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吴伟峰  杨恒 《科教文汇》2012,(33):33-36
动画作品参赛是学生展示创意、专业动手能力和学习交流的一个良好平台,同时也是教学实践的一种方式.随着教学改革的不断深入,许多高校也将作品参赛作为检验和提高教学质量、展示教学改革成果的一种方式.通过对动画获奖作品的研究和分析,可以总结优秀动画短片的特点,从而指导学生参赛、评价教学和课程改革的成效.下面便以无锡工艺职业技术学院的部分获奖作品为案例,从剧情创意、叙事技巧、动作表演和画面质量四个方面加以分析.  相似文献   
"气韵生动"是我国传统绘画的最高审美追求,这种审美追求自然会带到敦煌壁画的创作中。敦煌壁画的艺术风格具有传神技巧的丰富性,"中国化"的韵致体认,动态感的境界渲染和"天人合一"的精神旨归等特点。  相似文献   
Efforts to make (and keep) knowledge public have provided a powerful counter-model to the recent expansion of exclusive intellectual property rights in such arenas as information technology, digital media, biological research, and pharmaceutical access. While sympathetic to the impulse to counteract the new ‘enclosures’ with knowledge made public, this essay critically interrogates some of the constitutive limits – in fact, the constitutive outsides – to these counter formulations. Paying particular attention to how public domain initiatives, like their strict intellectual property counterparts, also police the line between the proper and the improper copy, I argue that mechanisms for keeping knowledge public do not just circle the wagons against the predations of the Monsantos and Microsofts of the world. In their rhetorical and normative commitments to the proper copy, they also risk reproducing some of the same constrictions and exclusions that we tend to associate with (privatized) acts of enclosure itself. I explore this argument first in reference to creative commons and copyright, which can reproduce a strong ideological commitment to improvement – ‘innovation’ or ‘creativity’ – against the mere copy. What is the cost, I ask, of making the idea of improvement the price of admission not just to intellectual property claims, but to participation in newly ‘democratic’ public and common spaces of knowledge production? Second, I look to global pharmaceutical politics – specifically, regulatory efforts to improve access to cheaper copied and generic drugs in Argentina – to raise questions about the public domain's normative place in the continued expansion and harmonization of intellectual property regimes in the so-called global South. Together, these discussions suggest how the public domain and the commons, like their IP counterparts, can rhetorically and normatively expand and be secured against the improper copy.  相似文献   
为提高集装箱吞吐量的预测精度,提出基于因子分析和曲线拟合的集装箱吞吐量预测模型。以上海港为例,通过因子分析,分析影响集装箱吞吐量的主要因素,筛选出主因子,得到不同年份的综合经济发展值;再运用曲线拟合方法,建立以综合经济发展值为自变量,以集装箱吞吐量为因变量的三次曲线模型;运用自回归积分移动平均(autoregressive integrated moving average,ARIMA)模型预测2016—2020年的综合经济发展值,进而求得2016—2020年上海港集装箱吞吐量预测值。结果表明:该模型的拟合效果和预测精度均较高,可以运用到集装箱吞吐量预测中。给出上海港在国内经济新常态下转型升级的建议。  相似文献   
文章以南渡为界,对李清照的前后期作品进行鉴赏,从而感悟李清照词前后风格的变化,以期更好地欣赏这位女词人的作品。  相似文献   
根据中国国情,考虑到中国人口在城市、城镇和农村之间的迁移,建立适合中国国情的人口发展模型,对中国未来人口增长进行预测.  相似文献   
李白七绝诗《望天门山》历代学者解释众说纷纭,莫衷一是,尤其是关于作者观察景物的立足点问题,直接关系到对全诗思想内容和艺术特色的分析理解,但是各家版本表述不一,造成对于诗歌理解的偏差甚至谬误。因此就这一关键问题,对比各家注释差异,进行较为深入的分析,认为作者的立足点为沿长江顺流东下,远远望见天山门一带壮观的景象,从而写下这首千古传诵的名篇。  相似文献   
《蜕庵诗集》是元人张翥的诗集。《蜕庵诗集》的源头为张翥本人的手稿,卒后其稿为大杼编次而成手抄本。《蜕庵诗集》的版本,按卷数分类有四卷本、五卷本、两卷本及补遗一卷、不分卷本。有稿本、抄本、刻本几种版本传播。四卷本最为流行,主要有刻本、影印本与抄本三种;五卷、两卷、一卷本主要为手抄本。  相似文献   
一种有效的基于运动矢量场的压缩域运动对象分割算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper an efficient compressed domain moving object segmentation algorithm is proposed, in which the motion vector (MV) field parsed from the compressed video is the only cue used for moving object segmentation. First the MV field is temporally and spatially normalized, and then accumulated by an iterative backward projection to enhance salient motions and alleviate noisy MVs. The accumulated MV field is then segmented into motion-homogenous regions using a modified statistical region growing approach. Finally, moving object regions are extracted in turn based on minimization of the joint prediction error using the estimated motion models of two region sets containing the candidate object region and other remaining regions, respectively. Experimental results on several H.264 compressed video sequences demonstrate good segmentation performance.  相似文献   
浅谈商务英语的教学改革   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了适应当前的现实需要,必须对商务英语的教学进行改革:教学目的应更同实际需要相适应;课堂教学以学生为中心,更注重应用训练;教材以国外英语原版教材为主;严格考评方法,将平时成绩计入总成绩;引进网络教学,培养学生跨化管理意识。  相似文献   
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