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为了提高教学质量,结合学科特点,从案例库设计原则、案例素材搜集方法、案例库内容描述及格式结构等方面提出森林灭火教学案例库建设的基本构想。  相似文献   
对纵向数据的线性混合模型yk=Xkβ+Ckτk+ek用Fisher得分迭代法得到了参数的M估计(稳健估计),并在一系列的正则条件下,证明了参数M估计的渐近性质.  相似文献   
Banach空间中一类混合单调算子公共不动点定理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在序Banach空间中,运用锥理论,在非紧非连续的条件下,讨论了一类混合单调算子的不动点的存在性及其迭代解法,获得了几个新的不动点定理,推广相应文献结果,改进了证明方法.  相似文献   
海南省森林遭受破坏后,洪涝干旱、台风危害以及水士流失等现象日益严重.本文针对海南省的实际情况,认为对开展热带森林水文学的研究应从林区水量平蘅、森林水分涵蓄功能和森林水文区划等三个方面进行探讨。  相似文献   
根据DFID的可持续生计分析框架,设计了闽江源流域农户生计资本指标,实地调查了13个村260个农户,结果表明:闽江源流域周边农户的生计总资本增加,人力资本、物质资本和金融资本增加,自然资本减少,社会资本变化不明显;农户对自然资本依赖性较高,现有的补偿方式对农户生计能力的提高帮助不大。只有建立多样化、差别化的森林生态补偿方式和配套政策,才能有效提高农户的生计资本能力,保护环境,促进生态公益林的可持续发展。  相似文献   
瓦屋山国家森林公园森林生态旅游资源丰富,旅游资源类型多样,具有极高的开发价值。在对瓦屋山森林公园实地调查与勘察基础上,对其旅游资源进行了分类,并采用SWOT分析法从优势、劣势、机遇、威胁等4个方面对生态旅游开发进行了详细分析。结果表明,瓦屋山国家森林公园旅游资源有3个主类、13个亚类、59个基本类型。瓦屋山国家森林公园的生态旅游开发优势大于劣势,机遇多于威胁,适合进行开发。  相似文献   

In this article, I question practice as a research paradigm by exploring its position in relation to non-positivist qualitative methodologies. Frayling’s [1994. Research in art and design. Royal College of Art Research Papers, 1(1), 1993/4] distinctions between research into, through, and as (for) practice are expanded to explore overlaps between these approaches. I argue for the need to understand the nuances of different epistemologies and ontologies that underpin diverse disciplinary approaches to practice-research. This is done through an analysis of a selection of Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)-funded projects to find out how they are using and/or embedding practice in the research process. The resulting Colour Wheel of Practice-Research illustrates a spectrum of positions of practice in relation to research, suggesting existing research paradigms are bursting at the seams and that the “disciplinary matrix” of practice might offers other ways of knowing. The reason I have chosen to focus primarily on AHRC-funded projects is because it explicitly states its support of “practice-led research” and that it “remains dedicated to this area of research”. This article aims to add to knowledge of how and why practice-research is of continuing interest to research councils, universities, and those identifying as practice-based/led researchers.  相似文献   
This article investigates the ways in which art museums' visitors define their relationships to art and culture, and how this affects their perceptions of art museums. Existing approaches have traditionally attempted to define the meaning of art museums on the basis of the socio-economic composition of museum audiences. Using mixed methods analysis, with a particular stress on qualitative data about the audiences of the six main museums of modern and contemporary art in Belgium, I argue for the need for a more complex and comprehensive framework to understand visitors' perceptions. I show that people characterized by similar cultural tastes and practices use similar strategies to interpret their relationship to culture, art and museums (the same principles of classification, legitimation and justification). On this basis, I argue that those with a similar cultural profile belong to the same “interpretive community” (Fish, 1980; Hooper-Greenhill, 2000).  相似文献   
对房产持有环节开征房产税具有国际通用的合理性和合法性,房产税改革是新一轮国家财税体制改革的重要内容。对国内主要城市的房产税改革方案及其财税效应分析表明:采用无差别税率征税方案的优势在于减少征管成本、确保居民纳税义务的公平性,劣势在于造成纳税人税负过重、不利于调节财富分配差距;而按住房面积采用递进税率征税方案的优势在于能够调节贫富差距、体现“量能负担”原则,劣势在于容易被纳税人投机取巧而逃避高税率和监管。权衡利弊,“每人享受一定面积的减免,根据住房面积大小、基于公告价值或评估价值按不同税率征收”的方案,可作为今后房产税改革的主要方向。  相似文献   
In this digital ITEMS module, Dr. Jeffrey Harring and Ms. Tessa Johnson introduce the linear mixed effects (LME) model as a flexible general framework for simultaneously modeling continuous repeated measures data with a scientifically defensible function that adequately summarizes both individual change as well as the average response. The module begins with a nontechnical overview of longitudinal data analyses drawing distinctions with cross-sectional analyses in terms of research questions to be addressed. Nuances of longitudinal designs, timing of measurements, and the real possibility of missing data are then discussed. The three interconnected components of the LME model—(1) a model for individual and mean response profiles, (2) a model to characterize the covariation among the time-specific residuals, and (3) a set of models that summarize the extent that individual coefficients vary—are discussed in the context of the set of activities comprising an analysis. Finally, they demonstrate how to estimate the linear mixed effects model within an open-source environment (R). The digital module contains sample R code, diagnostic quiz questions, hands-on activities in R, curated resources, and a glossary.  相似文献   
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