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采用文献法资料法和实验法调查119名中等职业学校学生(以下简称中职生)(16~18岁)的骨密度(bone mineral density,BMD)和参加运动的情况。结果显示男性运动组与不运动组BMD值有显著差异性。女性中职生运动组有使骨密度增加的趋势。运动时间长、运动频率高的组别BMD也高。男性每日运动时间大于1h组与小于1h组的BMD值具有显著性差异。结论:运动对BMD有积极影响,运动频率大于3次/周及每日运动时间超过1h对BMD的影响最为明显。  相似文献   
通过对西北五省(甘肃省、陕西省、青海省、新疆维吾尔自治区、宁夏回族自治区)残疾人群众体育活动的现状进行调查分析,得出影响西北地区城乡残疾人开展群众体育活动的主要因素有自身因素、经济因素、社会因素、情感因素、受教育因素及参加体育活动的意愿因素等,针对这些主要因素,提出相应的发展对策。  相似文献   
对共同体意识与现代社区建设的关系进行分析,认为共同体意识的培育和构建是现代城市社区建设的关键,大众体育则具有明显的共同体特征。在此基础上,以社会人类学为视角进一步讨论了大众体育与社区共同体之间的关系,认为大众体育可以通过促进社会互动、推动社会融合和展现仪式性价值,促生出社区居民认同的共同体意识。因此,以大众体育为载体,建设现代共同体社区将成为推动和谐社会发展的重要手段。  相似文献   
船员体育活动现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过随船跟踪调查、问卷调查、数理统计等方法,对我国船员群众体育现状进行了调查和分析,结果表明:受航海职业工作和生活的影响,我国船员的健康状况较差;参加体育活动的原因主要是健身、消遣娱乐、和朋友交流、陪同家人;体育活动频率偏低,航行期间明显少于陆地休息期;活动内容主要有棋牌类、游泳、散步、跑步等;航行期间的体育活动场所主要是甲板、舱室、走廊和码头空地等;船员有强烈的健身意识,专业指导、场地器材和伙伴陪同是船员健身的主要要求.  相似文献   
党的十八大报告中指出要深入开展党的群众路线教育实践活动。通过党员领导干部的良好作风保持党与人民群众的血肉联系,为党的群众路线教育实践活动的开展奠定坚实的基础。本文主要从联系群众的作风、求真务实的作风、艰苦奋斗的作风、批评与自我评判的作风四个方面对党的群众路线教育实践活动的开展进行了阐述与分析。  相似文献   
运用文献资料法对近年来我国开放式运动技能研究的相关文献进行整理分析.指出,开放式运动技能研究在我国起步晚、重视程度不高,实践研究水平跟不上理论研究水平;理论研究主要以心理学和生理学为研究角度;实验研究主要集中在篮、网、足等少数项目,研究的深度、专门性和针对性都不够,评价系统不完善.认为,未来研究将深入竞技体育、学校体育、群众体育中,针对不同训练对象、不同训练目的对具体项目的训练原则、方法、手段及评价体系进行研究.  相似文献   
This paper explores the experiences of a group of academic developers who support educational development work as Faculty Liaisons at a large, research-intensive university. These academic developers inhabit complex ‘third spaces’, providing support through an embedded partnership relationship that requires lateral movement across functional and organizational boundaries to create new professional spaces, knowledge, and relationships. The authors utilize narrative inquiry and auto-ethnographic approaches to present an interpretive qualitative analysis of their experiences supporting Faculty and University projects across complex and evolving organizational boundaries. From this analysis, they highlight key roles and responsibilities associated with their blended context and identify challenges that academic developers who occupy third spaces within academic organizations face as they negotiate competing interests, identities, and requirements associated with the diverse range of their projects and the blended experience of working in scholarly and administrative, central- and Faculty-based roles. The lessons they have learned from these experiences will be of particular interest to academic developers who are experiencing the flux of change within higher education settings that are impacting teaching and learning practices both for faculty in the classroom and for those across the institution who support them.  相似文献   
In this investigation of high school students (N = 2510) in Singapore (Study 1) and elementary school students (N = 119) in Australia (Study 2), we examined the role of instrumental and emotional forms of teacher support in students' academic buoyancy and academic outcomes (engagement and academic skills). In both studies, perceived instrumental support (but not perceived emotional support) was positively associated with academic buoyancy (moderate effect size in Study 1, large effect in Study 2). In Study 1, academic buoyancy was positively associated with students' academic engagement (specifically, effort and persistence [large effect], perceived importance of school [moderate effect], and feelings of school belonging [moderate effect]). In Study 2 academic buoyancy was positively associated with gains in students' academic skills and engagement (specifically, class participation [large effect] and future aspirations [large effect]). In both studies, there was tentative support for a mediating role of academic buoyancy linking students' perceived teacher support to academic outcomes.  相似文献   
“学习支持服务”概念探索   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
"学习支持服务"是远程教育成功的关键因素之一,但在目前远程开放教育中,这个概念的界定并不十分清楚.在国内出版的各种词典中,还没有"学习支持服务"的词条和定义.本文通过对这个问题产生的原因以及约翰·A·巴斯、霍姆佰格、戴维·西沃特、安东尼·凯和格伦维尔·鲁姆勃尔理论研究成果探索的基础上,尝试给"学支持服务"下一个定义,以便对从事远程教育的工作者有所启示.  相似文献   
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