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Teachers in China are regarded as vulnerable to sociopolitical changes. This paper, however, focuses on the resilience and innovativeness of state‐selected expert teachers – the recipients of the Special Rank Teacher (SRT) award. This award was the product of a transitional period in the aftermath of the Cultural Revolution, and was an act of rehabilitation for the teaching profession. Using a biographical approach, this paper analyses how the intentions of the award were reflected in the choice of recipients. It contributes to a deeper understanding of teachers in China and the notion of teaching excellence that the state‐recognised teachers exemplify.  相似文献   
由于排版及印刷技术的发展,为迎合读者趣味,图文书已然成为出版时尚。近年出版的诗人传记多配有大量的图片,主要包括相片、书影、手迹等。这些图片作为视觉史料,在诗人传记中不仅具有史学价值,也有一定的诗学意义。建立图文结合的学术规范也成为需要注意的问题。  相似文献   
杂传是魏晋南北朝时期一种重要的史学题材,在《隋书.经籍志》所列史部著作中占有很大比重,这是我们研究魏晋时期文学、史学的重要资料。而杂传中以人物的别传这类题材数量最多、内容最具代表性。文章从别传的内容题材出发,探讨别传这一题材能在魏晋时期兴盛的原因,并提出别传对于研究魏晋文学历史的一些作用。  相似文献   
The formation of the Women’s Amateur Rowing Association (WARA) in 1923 marked the start of a new phase of the sport’s history. Apart from any direct influence it could exercise as a governing body, its foundation suggests a commitment to building the longevity, reach and relevance of women’s rowing. Yet in the context of the renowned conservativism of the Amateur Rowing Association (ARA) which preceded it, and the complex social permissions around women’s sport in the early twentieth century, it also raises important questions about the organisation and status of women’s amateur rowing. This paper aims to extend the understanding of the WARA using prosopographical data and analysis in conjunction with archival material. It challenges the existing depiction of this sporting community and administration as a female reflection of the ARA, aiming to replicate its structures and, in doing so, to bolster its respectability and the legitimacy of its practice among the middle and upper classes. Analysis addresses the intersection of domestic, professional and sporting lives, the role of education in sporting participation and administration, and the influence of class across these issues. The paper also interrogates the use of prosopography as an analytical tool for this type of analysis.  相似文献   
王仁裕笔记小说《王承休》的文体学价值   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王仁裕笔记小说《王氏见闻录》中的《王承休》一篇,长达4000余字,其主要内容以一篇长赋和诗歌唱和为主。是唐代史传派小说和辞赋体小说的合流,在小说的杂体化发展进程中具有重要价值。  相似文献   
传记文学的生命在于事实的真实,但并非一切事实的真实。文章试图通过不同传记文本对同一传主同一传记事实的不同描述,界定传记事实真实性的本质内涵,认为在展现传主的思想与精神气质、个性与生活经历方面,凡属客观的有根据的事实,它们则具备同等的价值。  相似文献   
《中州集》是现存最早的一部金代诗词集,是研究金代文学极为重要的文献之一。其体例是为每位作家都写有小传,而且小传的内容非常丰富,包括作家的字号、籍贯、科第仕历、生平事迹以及一些趣闻轶事,等等。由于元好问本人在史学和文学方面的非凡成就,所以这些作家小传不但具有很高的文学史料价值,而且体现了相当高的文学描写技巧,具有一定的文学价值。  相似文献   
南朝四史即《宋书》、《南齐书》、《梁书》和《陈书》记载中,史臣所关注和强调的文人与今天文学史所肯定的作家有同有不同。一些经典作家如谢灵运及梁代文人集团取得的文学成就,四史的描述与今天文学史的认同都保持了一致性。然而还有一些在四史的记载中声誉很高、文名甚盛的文人,在今天的文学史中已难觅影踪。这一现象说明历史人物的文学定位存在着一个动态的变化过程,史臣的记载和评定在文学作品与作家的经典化方面负有重要的导向和评判作用。  相似文献   
《全明词》的出版填补了词史文献研究的一大空白,为明词、明代文学的研究提供了丰富的材料。但由于文献浩繁,疏漏在所难免,根据方志、总集、别集等,谢承举、马闲卿、王韦、胡汝嘉、俞彦等五位词人小传均可略作订补。  相似文献   
I use autobiographical narratives to describe and analyse my involvement in peer review activities in science education and to illustrate their historical, social and cultural constitution. I explore ways in which peer review and science education have interrelated in 30-plus years in which I have been a science educator. I employ cultural sociology and activity theory to identify patterns of coherence and coexisting contradictions that create tensions able to catalyse improvements in science education. I argue that early career science educators need a gradual induction into peer review activities, preferably increasing their effectiveness by coparticipating with more experienced colleagues. Also, I critically examine my roles as a peer reviewer, within various contexts that include being an editor of journals and a book series, an examiner of dissertations and an advisor of graduate students, and as a reviewer of applications for tenure and promotion. In so doing I probe power relationships between the reviewer and the reviewed and explore the possibility that peer review is hegemonic. Finally, I present strategies for science educators to reach a collective understanding of how to enact peer review equitably.  相似文献   
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