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沙僧形象在《西游记》中有着特殊的意义。他一方面作为很好的陪衬角色.另一方面体现出作者的折中倾向。沙僧形象的演变反映出《西游记》人物世俗化的演变,其世情内容使《西游记》的主题风格呈现出多样化特色。  相似文献   
当前出现了多种版本的陈布雷传记,这些不同版本传记的出现引起了人们对陈布雷的兴趣,增强了对这位历史人物的了解。传记的出版受到一定的历史条件与资料条件影响,目前陈布雷传记不尽人意,真正有学术价值的陈布雷传记并未出现。  相似文献   
《History of education》2012,41(1):87-102

At the time I began work in university, I entered a world which was leisured, privileged and patriarchal, in the United Kingdom at least…. I came from a world in which only 3% of the population aspired to university. I belonged to a world in which, having got where I was through the eleven-plus and ‘A’ levels, there was almost a sense that society owed us a living. (Roy Lowe, 2002 1 1Roy Lowe, ‘Do We Still Need History of Education: Is it Central or Peripheral?’ History of Education 31, no. 6 (2002): 492–3. )

Women were not obviously on the outside when I attended my first conference – a day conference in 1976 at what was then the Birmingham Polytechnic, now University of Central England. Many women attended although in the first years few were keynote speakers. More importantly there was little about women in the history itself except in the meetings of the Women’s Education Study Group where Carol Dyhouse, June Purvis, Penny Summerfield and Gaby Weiner were all dominant. (Ruth Watts, 2005 2 2Ruth Watts, ‘Gendering the Story: Change in the History of Education’, History of Education 34, no. 3 (2005): 226. )

In 1967, aged 11, I moved on from my primary school in south London, and was selected to enter the local grammar school. I left most of my friends behind and began a daily routine of walking nervously through the council housing estates in my school uniform. By the time I left this school, seven years later, it had moved to one of the more prosperous suburbs of London to avoid being turned into a comprehensive. In the early twenty-first century, it is one of the leading academic secondary schools in the country, which it certainly was not in 1967. (Gary McCulloch, 2007 3 3Gary McCulloch, ‘Forty Years On: Presidential Address to the History of Education Society, London 4 November 2006’, History of Education 36, no. 1 (2007): 6. )  相似文献   
马宏伟 《衡水学院学报》2012,14(3):44-47,72
《旧约》的编纂和叙事等层面都呈现出鲜明的传记性特征,即以人物为中心组织材料,按照人物生平叙事历史进程,以人物命名等等。这种传记性特征的产生有着复杂的文化、历史等因素,比如《旧约》作为早期文本叙事的故事化倾向,以人系事的纪传体历史叙事的产生,以及纪传体叙事适应了犹太民族独特的流散历史境况等。  相似文献   
《申报·自由谈》是中国近现代历时最久、影响最大的文艺副刊。况周颐晚年移居上海,卖文为生,积极挥墨于报刊这种新型媒体,在其生命的最后三年(1924-1926)里,他于《申报.自由谈》上发表词作30余首。这些词作以题画、咏物、酬赠为主,亦庄亦谐,艺术精湛,雅俗共赏,体现出况周颐词的最后辉煌与深远影响。况周颐逝世之后,《申报·自由谈》刊载《况蕙风先生外传》、《况蕙风遗稿》以志纪念,有利于我们深入了解况周颐及当时的世风人情,具有重要的文献价值。  相似文献   
司马迁的《史记》以史料的详实为后人所赞誉,然而以个人的力量对两千多年的历史事实作全面的彻底的校勘考证,难免会显得力不从心,因此《史记》中有许多讹误记载,本文仅从纪年和史料两个方面对《史记》中秦史的记载作了些考证,提出了自己的看法,以求说明当时的真实历史事实。  相似文献   
殷璠提出的"善写方外之情"是盛唐诗歌的重要趣味之一,也是所有诗人集子中为数较多的诗歌内容。方外诗可分为方外交游与方外游历两部分,每一部分都有着值得探讨的心理内容。  相似文献   
《史记·项羽本纪》之所以被反复重写,一是司马迁的原文本是一种开放的结构,值得后人反复咀嚼和填充;二是在不同的时代和不同的价值观下,可以从不同的视角看待历史人物和历史事件,也可以对原本忽略的人物和事件进行补充和想象。郭沫若的《楚霸王自杀》是为传统士大夫代言;曹聚仁的《亚父》则是一个被冷落、被抛弃的古代谋士的内心呓语;张爱玲的《霸王别姬》对自己角色和地位有清醒认识的女性的内心独白,是觉醒后的女性对爱情和自身命运的重新认识;  相似文献   
This is the third installment in Robert Berring's autobiography, The Education of a Twentieth Century Law Librarian. The first installment is at 32 Legal Reference Services Quarterly 1 (2013). The end of the traditional world of law libraries is chronicled through a study of the workings of the Harvard Law Library in the period 1978-1981. Computerized catalogs, changing styles of reference and difficult questions of management are explored. The painful transition that faced all libraries is discussed. This is the third installment of a five part series on the profound change in law libraries during this period.  相似文献   
新加坡有33.3%的总人口是佛教徒,居全国宗教徒之榜首。在以华族为主体的佛教徒中,又以来自闽南的高僧和居士为核心,更显示了闽南佛教文化在新加坡的重要影响。通过回顾学者和教内人士分析汉传佛教传人新加坡之起源,以及近年来走访全岛各地800多座城乡庙宇所搜集到的石碑、匾额等历史文献资料,辩证和分析新加坡汉传佛教之起源以及刘金榜居士创建汉传佛教第一丛林之社会因素。  相似文献   
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