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关于高等院校师德建设问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师职业道德在教育事业发展中有着举足轻重的作用,是一种无形的但又是强大的力量;当前高等学校教师职业道德水平远不适应高教事业的发展;高校教师除了具备一般职业道德的共同属性外,还要有其自身特殊的规范要求;加强教师职业道德建设,是高教事业发展必不可少的条件之一。  相似文献   
在大力倡导以德治国的今天,以德治校已成为教育管理领域中倍受关注的话题。本文从领导者自身修养和领导权威两个角度对学校道德领导这一理念进行阐述,并探寻适合中国学校文化发展的学校道德领导模式。  相似文献   
《论语》的朱熹注本是历来的通行本。虽然钱穆一再称道朱注本,且晚年归宗朱子,但他的思想却明显具有不同于朱熹的以“天理”为着眼点的心学特质。这一特质体现在他的注本《论语新解》中,就是要以自己看重的“人心”来替换朱熹看重的“天理”。基于对两注本的比较发现,无论是朱注本还是钱注本.都是用“一以贯之”的思维解读《论语》的典范之作,为我们深入理解孔子思想提供了好的门径。但不可否认,两注本都有这样或那样的瑕疵。瑕疵出现的原因固然是多方面的,但“一以贯之”的思维是主要原因。在注解经文时如果不能彻底地贯彻历史与逻辑相统一的原则,那么“一以贯之”的想法只会让注本偏离经文,成为自说自话。  相似文献   
英语学习活动是一个智力与非智力因素交互作用的过程,在这一过程中非智力因素起着重要作用。该文从动机、兴趣、情感、意志、性格等方面探讨如何在英语教学中加强对学生非智力因素的培养。  相似文献   
Censorship in the area of public health has become increasingly important in many parts of the world for a number of reasons. Groups with vested interest in public health policy are motivated to censor material. As governments, corporations, and organizations champion competing visions of public health issues, the more incentive there may be to censor. This is true in a number of circumstances: curtailing access to information regarding the health and welfare of soldiers in the Kuwait and Iraq wars, poor health conditions in Aboriginal communities, downplaying epidemics to bolster economies, and so forth. This paper will look at the use of a computer worm (the benevolent health worm) to disseminate vital information in␣situations where public health is threatened by government censorship and where there is great risk for those who ‹speak out’. The discussion of the benevolent health worm is focused on the Peoples’ Republic of China (China) drawing on three public health crises: HIV/AIDS, SARS and Avian Influenza. Ethical issues are examined first in a general fashion and then in a specific manner which uses the duty-based moral philosophy of Confucianism and a Western human rights-based analysis. Technical, political and legal issues will also be examined to the extent that they better inform the ethical debate.  相似文献   
After discussing the distinction between artifacts and natural entities, and the distinction between artifacts and technology, the conditions of the traditional account of moral agency are identified. While computer system behavior meets four of the five conditions, it does not and cannot meet a key condition. Computer systems do not have mental states, and even if they could be construed as having mental states, they do not have intendings to act, which arise from an agent’s freedom. On the other hand, computer systems have intentionality, and because of this, they should not be dismissed from the realm of morality in the same way that natural objects are dismissed. Natural objects behave from necessity; computer systems and other artifacts behave from necessity after they are created and deployed, but, unlike natural objects, they are intentionally created and deployed. Failure to recognize the intentionality of computer systems and their connection to human intentionality and action hides the moral character of computer systems. Computer systems are components in human moral action. When humans act with artifacts, their actions are constituted by the intentionality and efficacy of the artifact which, in turn, has been constituted by the intentionality and efficacy of the artifact designer. All three components – artifact designer, artifact, and artifact user – are at work when there is an action and all three should be the focus of moral evaluation.  相似文献   
拥忠拉姆 《科教文汇》2012,(14):107-108
随着教育教学改革的不断深入,一方面是教材的改革,另一方面是教法的改革。而在新一轮基础教育课程改革中,合作学习成为主要倡导的学习方式之一,而真正把这个合作学习的理念用于实际教学中,案例教学法则不愧为是一种很好的教学尝试。这既有利于培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力,也体现了新课程改革所倡导的在教学中扭转教师在课堂教学中的"角色",即教师由课堂的"传授者"转化为"促进者,"由课堂的"管理者"转化为"引导者",由课堂的"一言堂"转化为"众言堂",发挥学生的主体作用。本文就结合自己的教学实际,对案例教学法的内涵、优点、特征、作用做一些阐述,对初中思想品德课中案例教学的运用和教师的作用作简单的论述。  相似文献   
秦鹏魁 《科教文汇》2012,(20):18-19
网络的出现给人们的生活方式带来了许多便利的同时,也对大学生思想道德建设产生了一定的冲击和影响。要认真分析其带来的不利因素,积极研究对策,倡导积极健康的网络行为和方式,注重引导,才能推动大学生思想道德建设不断发展。  相似文献   
彭小琼 《科教文汇》2012,(32):26-27
案例教学以案论理,以理评案,以案导行.实施案例教学是技工院校德育课教学方法改革的一个新探索,也符合技工院校的培养目标要求.但案例教学法作为一种新型且实践性很强的教学方法,在技工院校德育课的运用中还存在一些问题,本文主要分析教学实践中存在的问题,并提出解决的对策,以期提高技校德育课教学水平.  相似文献   
李芬 《科教文汇》2012,(33):168-169
武术是中华民族的优秀文化,具有深厚的文化底蕴.武德是武术文化的精神核心,是当今重要的德育资源.在武术教学中进行德育,是行之有效的.  相似文献   
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