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博士生群体构成的日益多样化呼唤博士生培养模式的变革。当前博士生课程存在学生参与度低等问题,其合理性正面临挑战。对我国三所“双一流”高校教育学专业博士生的深度访谈发现,课程制度设计的模糊性与有限性导致学生选课决策更多表现为既定约束下的次优博弈。此种选课机制与课程教学质量的不确定性相结合,最终引致学生课堂参与行为的分异。博士生通过旁听、权变等非制度化实践,一定程度上彰显了学习者在教育场域中的能动性。未来,有必要增加博士生课程制度的弹性,重申有效互动的价值。  相似文献   
Issues regarding scientific explanation have been of interest to philosophers from Pre-Socratic times. The notion of scientific explanation is of interest not only to philosophers, but also to science educators as is clearly evident in the emphasis given to K-12 students' construction of explanations in current national science education reform efforts. Nonetheless, there is a dearth of research on conceptualizing explanation in science education. Using a philosophically guided framework—the Nature of Scientific Explanation (NOSE) framework—the study aims to elucidate and compare college freshmen science students', secondary science teachers', and practicing scientists' scientific explanations and their views of scientific explanations. In particular, this study aims to: (1) analyze students', teachers', and scientists' scientific explanations; (2) explore the nuances about how freshman students, science teachers, and practicing scientists construct explanations; and (3) elucidate the criteria that participants use in analyzing scientific explanations. In two separate interviews, participants first constructed explanations of everyday scientific phenomena and then provided feedback on the explanations constructed by other participants. Major findings showed that, when analyzed using NOSE framework, participant scientists did significantly “better” than teachers and students. Our analysis revealed that scientists, teachers, and students share a lot of similarities in how they construct their explanations in science. However, they differ in some key dimensions. The present study highlighted the need articulated by many researchers in science education to understand additional aspects specific to scientific explanation. The present findings provide an initial analytical framework for examining students' and science teachers' scientific explanations.  相似文献   
In this paper, John Tillson defends an approach to deciding the aims and content of public schooling from the critique of Public Reason Liberalism. The approach that he defends is an unrestricted pairing of the Epistemic Criterion and of the Momentousness Criterion. On the Epistemic Criterion, public schooling should align students' credence with credibility. On the Momentousness Criterion, public schooling ought to include content that it is costly for children to lack the correct view about, where they are otherwise unlikely to have it. Public Reason Liberals seek to restrict both the Epistemic and Momentousness Criteria to within a range that is acceptable to politically reasonable citizens. In response, Tillson argues, first, that the considerations that encourage Public Reason Liberalism instead motivate unrestricted versions of the Epistemic and Momentousness Criteria; and, second, that Public Reason Liberalism faces a dilemma, that it either entails absurd consequences or must undermine itself in addressing these.  相似文献   
Java语言是目前流行的一种网络编程语言,但是涉及的知识点多,入门难,高职学生基础较薄弱,学习主动性不太高,容易遇难而退。针对这一问题本文说明了项目驱动教学的重要性,根据DA-CUM模型分析介绍了项目驱动的java课程教学模式,从课程设计、课程群建设、考核方式改革、教学资源建设等方面讨论了项目驱动的DACUM模型Java课程建设应解决的相关问题,给出了贯穿式项目教学的教学设计方案,基于DACUM模型分析设置了java课程群建设相关的java、java高级编程、jsp等系列课程,具体分析并提出了项目驱动的DACUM模型《JAVA编程基础》考核方案。通过实践表明,本文所提出的基于项目驱动的DACUM高职java课程开发与建设,能够有效的加强高职院校对于java课程的教学,具有很强的拓展性,适用性很好。  相似文献   
本文通过公开信息源获取2004-2013年诺贝尔物理学、化学、生理学或医学奖得主的个人履历信息,对这72位获奖者的特征进行分析,包括性别结构、国家分布、年龄结构,挖掘对获奖产生重要影响的科研社会关系。结果发现,获奖者以男性居多,女性获奖者多属于生理学或医学领域;获奖者多为美国人,高水平的机构对科技人才的成长有着重要影响;获奖者整体年龄偏大,其中高龄化学奖得主人数最多;科研社会关系对于年轻学者的成长有着非常积极的影响。文章最后为我国培养国际科技人才提出若干建议。  相似文献   
符永平  张钧 《大众科技》2014,(11):213-214
在传统教学观念下,大多数学生对田径课的兴趣不高,对体育课既爱又不愿上。因为田径是运动之母,在体育课上又不缺少。在新课程标以树立健康的观念的指导下,以学生为主体,关注健康的发展,告别以掌握运动技能为主的教学观念和教学方法,积极探索和开创新的田径教学,使田径课生动化、游戏化,以增进学生身心健康,提高学生对田径课的热爱。  相似文献   
高中数学有效性教学是高中数学新课程改革的必然要求,具有教学目标明晰、学生全员参与、教学方式灵活、师生良性互动、教学评价多元等特点。本文针对当前高中数学教学出现教学目标片面化、教学内容宽泛化、教学方式单一化、教学活动形式化、教学评价简单化、教学效果低效化等问题,提出新课程视阈下高中数学有效性教学的基本路径。  相似文献   
加拿大高职院校教育非常发达,取得很多有益经验。在课程设置方面,加拿大高职院校形成自己的体系,富有自己的特点。其课程设置既有符合其教育体制的宏观特点,又有细腻而系统的微观特点,成功之处,值得我们深思和借鉴。  相似文献   
幼儿日常生活中的生成课程是隐性的,隐藏在幼儿的一日生活中,也是待挖掘的课程。幼儿的一日生活是生成课程的“根”,不断地在幼儿日常生活中汲取养分。在幼儿日常生活中捕捉具有教育价值的事件或情节,有利于教师准确掌握幼儿的兴趣点。对吉林省长春市S幼儿园进行观察调研时,发现教师能够针对幼儿生活中的事件,不断引导幼儿,试图探索幼儿已有经验的边缘。探索幼儿园教师如何对幼儿一日生活的教育契机进行课程的生成,检验幼儿对已有经验的组合运用,能最大限度地发挥幼儿的创造力与想象力,进而使幼儿具备独立解决现实生活中问题的能力。  相似文献   
在对国内外体育管理专业发展状况进行简要介绍和对比的基础上,分析了现阶段体育产业人才所应具备的能力以及与之相适应的课程设置,进而指出高校培养体育产业人才的方法:建立产学研相结合的培养方式,着力提升学生的实践技能,加强专业化的师资队伍建设。并从课程、教材以及学校与企业的联系等方面提出了应该注意的问题。  相似文献   
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