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云南少数民族村寨经济发展的结构特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对云南25个少数民族村寨的田野调查表明,云南少数民族村寨经济发展具有以下结构特征:改革开放以来,少数民族村寨经济有了较大发展,但发展不平衡;根据经济发展水平可分为三个层次,各层次村寨有不同的经济特点;少数民族村寨产业结构由单一的第一产业(农业)向多元产业发展,第二产业和第三产业已经开始有了初步的发展。同时也存在总体经济水平低下,产业结构单一,基础薄弱,经济活动与市场联系度低,信息传递和吸收迟滞等问题,制约了少数民族村寨经济的发展。因此,应通过以农产品深度开发的大企业为依托,调整少数民族村寨农业生产结构;发展民族特色经济,将资源特色转化为经济特色;加强村寨与现代社会之间的信息交流,促进村民传统观念意识改变等方式促进少数民族村寨经济发展。  相似文献   
少数民族儿童文学同社会变革、时代变迁同步前行,并折射出新的时代、新的民族生活的矛盾和走向。文章从小说、散文、诗歌、童话这四个方面勾勒了新世纪中国少数民族儿童文学发展的现状:通过作品分析,指出民族儿童小说的价值在于它所体现的鲜明的民族文化特性和独特的精神文化价值,民族儿童小说是最有光彩最为精彩的部分。  相似文献   
汉族与撒拉族初中学生数学应用题解决的特点为:1 数学应用题解决具有跨文化性,但汉族与撒拉族在不同阶段各有优势;2 初中学生数学问题解决中的常见错误是关系感知错误、图式错误和计算错误,最常见的是关系感知错误,而撒拉族学生的图式错误较为严重,汉族学生的计算错误高于撒拉族学生;3 语言可能是影响民族学生数学应用题解决的重要因素。  相似文献   
瑶族是一个历史悠久而古老的民族。对于瑶族族源。学术界先后提出了“山越说”、“长沙蛮、武陵蛮、五溪蛮说”、“古摇民说”、“古尤人说”、“多源说”等多种学术观点,本文试图在前人已有研究的基础上,将瑶族族源追溯到传说时代的蚩尤、九黎、三苗时代。  相似文献   
人们对中小学校图书馆室等基础功能设施建设重视不够。文章从图书馆室的装备、管理和效益三个方面,结合民族地区的特点和教育现状,提出了民族地区中学小校图书馆室建设和管理模式,供当地教育行政部门和学校参考。  相似文献   
This study examines the interface between ethnicity and nationality in a nationalized educational site – the annual school trip – that took place in a Jewish high school in Israel that serves underprivileged ethnic groups. Based on ethnographic field work, I analyze how the Ashkenazi (central-eastern European origin) hegemonic national culture that is embedded in the field trip is worked out by the Mizrahi (Asian and north African origin) students, in light of their ethnic background and the ethnic Ashkenazi/Mizrahi division that characterizes the Israeli society. Although both groups share the same national sentiment, the analysis exposes the different ways the pedagogical practices used by the trip represented the national hegemonic culture and the ways it has been contested and reshaped along ethnic lines while reflecting the existing ethnic borders that the pupils were trying to widen.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to discover the perceptions of Florida law school administrators on the impact of the OFI (one Florida initiative) and the addition of two MSI (minority serving institution) law schools on diversity in Florida's legal profession. This research explored the impact of Governor Bush's EO (executive order) on diversity within the SUS (state university system) of Florida law schools. Further, this study examined the impact of the creation of two MSI law schools after implementation of the OFI, as perceived by the administrators. The concept of CRT (critical race theory) provides modern legal debates outlining the usefulness of historical civil rights policies in opinionated climates. This study will examine the role of CRT in relation to affirmative action and desegregation case law. CRT forms the framework for examining the impact of the creation of two MSI law schools in the state of Florida. In conclusion, this study found that minority representation in law schools has improved in Florida as a result of the OFI as well as the addition of two MSI law schools. Black representation, however, continues to lag behind other races, particularly the Hispanic population. This study concluded that the OFI has helped improve minority representation in the legal profession.  相似文献   
网络传媒对少数民族文化的传播发展有巨大的重塑作用.通过对近几年我国彝族年的网络报道追踪调查,发现我国少数民族的传统文化在网铬传媒的“显微镜”下逐渐发生着蜕变,这其中既有“因网络”而“变文化”的被动文化重塑,也有“因文化变”而“显于网络”的文化诉求.网络传播的“交互性”、“开放性”与“文化资源重新配置”等特性,为各种少数民族文化资源提供了更为广泛的展示空间,成为各类文化的“自我抒写者”书写个人见解的新式平台,同时,增进了各种文化之间的交流.网络传媒对少数民族文化的发展既是挑战又是机遇:一方面,网络传媒可以帮助更广泛受众更深刻地理解、传播与保护少数民族文化;另一方面,在网络传播的过程中,某些少数民族文化之精髓无形中被消解殆尽,最后成为“象征的符号文化”.  相似文献   
戴望舒的诗歌语言具有很高的审美价值。从民族性、现代性以及独创性三个向度来看,可发掘出其诗歌在本土视野下、西化视野下,以及中西整合下三种不同的语言美。  相似文献   
《船山记》用春秋笔法隐晦地表达了作者强烈的民族主义思想。作者以顽石自喻,表白自己不甘做满清顺民的抱独之情。同时借古人对待游与居的态度和理想,比照自己的人生信念和所处的现实社会环境,抒发了对反清失败、复明无望的终身抱憾,以及人将其死之际,留连人世的深切悲哀。  相似文献   
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