capture of death in those dying whilst dying, have the sole action present with complete dissubjectivation of victim.  相似文献   
文章从身体的角度对小说《青春之歌》及其衍化的同名电影进行互文性探析,认为身体在这两种不同传媒文本的游弋中被更为强烈地意识形态化了,因而更远离了身体自身及生活。  相似文献   
刘泽璞 《海外英语》2014,(12):170-172
On the basis of an in-depth analysis of the insatiable lust of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth for power, this paper is intended to reveal the theme of Macbeth: the greed for power and the corruption of power in human nature. It is argued that when Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are greedy for political power, they cannot avoid committing regicide. Once seizing the power in such an unlawful and sinister way, they abuse power. Eventually, it is their ugly inner drive for power that inevitably cause their degeneration, downfall and demise. Such a theme analysis has its practical significance for modern readers.  相似文献   
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