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Individuals try to guard their right to privacy by exercising their right to informational self-determination. They thereby hope to retain control over their identity, which they construct over time by interpreting how their past relates to their present. In a similar vein, historians try to make sense of the past by way of interpreting past events. The theory of narrative identity helps to understand these processes. By an explorative discussion of narrative techniques, historiographical methods including the art of (auto)biography, and the role they play in identity construction, this article aims to give fresh insights into the theory of informational self-determination. An analysis is presented of three types of attempts by individuals to gain control of their digital double, in an effort to maintain their personal dignity. With the lessons learned, an indication is given of the viability of the principle of informational self-determination in the Internet era.  相似文献   
迈克尔·坎宁安的传记小说《时时刻刻》以《达洛威夫人》为线索,叙述了弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫、劳拉·布朗、克拉莉莎·沃恩三位女性一天的生活。坎宁安通过移情细致刻画了伍尔夫写作时挣扎的内心及最后平静的死亡。通过反向移情,坎宁安创造出了劳拉、理查德和克拉莉莎三个幻象式的第三人,并借他们对伍尔夫做进一步的阐释:劳拉代表伍尔夫的生存困境,理查德解释了伍尔夫自杀的原因,克拉莉莎寄托着坎宁安对伍尔夫的期望。  相似文献   
清朝官修史学繁盛,纪传体国史纂修是其重要组成部分.国史纂修以《本纪》为纲,有清一代,国史馆史官先后为十位帝王纂修《本纪》.《本纪》的史料来源有历朝《实录》及各部院衙门提供的档案文献.国史《本纪》的纂修经历了征集史料、拟定《凡例》、纂修成稿等几个步骤得以告竣.其史料收集广泛,纂修方法完善,文辞简洁,内容详略得当.  相似文献   
中国典范的传记文学著作《史记》的写人艺术一是将传主放在历史的大舞台上去表演,将人物置于时代和生活的环境中去描写;二是在尖锐复杂的矛盾冲突的场面中写人;三是用典型的细节来写人,旨在揭示传主的精神世界;四是用个性化的语言来表现传主的性格特征。  相似文献   
诗僧皎然历来被公推为唐代诗僧之冠。《全唐诗》收录的皎然诗共474首,绝大部分都是他写湖州或在湖州所写的.他几乎写遍了湖州的山山水水和风物风貌.研究皎然的生平、皎然的湖州诗和皎然成就的形成原因,对宣传湖州、建设浙江文化大省和弘扬中华民族文化意义重大.  相似文献   
The ‘sociological imagination’ – the recognition of the relationship between ‘private troubles’ and ‘public issues’ (Mills [1959] 2000 Mills, C. Wright. [1959] 2000. The Sociological Imagination. Oxford: Oxford University Press.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]. The Sociological Imagination. Oxford: Oxford University Press: 8) – is central to the discipline of sociology. This article reports findings of a 2014 study which investigated students’ views on whether the development of the sociological imagination could be more explicitly embedded in a module on Race and Racisms through an (auto)biographical approach from teachers and the module’s racially diverse students. After reviewing benefits and challenges to an (auto)biographical approach, the article presents findings from a student focus group, concluding that students would welcome (auto)biographical approaches to the topic of race and racism, with the caveat that this is handled sensitively with steps taken to minimise the risk of emotional harm.  相似文献   
This essay examines the school leadership experiences of an infant school head teacher in Birmingham, England, during the Second World War. Drawing on the letters of Dorothy Walker, the essay offers insights into school leadership wartime deprivations. The impact of an international war on the home front was not head teacher Dorothy Walker's only challenge. As the youngest and one of the few women head teachers in Birmingham, Dorothy Walker struggled with the traditional masculine hierarchy of the local educational system and with traditional social and familial gender roles. Dorothy Walker also battled with a traditional educational school culture as she promoted progressive educational practices. These three challenges – the war, gender relations, and progressivism – are referred to as ‘Dorothy's Wars’, or the battles that she faced as a woman school leader in Birmingham during the early years of the Second World War.  相似文献   
传记的伦理功能是传记伦理的一项重要内容,传记家认为,传记应该对人们的道德产生某种好的影响.但随着现代社会的转型、价值观的多元化与新的传记形式的发展,一方面,现代传记的伦理功能呈现淡化趋势;另一方面,现代传记尤其是应用精神分析方法写作的传记进而引发了一些伦理问题.传记家能否选择活着的人作为传主,传记家能不能采用涉及传主隐秘的和有损传主在公众心目中的理想形象的材料,传记家应该持有怎样的传记动机,传记家应该怎样对待死者的意愿等问题,成为当代关于传记伦理论争的焦点.  相似文献   
《陆游评传》通过对陆游作品的潜心梳理,对其生平的重新考订,对其思想的深入探讨,展现与评价了陆游的思想风貌,凸现了陆游的文学精神,堪称陆游研究的别开生面之作。该书又在21世纪最初的年代出版,对于21世纪的陆游研究,将起导夫先路的作用。  相似文献   
史传文体是古代,尤其是南北朝文体中一种重要文体,其渊源有自,章法可循。古人重史,源于人们对史学性质、史传体例和史传撰述的认识。其中,他们又将科学地合理地建构史传体例作为撰述的重点,进行了一系列的探讨和实践。体例确定之后,写什么,怎么写,随即进入实际撰述阶段,其成败得失,由史家的史识、史笔、史才所决定。南朝现存的范晔《后汉书》、沈约《宋书》、萧子显《齐书》,便是严依这一撰述规律而被历史保存下来的典范之作。它们既是后人研究后汉、宋、齐历史的重要资料,又是探讨研究南朝史传文体的重要范本。其撰述成功,再现了南朝史传文体蓬勃兴起的历史。  相似文献   
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