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通过对现有研究成果的分析与实证调查发现,高职院校学生学习存在诸多问题,具体表现为:学生整体学习情况欠佳,学习结果处于一般水平;学生的学习投入无法催生自信与认同,学业倦怠现象较为严重,且受群体影响较大;学生多进行表层学习,学校、家庭等形成的教育环境尚未形成足够支持。基于此,提出深度参与学习的理念,具体包括引导学生深度介入学习目标的确立、学习过程的设计与学习结果的评价。  相似文献   
大于1:10万的国家基本比例尺地形图,详细地表示了制图区域的地形、水系、土质植被、居民点、交通线等地理要素,这些要素包含了许多与考古有关的信息,通过对古遗址分布、地名起源及演变规律、及其在地形图上的反映特点的分析,可以在室内确定田野考古调查路线,使调查具有针对性.  相似文献   
内蒙古牧区雪灾具有灾情重、救济难度大的特点,致灾直接原因是“冻”与“饿”。根据内蒙古雪灾的特点和致灾的原因。内蒙古抗御牧区雪灾的思路应该是以防灾为主,以救灾为辅,建立雪灾抗御系统。沿着这个思路。内蒙古抗御牧区雪灾应该采取以下措施:减少牧业人口、增加科技投入、建立完善的保障体制、加大传媒的宣传力度、转变牧业生产方式。  相似文献   
刘禹锡作为中唐诗人,具有中唐诗人特有的参与政治的高度热情,其人生也因此备加坎坷:既有家世之痛,也有贬谪之苦,进而是老病蹉跎之叹。面对这些痛苦,他总能很好的超脱,达到人生的自足,这跟他达观的天性和崇高的人格有关,也与他作为博学之士的开阔视野有关。更重要的是,他把孤愤著书作为化解“愁沮”的力量,融合儒佛道的思想又让他很好地调整心境,最终铸就了“诗豪”的美名。  相似文献   
成都南朝浮雕弥勒经变与法华经变考论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
1954年四川省成都市万佛寺出土了两件南朝梁浮雕作品,对其图像国内外学者们均有研究,但未作全面的考论,定名亦不准确。笔者研究后认为其一为弥勒经变,其二为法华经变,此二经变是我国最早的佛教美术的经变画,首开经变之先河。  相似文献   
通常,企业网站是生产经营的重要手段和工具,上面“聚合性”存在着硬件设备的物权、网页的著作权、域名(权)和有关经营信息的商业秘密。当一个侵权行为导致网站瘫痪时,这些权利分别都受到了侵害,对其民法救济可以适用停止侵害,恢复原状和赔偿损失的方法。考虑到企业网站上的各项权利的经济价值集中体现在利用网站进行经营活动之中,因此,赔偿的损失额应依据经营利润的减少确定。  相似文献   
论两晋自然灾害与信仰意识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
两晋时期,自然灾害频发,造成了严重的社会危害。佛教、道教人士凭依宗教信仰,民众也借助鬼巫信仰,比较积极地从事减灾救灾活动。因此,信仰意识不仅对抵御自然灾害产生了一定的积极意义,而且对两晋社会的民众心理产生了深刻的影响。  相似文献   
1894年,省港两地疫灾肆虐,不仅给两地造成了生命财产的重大损失,而且还导致了各种社会矛盾的激化。为此,省港两地都开展了抗灾救灾活动,但由于两地社会状况不同,所取举措不同,抗灾救灾呈现出不同的特点,也带来迥异的成效。  相似文献   
With the increasing casualisation of the teacher labour force, there is little written on the experiences of casual teachers and the challenges they face in brokering professional identities within constantly shifting and uncertain work contexts. Being a category bound casual teacher (a product of category boundary work) is a complex subject position. The aim of this article is to advance our understandings of the identity work inherent in casual relief teachers (CRTs) performativity. Anti-essentialist theories support this exploration of CRT subjectivities and processes of discourse appropriation. Using collective biography methodology as re-storied memory work, this article speaks back to neoliberal politics of casualisation. The stories draw attention to how both experienced practitioners and newly graduated teachers might ‘do’ category boundary work within the complexity of school politics as they navigate the uncertainty of gaining and maintaining employment in the Education market.  相似文献   
Produced through market relations of neoliberal managerialism, teacher subjectivities are becoming progressively commodified. With the increasing casualisation of the teaching workforce, the well-being and status of casual relief teachers (CRTs) can be seen as an area of concern, at risk of ‘flexploitation’. More than just a convenient labour pool, CRTs operate on the margins of school communities, a space fraught with a range of issues. In many instances, CRTs experience less job satisfaction; less rapport with students and colleagues and less access to school information, professional development, resources and teaching materials. This article draws on a positioning theory to frame the discursive production of CRT selves within the neoliberal milieu. It offers a detailed analysis of collective biographies that explore narrative formations of casual teaching. Schooling discourse is replete with metaphorical language that frames teacher positioning, and a range of existing metaphors in CRT literature highlight their vulnerability in particular. Rather than offering an analysis that addresses casual teacher performance as a problem to be solved, this article proposes that the relationship between ‘structural marginalisation and the ‘othering’ that CRTs can experience is associated with the politics of market-related performativity.  相似文献   
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