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从偃师商城至洹北商城,再至洹南殷墟,商王室都城宫城宗庙区的布局原则高度一致,继承因袭之迹非常明显。偃师商城宫城宗庙区为南(王国先王供奉处)、中(方伯先王供奉处)、北(河六示供奉处)三元构成形式,洹北商城宫城宗庙区为南(王国先王供奉处)、北(方伯先王供奉处)二元组成方式,洹南殷墟宗庙区复为南(早期王国先王供奉处)、中(中期王国先王供奉处)、北(河六示及方伯先王供奉处)三元布局。商王室宗庙区建设一直奉行分群成组的原则。据传世史籍可知,东汉光武帝刘秀、唐高祖李渊、宋太祖赵匡胤及明太祖朱元璋等帝王开国即立四亲庙、且子孙遵循续立成为制度,考古发现这在商汤大乙开国之时即有,并且也被商王室长期坚守。历代商王皆为其生父独立设置亲宗(庙)。而累积四或五世以后,商王室则阶段性地构建宗庙建筑组合,供奉时王祖父以上至高祖之祖间四代或五代神主。宗庙建筑组合可能采纳直线顺排的方式自西向东、自早至晚布列诸神主庙室。晚商殷墟比较盛行五位前后相继庙主庙室成组制度。此五庙成组制度直接影响到周王室的宗庙设置规则。如周王室京宫与康宫之内均分别设置五代先王之庙室。  相似文献   
伴随着我国加入WTO及人类社会步入21世纪,高校间的竞争必将日趋激烈。历史与现实表明,科研水平高低已日益成为衡量一所高校综合实力的强弱的一个至关重要的标志。然而,目前我国高校整体科研实力的仍然较弱而且发展不平衡。针对此种现状,为了尽快提升我国高校科研实力以增强高校的综合竞争力,需要开明创新、求真务实、精诚合作的校领导班子,一大批具有强烈从事科研工作愿望的优秀教师和科研人员以及卓有成效的科研管理,“三驾齐驱”,三者相辅相成,不可偏废。  相似文献   
科技创新能力是可持续发展能力的核心因素,科技将引领中国的可持续发展。中国的城市化进程如何从规模式扩张向内涵式发展转型,进而以可持续创新引领区域均衡发展,是保障城市和谐良治的关键所在。本文以首都构建可持续创新的首善之区为实证案例,从经济运行、社会运行与环境运行的互动影响入手,阐述了可持续创新的首都城市运行理念、格局与路径,系统梳理了首都城市运行的政策体系、管理体系和科技体系。在此基础上,对“十二五”时期中国的城市运行与发展进行了战略审视。  相似文献   
介绍了面向对象的建模语言--统一建模语言(UML)的基本定义和建模机制.根据UML的建模原理,设计了工资管理系统软件.设计的过程表明,利用UML对复杂的软件系统建模,有助于详细分析需求,优化开发人员对商业逻辑层的设计,实现软件的重组和复用.  相似文献   
文章运用数理统计法对辽宁省12城市的449090名大学生2008年《国家学生体质健康标准》的测试结果进行统计分析,随机抽取辽宁省7所高校四个年级不同专业的在校本科大学生960人,采用文献资料法、问卷调查法等研究方法从身体与营养状况、吸烟、饮酒及用药情况、社会健康与情绪健康状况、压力控制与精神健康状况等方面进行健康生活方式调查,为高校体育教学工作的改革提供有益思路,教育和引导大学生养成科学、健康的生活方式以及培养健康的心理素质。  相似文献   
高校在注重知识学习、积累的同时更应注重学生素质、体质的提高,在高校进行的各项体育运动中田径运动是基础,它对学生不仅仅具有健身价值和竞技价值,而且田径运动中所蕴含的人文价值对学生具有重大的影响。  相似文献   

Swain (1997 Swain, D. P. 1997. A model for optimizing cycling performance by varying power on hills and in wind. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 29: 11041108. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) employed the mathematical model of Di Prampero et al. (1979 Di Prampero, P. E., Cortili, G., Mognoni, P. and Saibene, F. 1979. Equation of motion of a cyclist. Journal of Applied Physiology, 47: 201206. [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) to predict that, for cycling time-trials, the optimal pacing strategy is to vary power in parallel with the changes experienced in gradient and wind speed. We used a more up-to-date mathematical model with validated coefficients (Martin et al., 1998 Martin, J. C., Milliken, D. L., Cobb, J. E., McFadden, K. L. and Coggan, A. R. 1998. Validation of a mathematical model for road cycling power. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 14: 276291. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) to quantify the time savings that would result from such optimization of pacing strategy. A hypothetical cyclist (mass = 70 kg) and bicycle (mass = 10 kg) were studied under varying hypothetical wind velocities (?10 to 10 m · s?1), gradients (?10 to 10%), and pacing strategies. Mean rider power outputs of 164, 289, and 394 W were chosen to mirror baseline performances studied previously. The three race scenarios were: (i) a 10-km time-trial with alternating 1-km sections of 10% and ?10% gradient; (ii) a 40-km time-trial with alternating 5-km sections of 4.4 and ?4.4 m · s?1 wind (Swain, 1997 Swain, D. P. 1997. A model for optimizing cycling performance by varying power on hills and in wind. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 29: 11041108. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]); and (iii) the 40-km time-trial delimited by Jeukendrup and Martin (2001 Jeukendrup, A. E. and Martin, J. 2001. Improving cycling performance: How should we spend our time and money?. Sports Medicine, 31: 559569. