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Students with intellectual disabilities often experience school‐related stress. As a result, they are confronted with many difficulties in their daily school life. The goal of this study was to assess situations of school life that students attending Greek mainstream settings are likely to experience as stressful. Twenty students with mild intellectual disabilities were interviewed about their feelings and thoughts regarding possible stressful situations in school. Qualitative analysis of the interviews' data was conducted. As a result, five main sources of school‐related stress were mentioned: school achievement and classroom participation; peer interactions; student behaviour and risk of injury; parents' expectations; and teacher acceptance. The findings suggest that children with intellectual disabilities experience school‐related stress mainly to a normal degree. Concerning the stress factors that emerged as crucial, a basic conclusion can be drawn: mainstream schools should be changed into inclusive communities where student differences are fully respected, and wherein all children, with and without disabilities, are supported according to their individual abilities, potentials and needs.  相似文献   
高动荡转型环境下,如何确保新旧创新(体系)的顺利过渡与转换是企业界与理论界关注的重要问题.从创新流视角,以6家正在或已经经历创新转型的高新技术企业为研究对象,采用扎根理论研究法对案例进行剖析,构建主流创新与新流创新转换风险控制机制.结果显示:主流创新与新流创新转换风险识别是构成两流创新风险控制行为的重要原因,主要包括模式、能力和资源的变异风险识别;在识别和评估两流创新转换风险的基础上,遵循风险识别(感知)—风险评估—风险控制—风险治理效果的逻辑,通过结构惯例更新、资源弹性治理逻辑、过渡型学习控制两流创新变异风险,最终促成新流创新绩效赶超跨越.研究结论对处于创新转型期的企业提供以下启示:确保对两流创新转换风险快速感知,加强创新转换风险评估规范建立,以提高对两流创新转换的环境适应力、降低转换风险,促成新一轮主流创新转换升级.  相似文献   

Why is sport history, despite the central position it plays in the examination of core issues such as gender, race, nationalism and other identities, still marginalized within the historical discipline? This brief reflection on the subject suggests – in broad terms – that this remains the case because many practitioners lack the ambition, or the imagination, to break free from well-worn areas of research and publication outlets. If sports historians consistently fail to recognize opportunities to examine new topics and publish in high-ranking non-sport journals, the historical ‘mainstream’ will continue to refer to ‘classic’, yet outdated, texts that ultimately demean both parties. As shown in the article, this blinkered approach is exacerbated by current trends in higher education funding and recruitment.  相似文献   
新时期以来,伴随着思想解放的矫健步伐,建立在唯物主义认识论基础上的文论话语体系开始遭到解构,理论建设也开始走进一个多元并举、众语共存的姹紫嫣红的理论园地,但由于文论家自身缺乏足够的理论准备和对应阐释的话语基础,文学理论在繁荣背后却难掩自身的落寞和苍白,文论界普遍患上了“理论失语症”,也丧失了以自己的话语、方式及规范独自言说的能力,只剩下外来理论的狂欢。  相似文献   
Many practitioners are now grappling with the practical realities involved in collaborations between mainstream and special schools. Colin Gladstone is a teacher at Greenside, a special school in Hertfordshire. In this article he describes his experience of running a Young Enterprise Scheme project linking teenage students with severe learning difficulties with students from a mainstream secondary school. Colin Gladstone used a Best Practice Research Scholarship (BPRS) and his MEd studies to carry out sustained research into the processes and outcomes of this project named, by the students, 'The Green Team'. The project was clearly a success on many levels, promoting teamwork, collaboration and friendship between the students. It led to accreditation for some and enhanced personal autonomy for others. Colin Gladstone's conclusions will be relevant to practitioners wishing to expand the curriculum for students with and without learning difficulties; to policy makers who wish to promote more active links between mainstream and special schools; and to researchers who wish to engage students in enquiry processes.  相似文献   
“subject”一词在西方语境中有两层意思 :“主体”与“主观”。现代性主体哲学正是通过“主观”而建立了“主体” ,从而对他者在各种意义上的霸权。与此相应 ,2 0世纪对主体哲学的拯救或批判就有了两条思路 :一是海德格尔—伽达默尔的以反方法论为旗的反认识论的“本体论转向” ,一是拉康的精神分析和法国后结构主义对作为实体存在的绝对“主体”的解构。从以上两层意义的内在勾连中展开对“subject”的西方哲学史考察 ,可以看出 :“主体”是“主观”的产物 ,“主体间性”是“主观”的认识论哲学的最高成就 ,但同时“主体间性”在胡塞尔那里的终于失败 ,则意味着我们必须修正现代认识论或者在它之外另辟蹊径。  相似文献   
沈虹光的作品风格朴素平实,细腻隽永。按照题材可以分为"小人物系列剧"、"革命战争题材剧"两大类。"小人物系列剧"中作者通过琐碎平常的生活场景还原了生活的原生态,塑造了"无我"、"自我"、"独我"三种不同的女性形象。其笔下的女性形象有真实可感的一面,但大都没有女性意识,一些"高大全"式的女性形象明显没有摆脱"十七年"时期官方意识形态的窠臼,而带有鲜明的政治意味和主旋律色彩。  相似文献   
公众对主流价值文化的认同感是进行主流价值文化建设的重要社会基础,大学生作为一个特殊的社会群体,对于主流价值文化的认同感对于我国主流价值文化建设的决策具有重要的参考价值。从对主流价值文化、基本价值原则和主导思想、核心价值理念和信仰、社会主义幸福观等四个方面,对"当今我国主流价值文化"调查问卷中大学生群体的调查问卷的数据进行统计分析得出了当代大学生对我国正在进行的主流价值文化的认同感现状、存在的问题及其解决对策。  相似文献   
利益是意识形态的核心要素,是意识形态认同的基础。在社会转型期,利益分化在很大程度上影响着主流意识形态的认同。如何保持和重建社会主流意识形态的认同度和凝聚力,是当前社会转型过程中需要我们认真思考和研究的重要课题。要提高人们对主流意识形态的认同,必须要抓住利益这条主线,把实现好、发展好、维护好广大人民群众的利益作为根本途径。  相似文献   
《最蓝的眼睛》是当今美国最有影响的黑人女作家托妮.莫瑞森(1931~)于1970年发表的第一部中篇小说。小说采用了对比手法,反映了后殖民语境下的种族压迫与反抗的主题。通过理想与现实的矛盾对比,两种不同生活方式的对比和两个家庭的对比,号召黑人尤其是黑人女性抵制白人主流文化,培养黑人民族文化意识。  相似文献   
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