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对楼板缝开裂的原因进行分析,并对如何防治楼板开裂这一质量通病提出预防措施和处理方法;从设计、施工、生产三个方面对楼板缝的开裂原因进行了分析;从把好设计关、严格操作程序和产品的选用三个方面加以阐述;板缝开裂的预防措施和施工操作程序,并提出裂缝修补的具体方法.  相似文献   
介子推隐居原因是洁身自好,孤芳不群;隐居地点在今山西省万荣县孤山;死因是为雷电所击.  相似文献   
以"美是什么"的提问为缘由将柏拉图看成是使西方美学走上形而上理性思辩之路的始作俑者,是值得商榷的.它忽视了柏氏关于"美是难的"之感叹和无奈.柏拉图美学在理性与感性两个维度上发展而成.后世往往只关注到前者,而忽略了后者.其实,他的美学思想中处处闪烁着感性的光辉,只是这光辉被理性的大网遮蔽了.造成遮蔽有两方面的原因:一是柏拉图美学处于其哲学体系之下,不能不为哲学理性所包裹;二是其思想的混沌性导致后人的理性解读,又给它罩上了一件不合体的理性外套.在这遮蔽下,传统美学研究总是在纯思辨的框架内建构理论体系,忽略了美学之为美学的价值与个性特点.  相似文献   
理性是人类理解与思考的智慧和能力。技术理性是理性的特殊形式,是人类多种理性的某种合取,是一种追求合理性、规范性、有效性、功能性、理想性和条件性的人类智慧和能力并扎根于人类物质需求及人对自然界永恒依赖的实践理性和技术精神。其基本特点是科学合理性,社会合意性,技术原理的可行性、可操作性和技术规范的有效性.物质需求功能化,效用最大化,设计的理想性、创造性、妥协性,制造和生产的条件性、强制性。技术理性批判是对技术理性片面发展的批判。  相似文献   
宋代"吏强官弱"现象之探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋代吏人势力强盛,以至于官不能制,形成了“吏强官弱”这一普遍现象,它反映出在“士大夫政治,吏人社会”的框架下,官吏之间的剧烈碰撞,文章试图从解析此现象着手,对其产生的原因及影响做一些初步的探讨。  相似文献   
Since the late 1970s, international education has steadily gained in popularity in China. An emerging middle class seeks to strengthen its position in China’s rapidly stratifying society under its socialist market economy with the shift from wealth creation for all to wealth concentration for a few. Previously, a foreign qualification was considered a passport to success in either the host or home country’s labour market. But the growing popularity of overseas study, coupled with the massification of the Chinese higher education, means Chinese international students are seeking to distinguish themselves in an increasingly competitive global labour market. This longitudinal study of international graduates, backgrounded by Australian employer perceptions, examines the journeys of 13 Chinese accounting graduates as they attempt to transition from an Australian university into the Australian labour market. Bourdieu’s thinking tools of field, capital, disposition and habitus are utilised to consider how different cultural, social and linguistic capitals inform employer understandings of ‘employability’ meant Chinese accounting graduates significantly adjusted their life goals.  相似文献   

This article argues for a more nuanced view of mobility through education within an era of increased globalisation. We explore questions of transnational mobility through the lens of underexplored Bourdieusian concepts, specifically transnational habitus and habitus clivé. Our analysis shows how one's perception of a ‘better life’ and one's ideology of ‘entrepreneur self’ are produced despite one's encounter with disparity between their fields of their host countries and countries of origin. We therefore assert the need for a more complex conceptual work to unpack the lived experience of mobility especially for those who are unable to operationalise their capital in the transnational field.  相似文献   
刘勰以其"体大思精"的'文心雕龙'闻名后世,然而其对伟大诗人陶渊明的"遗忘"与"忽视",却影响了他那伟大理论家的令名,成为历代崇尚者难以避讳的故实.仔细寻绎刘勰的生平为人、审美趣味与时代追求,可以考见他之"无视"陶渊明实为必然.这在二人的纵向比较中可以明显见出.  相似文献   
欧阳山的《一代风流》创作受两种思想影响较深,一是以毛主席《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》为代表的无产阶级文化思想,一是以鲁迅为代表的五四文化思想。前者偏重理性,强调阶级性,强调革命;后者偏重感性,强调个性,强调批判性。它们就像柏拉图所说的驾驭灵魂的两匹飞马,操纵着欧阳山的文学创作,更主宰着书中周炳、何守礼的人生之路。对《一代风流》进行复调解读,可使我们倾听两种声音的碰撞和交融,品味五四话语的尴尬处境。  相似文献   
康德对启蒙的开创性阐述是对启蒙运动的概括和总结。启蒙意味着理性的成熟,理性成熟的标志是理性的自由运用和理性界限的确立,启蒙的工具是批判。朝向无限的“有限的理性存在者”是康德哲学对人之本质的论证达到的最高顶点。  相似文献   
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