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Varying a mean power of 289 W by ± 10% during Swain's (1997 Swain, D. P. 1997. A model for optimizing cycling performance by varying power on hills and in wind. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 29: 11041108. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) hilly and windy courses resulted in time savings of 126 and 51 s, respectively. Time savings for most race scenarios were greater than those suggested by Swain (1997 Swain, D. P. 1997. A model for optimizing cycling performance by varying power on hills and in wind. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 29: 11041108. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). For a mean power of 289 W over the “standard” 40-km time-trial, a time saving of 26 s was observed with a power variability of 10%. The largest time savings were found for the hypothetical riders with the lowest mean power output who could vary power to the greatest extent. Our findings confirm that time savings are possible in cycling time-trials if the rider varies power in parallel with hill gradient and wind direction. With a more recent mathematical model, we found slightly greater time savings than those reported by Swain (1997 Swain, D. P. 1997. A model for optimizing cycling performance by varying power on hills and in wind. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 29: 11041108. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). These time savings compared favourably with the predicted benefits of interventions such as altitude training or ingestion of carbohydrate-electrolyte drinks. Nevertheless, the extent to which such power output variations can be tolerated by a cyclist during a time-trial is still unclear.  相似文献   

A modelling approach was used in the present study to investigate the role of the hip muscles during the come-out of forward and inward multiple somersaulting dives in a pike position. A planar two-segment model was used to simulate the somersault and come-out of three commonly performed dives from a 3-m springboard: forward two-and-one-half somersault pike dive (105B), forward three-and-one-half somersault pike dive (107B), and inward two-and-one-half somersault pike dive (405B). Three simulations were run for each dive: (1) hip angle was constrained to be constant, (2) hip torque was removed after 0.1 s, and (3) hip angle was constrained to a typical come-out time history used by elite divers. Simulation results indicated that hip flexion torque was required both to maintain a rigid pike position during somersault (range = 205.5–282.3 Nm) and to control the hip extension movement during the come-out (peak torque range = 355.8–548.1 Nm) in forward and inward multiple somersaulting dives. Coaches and divers should be aware that dry-land exercise drills producing hip extension movement by concentric actions of the hip extensor muscles do not replicate the neuromuscular control during the come-out of fast rotating dives.  相似文献   
宋志坚  刘萍 《湖北体育科技》2002,21(1):26-27,30
国内外专家研究指出 :人的自然寿命应享 1 2 0岁 ,这是从细胞分裂次数与细胞分裂周期乘积计算出来的结果。但现实生活告诉我们 ,尽管人们生活的水准在日益提高 ,而享尽天年的人并不多 ,英年早逝的人却不少 ,究其原因概在于对保健意识的认知方面。养生家告诫我们 ,人生在世 ,自我保健意识不能局限于某一方面 ,而应是全方位的 ,即 :起居有常、饮食有节、摄食科学、劳逸适度、情志豁达、动静兼练 ,并要根据自己的实际情况 ,找出一条适宜自我的规律来 ,方能走上健康长寿的道路  相似文献   
通过对新生的综合调查,了解到当前中学体育课上课的情况和学生的身体素质状况,提出几个突出性的问题,探讨解决问题的方法,供有关部门参考。  相似文献   
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