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Acetabular fractures are a real challenge for junior doctors as well as experienced orthopedic surgeons. Correct fracture classification is crucial for appreciating the fracture type, surgical planning, and predicting prognosis. Although three-dimensional (3D) tutorial is believed to improve the understanding of the complex anatomy structure, there have been few applications and randomized controlled trials to confirm it in orthopedics. This study aims to develop a 3D interactive software system for teaching acetabular fracture classification and evaluate its efficacy. Participants were randomly but evenly allocated into either the experimental group (who learned the acetabular fracture classification using a 3D software) or the control group (who used a traditional two-dimensional [2D] tutorial). Both groups were then tasked to classify 10 acetabular fractures and complete a five-point Likert scale on their satisfaction of each learning modality. To calculate significance (< 0.05), independent t-test was used for normally distributed data whereas Mann-Whitney U test for non-normally distributed data. The experimental group significantly outperformed the control group (t (28) = 2.526, P = 0.017) with identifying correct acetabular fracture classification. Moreover, Likert scale score in the experimental group was also significantly higher than in the control group (Z = 2.477, P = 0.013). This 3D classification software has objectively and subjectively showed an advantage over the traditional 2D tutorial, resulting in an improved classification accuracy and higher Likert scale score. The 3D software has the potential to improve both clinical knowledge as well as identifying correct patient management in orthopedics.  相似文献   
While case-based discussions can empower students to apply knowledge to contextual clinical situations, scheduling these activities is a challenge in crowded curricula. Case-based eLearning activities, derived from existing cases discussed within anatomy small group tutorials, were created incorporating principles such as interactivity, reinforcement, and feedback. Over half of the students accessed one or more of these online cases, with 18% accessing all eight online cases provided. Access increased as the semester progressed, particularly just before summative examinations, implying students used these primarily as revision aides. Students rated both formats highly, but favored the online format with regard to enjoyment (P = 0.048), learning (P = 0.101), and feedback (P = 0.086). However, more students discussed these cases in small group tutorials within the anatomy dissecting room than completed them online (122 vs. 67) and themes emerging from free text comments included a desire to have more time dedicated to these cases during small group tutorials, and an appreciation for the opportunity for discussion with staff and learning through doing. Additionally, native English speakers rated the anatomy room discussions significantly higher in all aspects than non-native English speakers, suggesting that non-native speakers may be hesitant or reluctant to fully participate in front of peers. While online case-based learning activities are a useful adjunct to anatomy teaching, particularly for revision, assumptions that “digital natives” have an innate preference for digital resources require critical evaluation, as students still place a high value on opportunities for discussion with staff during their studies.  相似文献   
Education research is increasingly being recognized as a legitimate route for faculty development in universities. However, many anatomy faculty lack the appropriate training and access to experienced mentors who can help them develop their own education research projects. Inspired by the American Physiological Society’s Institute for Teaching and Learning, the coauthors proposed and developed the inaugural Anatomy Education Research Institute (AERI 2017). Funded by an American Association of Anatomists Innovations grant, the five-day institute was held in Bloomington, Indiana in July 2017. The coauthors spent two years preparing the conference schedule, inviting speakers who could discuss education research topics and mentor applicants, reviewing applications, developing assessment instruments for the institute, and hosting the institute. A total of 62 registered participants (applicants and invited speakers) attended AERI 2017. Through a series of presentations and workshops, participants were introduced to many aspects of education research and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, including developing rigorous education research questions, determining appropriate methods to assess these questions, and searching the education research literature. Each day also included regular time devoted to work on their own education research project with help from more experienced mentors. Throughout the conference, participants were encouraged to post information on Twitter, using the hashtag #AERI2017. Participants had strong positive impressions of the conference and strongly requested future AERI conferences be held. Follow-up analyses will assess the institute in alignment with Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Evaluation Model, though preliminary evaluation indicates AERI 2017 met the original aims of the proposal.  相似文献   
医院档案工作多角度服务医疗质量管理,是拓展档案工作内涵与外延的有益尝试。本文针对医院档案工作服务医疗质量管理中面临的四个难点,提出从制度建设、行为管理、行风建设、设备管理、科研管理、信息管理等六个方面作为切入点,探索优化该项工作。  相似文献   
为了解一年级医学生的心理健康状况及其人格影响因素.采用SCL-90、EPQ、SES、UCLA孤独量表对入学半年后的709名福建医科大学一年级医学生进行测查.研究表明:建医科大学一年级医学生心理健康状况优于全国大学生,但稍差于全国青年;"肯定有症状"的检出率为16.22%,主要症状为强迫、人际敏感和抑郁,男生的敌对、偏执...  相似文献   
《医疗法规与医患沟通》课程目标是培养医学生对患者及其家属进行有效沟通的能力和对医疗相关法规理解、掌握并应用的能力,最终获得医疗相应岗位的职业沟通技能和职业法律素养,为将来从事医疗服务工作奠定扎实的基础。"早期接触临床"的初衷包括培养医学生与病人的交流沟通能力,这与本课程的开设目的一致。将两者有机结合更有助于培养学生的职业素质,激发学习兴趣,达到教育教学改革的目的 。  相似文献   
培养具有良好人文素质的合格医学人才已成为医学发展的必然和需要。后期教学中,应着力培养医学生的道德感和责任感,将医学人文教育全方位渗透到临床教学和医疗实践中去。  相似文献   
伴随医学检验专业改制(五年学制改为四年制),教学学时也相应缩减,在此形势下,如何保持教学质量尤其是尿沉渣形态学教学质量成为目前教改的焦点。利用微博建立尿沉渣形态学线上教学互动平台就可解决这一问题,教改实践证明:这样不仅保持了教学质量,学生对形态学的学习兴趣也提高了。  相似文献   
丁莹 《科教文汇》2020,(10):100-101,109
伟大的长征铸就了伟大的长征精神,长征精神和医德精神有着内在的价值共通。在医学类高校中培育新时代仁心仁术的医者之德,长征精神不失为出色的叙事文本。可以通过解释长征精神的内在含义来分析它对医德培育的独特精神性价值和工具性价值,联通长征精神和医德培育研究的内在价值和底层逻辑。  相似文献   
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