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在《傲慢与偏见》中,简·奥斯汀描述了大量的有关乡村中的婚姻,通过这些描述,可以看出她对婚姻的态度与当时整个社会的婚姻道德观是截然不同的。简.奥斯汀认为婚姻应该建立在真爱和信任上,并且只有通过对同伴彻底了解的基础上,才能得到这样的真爱;表面上肤浅的感情是毫无意义的。通过小说中描述的四对婚姻(夏绿蒂与柯林斯、丽迪雅与韦翰、简与彬格莱、伊丽莎白与达西),表明了作者与当时世俗所对立的婚姻道德观。  相似文献   
通过对 42名原中国女排老队员婚后追踪调查 ,分析结果表明激烈运动及比赛会引起月经情况的变化 ,但它是生理变化 ,是暂时性的 ,可恢复的 ,并且不影响婚育  相似文献   
中国古人主要从“分”与“合”两个方面来论述婚姻家庭伦理。“分”是指夫妻有别,即分辨出男女尊卑贵贱之意;“合”是指夫妇相感相通、和谐相处以维护家庭稳定.之.意。从历史看,“合”的这部分内容具有永恒性,也是当代人在维护家庭和谐时所应借鉴的。  相似文献   
《何家芳情事》于苦难叙述之中,深刻揭示了中国二十世纪六十年代至八十年代精神生活的严重匮乏,特别是性、情感与婚姻文化关照的严重缺失。对精神成长的深切呼唤.彰显出小说的思想深度。  相似文献   
摩梭人的对歌以挖苦歌、自傲歌为中心,与恋爱相关的啊哈吧拉歌从歌词的内容来看分为邀请歌、思念歌、挖苦歌,从中可以看到摩梭人的文化心态。  相似文献   
从社会史视角探析恽代英的婚恋家庭观念,可以发现其内容相当丰富,见解也很深刻。恽代英所倡导的婚恋自由、男女平等、一夫一妻、改革家庭结构和完善家庭功能等等,不仅反映了五四时期中国先进知识分子要求解放、渴望自由的强烈愿望,同时也是反封建革命思想在社会生活领域的具体体现。恽代英有关婚恋家庭的思想观念,通过报刊文章、书信和讲授等方式,在当时的青年群体中产生了广泛而深远的影响,为正在进行的中国社会革命增添了思想动力。  相似文献   
This article aims to understand how formerly abducted young mothers mediate the social integration of their children conceived of forced marriage and sexual violence within the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) in northern Uganda. Interviews and photographic methods were used in six Internally Displaced Persons Camps in northern Uganda. This article draws on data derived from ten mothers of thirteen children who were conceived in the LRA, five boys and eight girls. The analytic approach used was Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (Smith & Osborn, 2008). The analysis identified turning points of sites of action where young formerly abducted mothers used diverse strategies to support the reintegration of their children born or conceived within the LRA. Six key turning points are identified, these are (a) participating in rituals and ceremonies, (b) naming, (c) adapting to changing family structures, (d) responding to discrimination against boys (e) managing disclosure and (f) sharing positive memories and identities. Formerly abducted young mothers mediate the social integration of their children by engaging in strategies to support and foster their wellbeing and social relationships. However, the contexts in which they are operating are highly constrained and the relational identities of children born in the LRA are fluid and potentially insecure within communities of return. Implications for policy and programming are discussed.  相似文献   
大学生谈恋爱存在许多问题,其原因在于大学生没有形成正确的婚恋观。责任感缺失、金钱至上及过度的理想主义,社会不良风气的影响是这些问题根源所在。辅导员应深入学生的生活,与大学生成为朋友,利用主题班会、学校举办的婚恋观教育的讲座进行专门的婚恋观教育,加强对失恋学生的教育引导,组织有意义的文体活动,丰富学生的校园生活,加强与家长的沟通,多角度对大学生进行婚恋观教育。  相似文献   
日惹特区(Dearah Istimewa Yogyakarta)位于印度尼西亚爪哇岛的中部,受伊斯兰教文化影响,民俗传统文化丰富而奇特,传统婚俗别具特色。研究印度尼西亚日惹特区爪哇族婚姻习俗,有助于了解印尼爪哇族人的文化心理和价值观念。  相似文献   
The Sun Also Rises is one of the famous works of Ernest Hemingway. It reflects strong youth elements. The heroes and heroines are all young persons, and in this novel Hemingway describes the sufferin...  相似文献   
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