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人的生命是自然生命力、精神生命力和社会生命力的统一。我国传统文化中的生命观所蕴含的价值在于,关切人的自然生命力,激扬精神生命力,升华社会生命力,孕育了自强不息的中华民族精神,启示我们在和谐社会的构建中,尤其要珍爱、尊重和升华生命。  相似文献   
戏剧处于艺术的最高层,属于综合艺术,它综合了文学、音乐、舞蹈、美术、工艺等多种艺术.戏剧在综合中体现出其隐喻特性,因此,戏剧是隐喻的艺术.具体来说,戏剧的隐喻主要表现在冲突、动作、空间、视觉等方面.  相似文献   
在乡村治理中,应当废弃"经费包干"旧机制,消除地方"诸侯经济"恶性竞争局面,构建"惠农直补"新机制,防止惠农资金"跑冒滴漏"现象;尊重行业利润底线标准,树立行业利润分配理念;强化政府服务职能,避免公权越俎代庖现象;规范净化利益共生格局,消除不当利益追逐空间。亟待构建和完善乡村治理结构中全新的经济机制,尽快实现中国乡村社会治理结构在经济机制上的根本转型。  相似文献   
新世纪以来,夏中义、王步高、温儒敏、陈洪、张介明等人主编的大学语文教材,或以人文主题为特色,或对文学史编排体例进行新探索,或以文化专题讲座形式结构内容,或引入数字化资源构筑教材新形态,或导入比较文学视野更新知识构成,大力变革传统编排方式,有力推动了大学语文教材改革的发展。  相似文献   
杜十娘是我国文学史上为数不多的经典悲剧形象之一。虽是风尘女子,但她的勇敢刚烈、执着善良、恩怨分明却令很多读者为之震撼。在《杜十娘怒沉百宝箱》中对杜十娘爱情悲剧的描写,可谓"极摹人情世态之歧,备写悲欢离合之致",本文将分别从其身世经历、性格、爱情及理想几方面对其悲剧性加以分析。  相似文献   
Being victims of racial prejudice, religious intolerance, poverty, disempowerment and language loss it could be expected that indigenous people would be supportive of the Inclusion Movement with its philosophy of valuing and acceptance of all people. This supposition is examined for Māori, the indigenous people of Aotearoa/New Zealand. In particular, three research studies investigating Māori perspectives of intellectual disability, blindness and vision impairment, and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are examined for evidence of inclusive and exclusive attitudes and practices. Findings show that while Māori participants’ opinions varied, people with intellectual disabilities, ASD, blindness and vision impairment were generally valued family members and many examples of inclusive attitudes and practices were shared. Core Māori values support Inclusion. It is proposed that incorporating these values into education and disability services will not only result in more culturally appropriate provisions for Māori but will also contribute to the greater inclusion of all disabled people whatever their ethnicity.  相似文献   
This study investigated loneliness among students with blindness and those who are sighted in Jordan, and examined whether loneliness levels vary according to gender. Students included 90 students with blindness and 79 sighted students selected from high schools and universities in the capital city of Amman. The instrument used to collect information in this study was an Arabic translation and adapted version of the UCLA Loneliness Scale developed by Russell in 1996. The results indicated that students with blindness reported significantly higher degrees of loneliness than sighted students; however, no significant differences were attributable to gender or interaction between visual status and gender. The implications of the findings for families and teachers of students with blindness, and for future research in Jordan, are offered.  相似文献   
石屏(汉代的胜休县)在汉武帝元封二年(前109)被纳入到中央王朝的版图中。但在极短的时间内,这一地区便被纳入《禹贡》九州之一的梁州范围内。这一现象,不仅仅是单纯的托古比附问题,而是由秦汉大一统的发展趋势所决定的。这种趋势在思想上,便是当时人们的天下观念,在先秦便已萌芽,到秦汉时发生剧烈变革,由文化认同向实际政治控制转变。在以后两千多年的历史长河中,这一变革在新征服地区的人们心中发生着潜移默化的影响,对塑造统一的多民族国家起到了重要作用。  相似文献   
The paper takes the content of Virginia Woolf’s diary and novel as materials to analyze three of her most important theories which are“subjective vision”,“moment of being”and“character as center”to e...  相似文献   
介绍了一种基于机器视觉技术的柚子外观尺寸检测系统.利用CMOS摄像头采集柚子正立图像,通过数字图像处理技术获取柚子的纵径、横径、表面积及体积等外观尺寸参数.借鉴已有球状水果机器视觉检测误差理论,对检测数据进行修正,提高检测精度,并应用Matlab/GUI技术建立柚子外观尺寸测量系统界面.实验表明,检测系统具有较高的检测精度,可满足实际生产中柚子分级精度的要求,且人机交互界面友好,使用操作方便.  相似文献   
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