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译介与内化外来文化是翻译的功用之一。在翻译过程中,一方面由于译者长期浸染于译入语系统文化当中,其翻译活动无疑要受到所属文化传统的影响,其文化立场也必然渗透到他的翻译中。另一方面,由于译者需要考虑服务对象的阅读需求和译作的潜在市场,其翻译活动在很大程度上会受到译入语系统当时流行的创作思想和主流创作形式的影响。十七十八世纪至五四前后这一段特定的历史时期,译入语文化对翻译活动的内化与规约表现在:为了满足中国读者的心理需求,将外国人名、地名、称谓等专有名词中国化;为了迎合国人的审美情趣,因袭传统写作模式和风格,小说常采用仿章回体的翻译体例,诗歌多采用中国古典诗词形式;为了帮助读者欣赏作品,大幅增、删或改造原文的现象十分普遍。这种内化现象表面上是对原著的篡改和"变形",其实说到底还是翻译主体在试图消解中西两种文化间的差距,有其自身存在的合理性。  相似文献   
作为"超验主义"的代言人,爱默生代表美国文学发展的主流方向,而同属于19世纪浪漫主义文学家的爱伦.坡则是逆主流的另一走向。爱默生重思想,认为真正的诗歌和艺术应该能陶冶人的情操,他主张文以载道,而且他对未来充满希望,认为个人的发展潜力是无限的。但是天才爱伦.坡却反对当时盛行的文艺说教,主张纯艺术,他崇尚"唯美主义"和"效果统一"的创作理论,而且爱伦.坡预见了被乐观主义者们所忽视的20世纪现代人所遭遇的心理危机。  相似文献   
20世纪80年代以来,美国主流环保组织的体制化趋势明显。这一趋势是主流环保组织实力不断壮大的产物,也是顺应20世纪70年代以来美国社会趋向保守这一形势的结果。主流环保组织的体制化,主要体现为环保组织自身建设的加强,环保组织间长效合作机制的建立及环保组织斗争方式的改变。主流环保组织加强了同政府及公司的合作,主张以合作为基础的第三条道路。主流环保运动的体制化有利于扩大其社会影响,美国民众的环保意识、美国社会的生产和消费及美国的环境政策都因此而发生了一定的改变。环保运动的体制化也使它在结构、制度和指导思想等方面存在诸多缺陷,从而限制了环保运动向纵深发展。  相似文献   
《仪礼.士昏礼》问名仪式中“敢请女为谁氏”的提问包含着丰富的礼教内涵,郑注仅理解为“谦也”,大失其旨。春秋时代“择偶自由”、“性观念开放”的结论与史实差距甚远,造成这种偏见的原因在于未能在概念上将周王朝主流婚礼与各种原因所造成的支流婚俗作明晰区分。  相似文献   
在社会生活热点纷呈,社会新闻不断涌现的情况下,作为新闻传媒的报纸、广播、电视等主流媒体要真正做出受众欢迎,并符合党的方针政策要求的社会新闻,就必须把握其本质,坚持正确的舆论导向。在报道社会新闻的“度”上把好关,达到宏扬社会主旋律的目的。  相似文献   
As teacher confidence in helping children with speech impairments is reported as being low, mainstream teachers may welcome the introduction of specialist speech therapist support in schools through the National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services (NSF). This reflexive account is offered to develop awareness and understanding of the psycho-social effects of cleft palate and to encourage mainstream teachers and careers of young people who have speech difficulties and disorders to develop individual and classroom-based strategies that facilitate the young person's personal, social and emotional development alongside the parallel, more technical work of specialist speech therapists.
This article reviews the literature related to the nature and treatment of cleft palates, parental coping, adolescent social development and adult coping. This is interwoven with personal stories from the life course of the author, a former teacher who herself has cleft palate speech. Current clinical focus is critiqued for being overly focused on the functional effects of speech disorder in childhood and this leaves a significant gap in the adolescent's social development and ill prepares them for the possibility of speech impairments persisting into adulthood.
Some supportive factors are identified to facilitate and encourage cooperation between teachers and other professionals involved in the care and treatment of young people with cleft palates.  相似文献   
随着互联网的发展,网络游戏族在信息化浪潮的簇拥下逐渐壮大,最终演化为一种新颖且充满活力的文化现象.从亚文化的视角来考察,这一以"玩游戏"为共同属性的特殊群体,一方面通过解读和重构游戏文本生产出属于自己的文化意义,从而颠覆传统主流文化的霸权地位,另一方面,他们也无法摆脱被主流文化收编的命运.游戏族和其他亚文化族群一样,在完成其文化使命之后,最终会被吸纳到主流文化中.  相似文献   
Behavioural, emotional and social difficulties (BESD) are a significant impediment to effective teaching and learning in England and Wales. Initiatives such as in-school Learning Support Units (LSUs) and off-site Pupil Referral Units (PRUs) aim to address BESD through short-term individualised learning programmes, followed by mandatory reintegration into mainstream education. This reintegration often fails due to post-reintegration regression contributed to poor-to-fit behaviour. The aim of the study was to analyse and describe the reintegration experiences of learners with BESD, followed by a resilience-based reintegration programme to aid policy makers and practitioners with the reintegration into mainstream education of learners with BESD. A qualitative research approach with a generic phenomenological enquiry within an interpretivist-constructivist paradigm was followed. A total of 13 learners with BESD from the London Borough of Waltham Forest and between the ages of 11 to 14 participated through completion of sentences and a life essay. Of the learner participants, four were invited to participate in unstructured interviews, alongside professionals with an interest in the reintegration of learners. Parents of the participants were asked to complete qualitative questionnaires and teachers were asked to respond to questions via email. In all, three main themes were identified: promotive and risk emotional experiences, promotive and risk relationship experiences and promotive and risk experiences based on the reintegration processes. The findings support guidelines for developing resilience-based reintegration programmes that include developing emotional competence, developing promotive relationships and implementing promotive reintegration practices.  相似文献   
虽然英国的同性恋书写述评最早可以追溯到英国诗歌之父杰弗雷·乔叟时期,但是直到19世纪才开始逐渐凸显出来,到了20世纪,由于诸多文学大家介入,英国同性恋文学的书写述评开始蓬勃发展,而且同性恋理论也得以建构。然而,由于历史原因和异性恋霸权话语的抑制,同性恋文学在英国一直处于边缘地住并呈现出多元化的现象,但是同性恋文学拓展了英国文学的主流,开始渐渐融入文学的主流。  相似文献   
中国近现代主流文化意识形态的转型氤氲于明末清初,它本来是儒学在社会实体的作用下所产生的自我蜕变和分化,所谓"理学"与"心学"、"理学"与"经学"、"宋学"与"汉学"、"实学"与"玄学"之争实际上都是儒学内部之争,它预示着儒学知识论的危机已到了革故鼎新之时了.这场纷争伴随着"中西学"之争,至鸦片战争后高潮迭起,经太平天国、戊戌变法、辛亥革命、"五四"运动等社会变革,儒学终于跌落,马克思主义异军突起.中国化马克思主义跃居为主流意识形态,标志着中国社会及其文化意识形态由传统向现代的转型.  相似文献   
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