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高校社会主义核心价值体系的作用论述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会主义核心价值体系是社会主义的主流意识形态。将社会主义核心价值体系教育贯穿于高校教育的全过程,可实现高校育人与如何育人的有效对接;用社会主义核心价值体系的科学内容武装大学生头脑,通过创新高校教育功能,可实现社会主义主流意识形态与大学生日常生活意识形态的统一;对社会主义核心价值体系的认同与实践,既有助于更好地传播社会主义核心价值体系,增强社会主义意识形态的凝聚力,为中国特色社会主义建设提供强大的精神动力,也有助于用社会主义核心价值体系引领社会思潮和学术思潮,反对西方敌对势力对我国的西化和分化。  相似文献   
中国近现代史的主题是民族独立与复兴,主线是侵略与抗争、探索与选择。教师要充分认识和理解中国近现代史的主题和主线,在教学过程中突出主题、抓住主线,使大学生认识中国近现代史的本质及其发展规律,了解中国国史、国情以及中国的发展进程。  相似文献   
《南方周末》是市面上一份难得有着自己独特品味的严肃周报。但它并不是一开始就是以这样的姿态走上报纸行列的,从创刊之初到现今,它经历了一个较为漫长的转型过程,由一个娱乐性的小报逐渐发展成为一个注重品味、深度挖掘的高级报纸,而且是作为一份主流报纸立于报林之列。本文对它的理念发展历程进行梳理并分析其社会背景和历史原因,着重介绍其现今的理念和品味追求,试图将《南方周末》的经验作为对其他主流媒体理念发展的借鉴。  相似文献   
32集电视连续剧《上海王》是继电视剧《上海滩》以来的又一力作,它以哲理式的思辨将儒、道、释、法思想文化进行了一次比较与融合,以全新的形式诠释了中国主流思想文化的张力与中国式理想人格范式。  相似文献   
作为美学范畴之一 ,它不是事物自然的形态 ,而是被主流文化所边缘化了的一种文化价值观 ,其本身所蕴含的哲学、美学内涵历来又被主流文化所抹杀。老庄思想中有关丑的美学内涵是对儒家正统美学观念所进行的一次失败了的反叛行为。  相似文献   
王天橼 《科教文汇》2020,(13):183-185
主旋律电影在有限的时间和空间内,可以以温和而全面的方式体现我国特有的政治和社会价值观,让此类影片“走出国门”,可树立我国国际形象,增进中外交流与合作。本文以《寒战2》为例,归纳总结主旋律电影字幕英译时面临的问题与翻译策略。  相似文献   
通过对专业运动队思想文化教育特点的分析,以及对当下多元文化的解构,认为多元文化的碰撞与融合对专业运动队思想文化建设中主流价值观的形成具有重要作用。得出结论:在文化的解构与整合重塑主流价值观过程中应辩证分析不同文化的优劣,去伪存真并合理运用。通过培育良好社会心态、刚性制度与柔性管理的结合,以及契合社会及时代要求的文化思想教育手段重塑主流价值观。  相似文献   
蔡伟 《大观周刊》2011,(23):49-50
清末民初之交,中国社会的主流政治文化发生了重大转变。由腐朽的封建皇权专制统治政治文化,转变为资产阶级民主共和政治文化。这一转变的主要标志是“辛亥革命”的爆发。首义的胜利,只是在体制上给没落的晚清王朝统治以最后一击,而并没有战胜统治中国人脑袋达两千余载的封建思想文化。封建思想的流毒贻害甚远,民国虽建,而民主之路多舛。  相似文献   
There have been many research projects studying the use of peer intervention strategies to develop the social, communication and interaction skills of children with autism, yet few of these studies focus in detail on the impact of such strategies on the mainstream peers. In this article, Val Jones, an advisory teacher for autism spectrum conditions, explores the impact of peer tutoring children with autism on the peer tutors themselves. This enquiry focuses on ten to eleven-year-old mainstream pupils who were paired with twelve children with autism and associated learning difficulties for weekly peer tutoring sessions at a primary school with a specialist autism unit. At the end of a series of tutoring sessions, the perspectives of the peer tutors were gathered through questionnaires. All of the peer tutors reported that they had enjoyed the experience and most felt that the peer tutoring had brought them direct benefits by building confidence, teaching responsibility, encouraging caring attitudes and helping them to acknowledge diversity. Val Jones also gathered the views of parents and school staff who again reported largely positive outcomes from the peer tutoring process. While this small-scale study focuses on findings from one school, there are wider implications here for the development of inclusive policies and practices and this article will be of interest to professionals working across the range of specialist and mainstream settings.  相似文献   
Literature is replete with evidence of considerable pressure that many mainstream teachers may experience in their bid to respond to the diverse needs of children with special educational needs and disabilities and to achieve ever better results. In this study, the results of 100 teachers from mainstream primary schools in three of the ten regions of Ghana were examined. The analysis involved five bi‐polar emotional reactions; namely: anxious/relaxed; encouraged/discouraged; confident/diffident; satisfied/dissatisfied; self‐assured/ worried. The results confirmed that in teaching children with SEN in the mainstream, teachers experienced psychological stress. On the basis of the findings, suggestions for more information about SEN, supply of resources and inter‐agency collaboration were made.  相似文献   
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