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王夫之诗歌美学思想是以“意象”为本体论范畴的,在他的诗歌美学理论著作《姜斋诗话》和他的诗歌批评实践活动中,王夫之通过对“意”和“象”这两个概念的分析和梳理,指出了两者在理论上的联系,事实上建立了以“意象”为本体的诗歌审美本体论。本文意在通过对王夫之的诗歌美学思想和诗歌批评实践的文本的解读,澄清王夫之诗歌美学思想的本体论内涵,明确其理论贡献。  相似文献   
论《诗经》中的舟船意象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《诗经》里有大量篇章描写到舟船这一意象,诗人或凭舟船渲染男女情思,或以舟船直抒羁旅乡愁,或借舟船象征君臣遇合。《诗经》中的舟船作为一种独特的审美意象,凝聚着人们驾舟行船的切身体验和日常的生活感受,反映着人类的志趣情感和文化精神,乃是诗人的心境、情绪的寄寓和外化形式。  相似文献   
森艾米莉·狄金森是美国十九世纪与沃尔特·惠特曼齐名的女诗人,她的死亡主题的诗歌长期以来引起了很多学者的关注,也出现了从多个角度进行的评论和阐释,本文也拟对其死亡诗歌中独特的意象、诗歌中反映出的作者对待上帝的态度、以及作者对永生的认识等角度进行解读,以期对这位神秘的美国女诗人对待死亡的复杂的思想和矛盾的宗教态度有个更为清楚和全面的了解。  相似文献   
中国古典诗词与英美意象派诗歌在意象的营造方面存在着一些共同特点:追求简洁,突出意象,时空自由;会意性强,分析性弱,且多数诗歌具有明显的绘画效果。然而,基于中英两种语言的结构模式差异,中国古典诗词大致属于常规性语言范畴,而意象派诗歌基本属于变异性语言范畴。  相似文献   
In the developing phase of typhoon formation, the spiral belt partly emerges in satellite cloud images. This research starts from images and moves on to graphics and then to representation and recognition. Following this route, local spiral cloud belt is segmented from the raw images using image segmentation, the spiral information is extracted using mathematic morphology, and local spiral curves are detected using Hough transformation. The problem of center locating of developing typhoon has finally been solved through a search algorithm of spiral curve. For No. 99082008 cloud image, the result produced by the algorithm in this paper is at 122. 3 degree west longitude, 17.5 degree north latitude. The real typhoon center location was at 122.4 degree west longitude, 18 degree north latitude.  相似文献   
李瓶儿是《金瓶梅》中众多栩栩如生、血肉丰满的女性形象之一。小说描写了她在生活中的喜怒哀乐与爱恨情仇。以嫁与西门庆为界,其性格发生了根本的变化:由一个悍妇变为一个贤妻良母。之所以发生这种根本的转变,一是由于她找到了情感的慰藉,其次在于获得了生理的满足,另外还源于官哥儿的出世。尽管如此,"存天理、灭人欲"的社会伦理环境、封建制度和封建礼教终使她还是未能避免凄惨的结局。  相似文献   
Assessment is an important aspect of medical education because it tests students' competence and motivates them to study. Various assessment methods, with and without images, are used in the study of anatomy. In this study, we investigated the use of extended matching questions (EMQs). To gain insight into the influence of images on the validity of test items, we focused on students' cognitive processes while they answered questions with and without images. Seventeen first‐year medical students answered EMQs about gross anatomy, combined with either labeled images or answer lists, while thinking aloud. The participants' verbal reports were transcribed verbatim and then coded. Initial codes were based on a task analysis and were adapted into final codes during the coding process. Results showed that students used more cues from EMQs with images and visualized more often in EMQs with answer lists. Ready knowledge and verbal reasoning were used equally often in both conditions. In conclusion, EMQs with and without images elicit different results in this think aloud experiment, indicating different cognitive processes. They seem to measure different skills, making them valid for different testing purposes. The take‐home message for anatomy teachers is that questions without images seem to test the quality of students' mental images while questions with images test their ability to interpret visual information. It makes sense to use both response formats in tests. Using images from clinical practice instead of anatomical drawings will help to improve test validity. Anat Sci Educ 7: 107–116. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   
格林函数法是求解静电场的重要方法,但几乎所有的电动力学教材,在介绍格林函数法时,都因缺少适当难度的例题和习题,而使学生感到难以掌握,应用更是困难,以致一些教师干脆删掉此内容。鉴于此,本文拟通过设计的几个简单例题的讨论.以帮助理解和掌握格林函数法,弥补现行电动力学教材的不合。  相似文献   
高尔基把底层女性形象放置在19世纪末20世纪初无产阶级革命的背景上,塑造了传奇型、蒙昧型、迷惘型和自主型四类女性形象,系统地展示了底层女性的精神成长历程,并对她们的宗教意识、母性意识进行了新的探索,展示了高尔基无产阶级美学观的形成和发展  相似文献   
英语习语浓厚的文化特征决定了异化和归化是英语习语翻译中互为补充不可或缺的两种方法。异化能很好地保留原语文化和形象,归化能很好地传达原语寓意和精神。二者各具特色,各有用途。译者要用辩证的眼光看待这两种处理方法,根据具体语境把握分寸,灵活运用。  相似文献   
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