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夫妻财产约定制是我国夫妻财产制度的一项重要内容,2001年修改后的婚姻法较完整地确立了夫妻财产约定制度。在一定程度上完善了我国夫妻财产制度,但现行的夫妻财产约定制仍存在一定的缺陷和不足,立法必须不断加以完善,从而更好地避免和解决夫妻财产纷争,保护第三人利益。维护社会的和谐稳定。  相似文献   
巴霍芬作为原始人类婚姻家庭制度研究的先行者,提出了一些重要的、富有开创性的观点。但巴霍芬无法正确解释原始人类婚姻家庭形式的演变原因与规律。摩尔根沿着巴霍芬开辟的研究方向,在史前社会婚姻家庭制度研究中得出了许多十分重要的结论,把人类对史前社会的研究与认识推进到一个新的高度,也为马克思主义创始人全面揭示原始社会之谜提供了重要史实与重要启示。  相似文献   
婚姻是构筑家庭的基本形式,家庭是社会的基本单位,因此在不同时代背景下关注人们的婚姻动因和质量评价具有理论和现实意义。本研究采用Olson婚姻质量问卷和婚姻动因问卷,对某省三座城市的188名生于60、70和80年代的已婚者进行调查,旨在研究代际间婚姻动因和婚姻质量的特点与关系。研究发现:(1)代际、性别和受教育程度影响婚姻动因,代际和受教育程度分别影响婚姻动因中自身方面和物质经济因素,性别和代际交互影响婚姻动因中的家庭社会因素;(2)婚姻动因、代际和受教育程度影响婚姻质量,自身方面婚姻动因和受教育程度分别影响婚姻质量总分及夫妻交流等因素,婚姻满意度等婚姻质量因子得分存在代际间差异。  相似文献   
This study examined how age gaps among opposite-sex romantic partners related to sexual risk-taking and victimization by partners among 201 at-risk adolescents (60.2% female). We examined three questions: (a) is younger partner age, age gap between partners, or a combination of these two factors most strongly related to negative outcomes; (b) do age gaps relate to negative outcomes differently for male versus female adolescents; and (c) why do age gaps relate to negative outcomes? Results revealed that the wider the age gap between partners, the more likely adolescents were to engage in sex and the less likely they were to use protection against pregnancy and STIs. Wider age gaps were also associated with more frequent emotional and physical victimization and higher odds of unwanted sexual behavior. Findings did not differ significantly by gender or younger partner age. Analyses revealed that the wider the age gap, the more likely both partners were to engage in risky lifestyles (i.e., substance use and delinquency), and risky lifestyles – rather than poor negotiation or decision-making equality – helped to explain associations between age gaps and engagement in sexual intercourse and victimization experiences. Results suggest that relationships with age gaps tend to involve two partners who are engaging in deviant lifestyles overall, further corroborating the need to identify and provide services to these youth. Results also support movements toward considering partner age gaps rather than relying on a set age of consent when determining adolescents’ legal competency to consent to sex.  相似文献   
现行的中华人民共和国《婚姻法》(修正案)及其司法解释适应了婚姻家庭关系时代发展的实际需要,对汉中的婚俗文化产生了重大影响。《婚姻法》(修正案)及其司法解释承认了家务劳动的价值,改变了“男主外,女主内”、家务劳动无报偿的传统习俗;明确禁止了“打老婆”恶俗。夫妻共同财产的进一步明晰,改变了男置房女陪嫁、财产夫妻共有的传统婚俗,带来传统婚嫁习俗的潜在变化。女方在婚前要求男方在房产证上加名或者夫妻约定房产归属将成为新的婚俗。  相似文献   
Tocopherols (Tocs) are vital scavengers of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and important seed oil quality indicators. Nitrogen (N) is one of the most important fertilizers in promoting biomass and grain yield in crop production. However, the effect of different sources and application rates of N on seed Toc contents in oilseed rape is poorly understood. In this study, pot trials were conducted to evaluate the effect of two sources of N fertilizer (urea and ammonium nitrate). Each source was applied to five oilseed rape genotypes (Zheshuang 72, Jiu-Er-1358, Zheshuang 758, Shiralee, and Pakola) at three different application rates (0.41 g/pot (N1), 0.81 g/pot (N2), and 1.20 g/pot (N3)). Results indicated that urea increased α-, γ-, and total Toc (T-Toc) more than did ammonium nitrate. N3 was proven as the most efficient application rate, which yielded high contents of γ-Toc and T-Toc. Highly significant correlations were observed between Toc isomers, T-Toc, and α-/γ-Toc ratio. These results clearly demonstrate that N sources and application rates significantly affect seed Toc contents in oilseed rape.  相似文献   
加强现代家庭伦理建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国进入全面建设小康社会的新阶段,家庭也由传统走向现代.我国传统的以父子关系为主轴,以“孝“为核心的传统家庭伦理发生深刻变化,取而代之的是平等的夫妻关系为中心的现代家庭伦理.在现代家庭伦理建设中,既要发掘蕴含于传统家庭伦理中优良的人文资源,更要与时俱进,对之进行现代价值的再创造,实现传统与现代的结合,重构现代父子伦理和现代夫妻伦理.  相似文献   
我国的夫妻关系,观念上存在理想与现实的冲突;法律制度上存在夫妻人身别体与财产一体的冲突。建构婚前协议制度和夫妻财产分别制度,能够较好地消除上述冲突。  相似文献   
《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》中,作者福克纳对主人公爱米丽充满悲剧色彩的一生表现出无尽的同情和怜悯。从女性主义视角,包括社会、家庭和婚姻制度三个方面对爱米丽的悲剧人生进行解析,从中可以看到南方非人道的道德观和男权社会对女性精神世界的控制、摧残和扭曲。  相似文献   
从20世纪的最后10年看我国青年婚恋观的变迁   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
20世纪最后10年青年婚恋观变迁的主要特点是择偶中自主意识明显增强,择偶范围从地缘、亲缘扩展到业缘.择偶中爱情已占重要位置,经济地位的重要性逐渐上升.性开放从幕后走列台前,对婚前性行为持宽容态度.离婚与婚外恋逐渐增多.  相似文献   
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